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‘Relax, what I said wasn’t a defense of Biden

I don't disagree with you. Not one bit. The one thing I hate about Trump is that he's not a numbers and a stats guy. I'd love for him to give numbers of those re-employed after Covid vs 'new' jobs created by Biden. Gas prices before and after. Inflation before and after. Food costs before and after. Etc.......This wouldn't be hard and could be achieve with a little debate prep.

The facts are on Trumps side and he should have killed Biden with stats, even basic ones. But he didn't.

Biden lost the debate (terribly) as much as Trump won it.


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Biden has been such a horrific President, that the numbers are enormously in Trumps favor. I mean this fraud has been horrifically bad and a disgrace on the international stage.

But at least Trump explained a couple of positions like abortion. But at the end he didn't even attempt to answer the questions and just kept repeating his talking points.


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yes sir there was

People are getting this wrong. It is not Biden's age. Many people in their 80s, even 90s, remain sharp and mentally capable. My mom was 88 when he died and until she had her stroke she was fit, still working as a seamstress, and fully capable of having a cogent conversation. Trump is clearly not deteriorating the way Biden was when he was 78.

But there are some people, for whatever reason, that begin to lose their mental faculties earlier than most and Biden is one of those people. It could be genetics, or it could be because he had two brain surgeries to repair aneurisms when he was younger. But whatever the cause, he is losing his faculties and everyone can see it.

Remember when Biden attempted to call that congresswoman onto the stage with him even though she had died just a couple of weeks before? That was a sign Biden was losing it. The red flag was flying high then and many people chose to ignore it. The night of the debate was impossible to ignore but it should not have been a shock, other than the fact they did not do a better job of drugging him up.


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I keep reading Democrats saying Trump lied all night, and Biden did poorly because it is hard to debate a liar (Obama said that and frankly it is easy to debate a liar if you are prepared). But what I have not seen is anyone post a single example of a Trump lie during the debate. I think what we a re seeing is the creation of another hoax in real time. Democrats keep saying, without evidence, that Trump lied all night. Then they repeat it. In a couple of weeks it will be printed by the media as fact, without ever having given an example.

Can someone please give me an example of Trump lying during the debate? What Democrats do is the disagree with a Trump opinion, and they call it a lie. For example, Trump says he had the best economy in history. That's a big statement but it sounds like an opinion. It not a stated fact like, I inherited 9% inflation, which is a provable lie.


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I don't disagree with you. Not one bit. The one thing I hate about Trump is that he's not a numbers and a stats guy. I'd love for him to give numbers of those re-employed after Covid vs 'new' jobs created by Biden. Gas prices before and after. Inflation before and after. Food costs before and after. Etc.......This wouldn't be hard and could be achieve with a little debate prep.

The facts are on Trumps side and he should have killed Biden with stats, even basic ones. But he didn't.

Biden lost the debate (terribly) as much as Trump won it.

IMO, it takes away from every point that is on his side when he broad brushes specifics with grandiose hyperbole (greatest, worst-ever, no one, everyone, etc, etc) People need to understand the specifics because we're sure not getting it from the news. Everyone was not for Roe vs Wade is an obvious example, I understand there is a time limit but some brief memorized specifics would serve him better than eye rolling hyperbole. I say this because I want him to get every vote possible and the more articulate he is while smashing people in the face with facts and logical solutions, the more this will happen

Further, if I was forced to make a bet for my life on whether he slept with a porn star, my money would be on "he did" (but I dont care or think its my business nor do I think he should have been convicted for the NDA payments)

I also think its disingenuous to compare inflation under Trump using the extreme low prices of gas* when the world was shut down to current prices under Biden and turns people off that know better.

*there was an opportunity my dad and I looked into but couldn't find a way to pull it off. Gas prices got so low that people would pay you like $50 dollars a barrel (cant remember the exact price, could be higher or lower) so if you had the ability to store oil, you could make a fortune. So if you had a tanker that was empy (which holds 2 million barrels), you could have been paid 100+ million AND still had the oil! Problem is we didnt own a tanker and couldnt buy one fast enough (not that we could afford one) or find any place to store the oil. Crazy times, I've always wondered if anyone was able to take advantage of this


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No chance in hell

how are you so sure?

His voice issue makes him difficult to listen to but when I hear him speak, I find hime well spoken, intelligent, reasonable, thoughtful . Nothing like typical Democrat lunatics. I'm sure he has bad policies I'm unaware of, so feel free to enlighten us with anything specific.

I think the Kennedy name and a chunk of people who just wont vote for Trump would strongly consider voting for Kennedy plus all the Democrats who are probably not going to vote if its only Biden or Trump, etc

Aside from Tulsi Gabbard, RFK is the only Democrat I've heard speak that doesnt sound like an insane liar


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Who Will Replace Joe? Roger Stone Breaks it Down in The StoneZONE

Veteran Republican operative and Trump advisor Roger Stone, along with his co-host Troy Smith of Slingshot.News, expose the concerted effort to remove Joe Biden from the Democratic Party presidential nomination after his disastrous debate performance last night.

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