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if they chose RFK, I think they’d win

Not sure about that. He's got warts too but no one has really touched on them because they don't consider him a serious candidate. The only question with him is will he tak emore votes from Biden or Trump. I'd be hard pressed to believe a Democrat would take more votes from the Republican candidate but what I am sure of is someone will hide the fraud using Kennedy.


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RFK is a hardcore liberal...other than his stance on the vaccine and maybe one or two other things he is a complete whacko and is so bad the Dems never even remotely considered him as a legit challenger to Biden.

They'll send up Big Mike or Gruesome Newsome (who I read today is actually related to Pelosi)

Would love it if they created an all commie whack ticket of Bernie and AOC


Super Moderator
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So the initial reports are that Biden is not dropping out and planning to debate Trump again. This could get real ugly very quickly. The media will, no doubt, rally for Biden and cover for him. Will his VP and aides invoke the 25th Amendment?


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So the dye has been cast on how this thing will play out. Either Biden agrees to resign or the 25th Amendment will be introduced. It's very possible that Biden won't step aside; he's an ego maniac and his wife is a **** who craves the attention at her husband's expense and embarrassment.

Or Obama can talk him into stepping down for the good of the party and allow the fraud to continue working and instal another cronie.

Or another candidate is chosen at the convention.

Either way, it's all ugly......
Jill will not step aside. She is enjoying her role way too much.


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So the initial reports are that Biden is not dropping out and planning to debate Trump again. This could get real ugly very quickly. The media will, no doubt, rally for Biden and cover for him. Will his VP and aides invoke the 25th Amendment?
CNN couldnt even wait 24 hours. They just ran a column talking about "Trump lied 33 times during the broadcast"


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Ok, much to my surprise, Biden actually soiled the bed last night after spending a week in seclusion getting ready for the debate. This is the initial reaction from almost everyone, including many Democrats. I see some are already urging Joe to drop out so they can find a replacement candidate. You can imagine how bad Joe was last night if even the media has given up on covering for him. A week ago they were claiming Biden wasn't really mentally impaired, those videos were all "cheap fakes", even the videos released by the White House!

What Biden did last night is expose himself as a fraud to the American people. He also exposed the media for all the lies about hos sharp he is and at the top of his game. Now we all know they have been hiding Biden's real condition from the American people - a crime according to Alvin Bragg. He is defrauding the voters.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. The pendulum is already swing back in the other direction. Dem talking points have been issued and all the loyalists in the media are already starting to repeat them. "He had a cold". "He was much better giving his speech in North Carolina after the debate." "Sure he was bad, but all Trump did was lie while Joe answered the questions."

By tomorrow, Dems will flip the script and declare Biden the winner. They will pound away at Trump the convicted felon. Anyone who does not realize that all those cases and indictments against Trump were all part of this campaign should get checked for the same mental impairment Biden has. That's all they have. They can't run on Biden's record because it is awful in every category.

As for replacing Biden, I understand there are a few issues with that. He cannot be replaced in Wisconsin unless he dies or is declared mentally incompetent by a judge. I believe he has until 5 pm tonight to withdraw in Nevada or he is stuck on the ballot there too. I am not sure what the other states laws are but I am pretty sure most states have laws governing this.

I am sure Biden will debate again, if Trump gives him the opportunity. What does he have to lose? If he does the same he is no worse off than he is now and if he better he will get a big boost from his party and the media. If I were Trump I would cancel the second debate saying it is got for the good of the country.

Now, the question is, who is running the country now? It certainly is not Joe Biden. We have a right to know.


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But let's not get ahead of ourselves. The pendulum is already swing back in the other direction. Dem talking points have been issued and all the loyalists in the media are already starting to repeat them. "He had a cold". "He was much better giving his speech in North Carolina after the debate." "Sure he was bad, but all Trump did was lie while Joe answered the questions."

By tomorrow, Dems will flip the script and declare Biden the winner. They will pound away at Trump the convicted felon. Anyone who does not realize that all those cases and indictments against Trump were all part of this campaign should get checked for the same mental impairment Biden has. That's all they have. They can't run on Biden's record because it is awful in every category.
Trump should just respond with that chart that shows what gas prices, inflation, interest rates, food prices, etc etc is when he was in office vs Biden.

There's absolutely nothing Biden can say to refute any of that. They (Dems) continue with their slime ball tactics of "Trump lost jobs and economy went bad" but they never mention that it was because Trump implemented the policies that Dems and Fauci wanted, and that's what blew up everything. Trump was right last night in pointing out Biden has actually not contributed any job growth from before Covid and in fact, many business never re-opened doors at all. Most of the jobs Biden "created" are part time positions and government jobs, and government jobs do absolutely nothing positive for the economy.

But at the end of the day, inflation was almost non existent. Interest rates were at record lows, the real estate market was insane, unemployment was historically low, household income went UP for all demographics and food/energy prices were extremely affordable. None of this is true today.


Defense Wins Championships
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"I'm being stepped over!!!
That's not the way I wanted it!!
I can handle things, I'm smart! .... Not like everybody says."


Pro Bowler
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CNN couldnt even wait 24 hours. They just ran a column talking about "Trump lied 33 times during the broadcast"

I dont know the exact count but he at very least was grossly hyperbolic on a variety of subjects


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I dont know the exact count but he at very least was grossly hyperbolic on a variety of subjects
Yes he can be hyperbolic at times but Biden is a flat out liar and the media does not tally his lies. How can you tell when Biden is lying? His lips are moving. Also some of the things they call lies with Trump are not really lies they are just not in line with the narrative they have created out of thin air . We basically live in an Orwellian 1984 matrix like world now.


Pro Bowler
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I was also surprised CNN wasnt more strident with their questions and use of the cut off button to cut off trump. It appeared they actually used it on Biden to cut off his rambling

I like it when people cant cut each other off in debates
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