At this point, Democrats need to stop gaslighting America, stop with the nonsense that he may be braindead but he is still getter than Trump, and start thinking about the country. Biden has dementia, they know it and hiding it should be a crime. The fact that half of Democrats are getting behind Biden hoping he can last 4 more months until the lection when if he wins he can resign and Kamala can take over is outright fraud.Today:
Biden says he is ‘first black woman to serve with a black president’
President commits yet another verbal gaffe on Philadelphia radio station
Biden vows to ‘beat Trump in 2020’ and says he’s proud to be a black woman in latest gaffes
President’s latest slips come as pressure grows on him to stand down from bid to be re-elected in
He's a complete nut job and an extreme leftist on many things
Just because he got it right with Covid vaccine doesnt make him a fucking good candidate. He's still a fucking libtard
Only question is 1) Was her referring to Cock Gobbler VP or 2) Did he confuse 4th of July with Christmas and think he was Santa?
Honestly, he's hard to listen to for more than a minute or two, if dbair ain't coming in hot, he ain't coming at all
RFK doesnt come across as you've described to me plus I've yet to see an example of a "nut job, extreme leftist" policy he supports but I am open to hearing them (I skimmed the articles you posted and nothing stood out but I may have overlooked something).
I'd be shocked if you've ever listened to him speak for more than 5 minutes
Regardless, even if you're right about him being a nut job, etc, he would still appeal to the Dems, a lot of people who weren't going to vote if Biden is the choice and some that plan to hold their nose and vote for Trump, which was my point so I still maintain he would give the Dems the best chance. Therefore, I hope they choose someone else (or let Biden run) who is so ridiculous that Trump wins in a historic landslide
Honestly, he's hard to listen to for more than a minute or two
he's a KennedyI've never paid RFK much mind, so I did a pretty singular search - I didn't look for many, just found a link an clicked it.
He seems pretty reasonable and his views on foreign policy e.g. Israel, Ukraine, 'Climate' and immigration are agreeable. His stance on abortion seems non-committed to making a firm stance.
At face value he's a far sight better than Jobama Obiden and Kamala shit-house.
, if dbair ain't coming in hot, he ain't coming at all
RFK doesnt come across as you've described to me plus I've yet to see an example of a "nut job, extreme leftist" policy he supports but I am open to hearing them (I skimmed the articles you posted and nothing stood out but I may have overlooked something).
I'd be shocked if you've ever listened to him speak for more than 5 minutes
Regardless, even if you're right about him being a nut job, etc, he would still appeal to the Dems, a lot of people who weren't going to vote if Biden is the choice and some that plan to hold their nose and vote for Trump, which was my point so I still maintain he would give the Dems the best chance. Therefore, I hope they choose someone else (or let Biden run) who is so ridiculous that Trump wins in a historic landslide
The only good thing about RFK is that he's probably not an Obama crony. Other than that, he's a leftist but he's made his fame on his name and his vax stance so people think he's more conservative than he is. I've listened to his interviews and he's a climate loon and social justice warrior. I mean, he picked Nicole Shanahan as his running mate.