I don't disagree with you. Not one bit. The one thing I hate about Trump is that he's not a numbers and a stats guy. I'd love for him to give numbers of those re-employed after Covid vs 'new' jobs created by Biden. Gas prices before and after. Inflation before and after. Food costs before and after. Etc.......This wouldn't be hard and could be achieve with a little debate prep.
The facts are on Trumps side and he should have killed Biden with stats, even basic ones. But he didn't.
Biden lost the debate (terribly) as much as Trump won it.
IMO, it takes away from every point that is on his side when he broad brushes specifics with grandiose hyperbole (greatest, worst-ever, no one, everyone, etc, etc) People need to understand the specifics because we're sure not getting it from the news. Everyone was not for Roe vs Wade is an obvious example, I understand there is a time limit but some brief memorized specifics would serve him better than eye rolling hyperbole. I say this because I want him to get every vote possible and the more articulate he is while smashing people in the face with facts and logical solutions, the more this will happen
Further, if I was forced to make a bet for my life on whether he slept with a porn star, my money would be on "he did" (but I dont care or think its my business nor do I think he should have been convicted for the NDA payments)
I also think its disingenuous to compare inflation under Trump using the extreme low prices of gas* when the world was shut down to current prices under Biden and turns people off that know better.
*there was an opportunity my dad and I looked into but couldn't find a way to pull it off. Gas prices got so low that people would pay you like $50 dollars a barrel (cant remember the exact price, could be higher or lower) so if you had the ability to store oil, you could make a fortune. So if you had a tanker that was empy (which holds 2 million barrels), you could have been paid 100+ million AND still had the oil! Problem is we didnt own a tanker and couldnt buy one fast enough (not that we could afford one) or find any place to store the oil. Crazy times, I've always wondered if anyone was able to take advantage of this