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The only good thing about RFK is that he's probably not an Obama crony. Other than that, he's a leftist but he's made his fame on his name and his vax stance so people think he's more conservative than he is. I've listened to his interviews and he's a climate loon and social justice warrior. I mean, he picked Nicole Shanahan as his running mate.
A vote for RFK is a vote for Kamala Harris.


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A vote for RFK is a vote for Kamala Harris.

If someone is a true conservative and cares about policies, he/she shouldn't waste a vote on RFK. Theoretically, he should take votes from the fraud FJB but you can never tell how the left will try to manipulate (ie: cheat) with a third party candidate.


High Plains Drifter
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The only good thing about RFK is that he's probably not an Obama crony. Other than that, he's a leftist but he's made his fame on his name and his vax stance so people think he's more conservative than he is. I've listened to his interviews and he's a climate loon and social justice warrior. I mean, he picked Nicole Shanahan as his running mate.
They well know that all they need to do is PRIMARY a sitting President. Last time they did that though, was the infamous 1968 Democrat National Convention. That spectre still hangs over them.

So it's gonna be Joe right or wrong, weak or weaker.


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And if you can name me ONE of those I'd be impressed.
They went extinct a long time ago. Today's conservatives are largely free market capitalists, mostly. Aside from the economy, they are all over the place.

But also, todays conservatives would be considered moderates when real conservatives actually existed. I think many conservatives are choosing to blend some libertarianism with conservatism. But what the hell do I know. I grew up, in a political sense, after William Buckley died.


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This is a lot of fun to watch, for me at least. We have the chicken shit Dems who are in a panic that Biden is a lost cause. The think he can never overcomes the disaster that was the debate the other night. The assume the effort to rehabilitate him with mountains of lies and coverups is too high a price to pay. But the real fun is with the Democrats who think they can lie their way out of this. They believe all the need to do is get Biden out there for a couple of photo ops where he does make a major mistake and they can just repeat the lie often enough and in time Biden will recover in the polls. What's funny about this people is we all know there is no chance Biden doesn't have another episode in weeks, and there are 4 months to go before the election. But they still think the cheap fakes lie will get them across the finish line.

The problem is, the media has not fallen in line. In fact, the snowball is rolling in the other direction now, and a lot of criticism is blowing back on Lady MacBiden. This is the funniest part. She is clinging to power but does not comprehend it is she, not the wizard behind the curtain that everyone sees.


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We will soon have a worldwide revolution against the far left and WEF.

France just rigged an election to flip a beatdown loss into a win for the leftists.



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We will soon have a worldwide revolution against the far left and WEF.

France just rigged an election to flip a beatdown loss into a win for the leftists.

I've said it 100 times on can not out think these treacherous crooks. They're ideologues. And I expect similar treacherous tactics here come election day. We know they'll cheat....we just don't know how.


Defense Wins Championships
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On Saturday, The New York Times reported that a Wisconsin fundraiser for Joe Biden has been cancelled:

Some of President Biden’s fund-raising events in the coming weeks are in jeopardy, with one potential Wisconsin event failing to materialize and a Texas event up in the air after his poor debate performance against Donald J. Trump.

Mr. Biden’s fund-raising schedule is often fluid, as the White House and the campaign juggle the complicated logistics of official events with the competing demands of donors and finance operatives. But the aftermath of his debate performance has added an additional layer of uncertainty, with a growing group of major donors calling on Mr. Biden to drop his re-election campaign and make way for a replacement at the top of the ticket.

The Biden campaign had discussed sending Mr. Biden to Wisconsin for a late July fund-raiser, according to three people briefed on the plans. But donors who had committed to giving large sums and attending began withdrawing soon after the debate ended.

The campaign had hoped to raise $1 million from the event, but after the debate, campaign officials reset the event’s goal to $500,000, according to one person involved in arranging it. Even that proved to be more than Wisconsin donors were willing to give to Mr. Biden. Plans for the event are now off.



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Obviously I cannot speak to other markets, but here in Atlanta virtually every channel I turned to since Thursday evening featured one Biden/Harris bullshit commercial after another, and several of them were pure lies with garbage that has been debunked numerous times.

Even channels that typically had few (if any) political ads on had many of them.

And I didnt see one Trump commercial the entire 4 days.


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I caution all my friends that it is only July and we have a long way to go before the election. A lot can happen.

Never underestimate Democrats ability to create a false narrative and their media pals to push that narrative until it becomes fact. They have done it time and again. I believe if Biden decides to stay in this race, and I think he will because Lady MacBiden will not give up her power, Democrats will eventually circle the wagons, consolidate their messaging, enlist a compliant media, and turn the debate fiasco in to a "one bad night". And we all know they can pull it off because their supporters are gullible. The narrative will go back to Biden is sharp, he had a cold or some other lame excuse, and they will go back to hiding the truth from the public. Biden will go back to campaigning from his basement, only coming out between 10 am and 4 pm, on days when he is functional. No one will question this or call him out. Instead, the focus will be on Trump is a would be dictator who will end Democracy, a rapist and a convicted felon.

By November, most voters won't even remember Biden's debate performance.
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