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Who Will Replace Joe? Roger Stone Breaks it Down in The StoneZONE

Veteran Republican operative and Trump advisor Roger Stone, along with his co-host Troy Smith of Slingshot.News, expose the concerted effort to remove Joe Biden from the Democratic Party presidential nomination after his disastrous debate performance last night.

can you save us the time and tell us which candidates he thinks are possible replacements?


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BIDEN: “The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any — this decade — any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did.”

”THE FACTS: At least 16 service members have been killed in hostile action since Biden took office in January 2021. On Aug. 26, 2021, 13 died during a suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, as U.S. troops withdrew from the country. An enemy drone killed three U.S. service members at a desert base in Jordan on Jan. 28 of this year.


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Can someone please give me an example of Trump lying during the debate?

I dont have time to go line by line but I suspect there are some but they could just be exaggerations as he's prone to do versus straight up obvious lies like Biden and the Dems spew

Chris Matthews was on Bill Mahers show & said Trump lied when he said illegal immigrants will receive social security and medicare...I dont know if thats true or not. It may not be immediately but it seems like it will be eventually so Trump could make the case that's what he meant.

I think he slept with Stormy Daniels so that would be a lie but there's no way to prove it one way or the other


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how are you so sure?

His voice issue makes him difficult to listen to but when I hear him speak, I find hime well spoken, intelligent, reasonable, thoughtful . Nothing like typical Democrat lunatics. I'm sure he has bad policies I'm unaware of, so feel free to enlighten us with anything specific.

I think the Kennedy name and a chunk of people who just wont vote for Trump would strongly consider voting for Kennedy plus all the Democrats who are probably not going to vote if its only Biden or Trump, etc

Aside from Tulsi Gabbard, RFK is the only Democrat I've heard speak that doesnt sound like an insane liar
If the Dems had any faith in him at all, he'd already be the nominee. They did everything they could to make him a non factor, even though his last name is "Kennedy"

Should tell you all you need to know.

He's a complete whack job.


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He's a complete whack job.

How so? Give me specific examples please

I've listened to him several times in long form podcasts and nothing he's said remotely sounds like a "whack job"

The fact the Dems didnt make him a candidate and even came out and attacked him with his own family should be considered evidence he's not a "whack job" because that appears to be their #1 requirement for promotion


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I dont have time to go line by line but I suspect there are some but they could just be exaggerations as he's prone to do versus straight up obvious lies like Biden and the Dems spew

Chris Matthews was on Bill Mahers show & said Trump lied when he said illegal immigrants will receive social security and medicare...I dont know if thats true or not. It may not be immediately but it seems like it will be eventually so Trump could make the case that's what he meant.

I think he slept with Stormy Daniels so that would be a lie but there's no way to prove it one way or the other
Except this is not a lie. Under certain circumstances illegal aliens can receiver supplemental SSI. You can read the conditions here:


Remember, the Biden admin has not just opened the border, they are also qualifying most illegal aliens as asylum seekers and other hardship cases. Illegals who work legally, for example, do get social security and the government is granting many of them work permits. Trump is not lying.

But what Democrats do is they take what Trump says and claims he said something absolute, like when Trump says, "some are criminals, and rapists", they claim he said all are criminals and rapists.

Trump can exaggerate at times, but more often than not there is mostly truth in what he claims. Remember too, he gets a lot of what he says from the media. He reports media reports, he doesn't make this stuff up like Biden does.


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IMO, it takes away from every point that is on his side when he broad brushes specifics with grandiose hyperbole (greatest, worst-ever, no one, everyone, etc, etc) People need to understand the specifics because we're sure not getting it from the news. Everyone was not for Roe vs Wade is an obvious example, I understand there is a time limit but some brief memorized specifics would serve him better than eye rolling hyperbole. I say this because I want him to get every vote possible and the more articulate he is while smashing people in the face with facts and logical solutions, the more this will happen

Further, if I was forced to make a bet for my life on whether he slept with a porn star, my money would be on "he did" (but I dont care or think its my business nor do I think he should have been convicted for the NDA payments)

I also think its disingenuous to compare inflation under Trump using the extreme low prices of gas* when the world was shut down to current prices under Biden and turns people off that know better.

*there was an opportunity my dad and I looked into but couldn't find a way to pull it off. Gas prices got so low that people would pay you like $50 dollars a barrel (cant remember the exact price, could be higher or lower) so if you had the ability to store oil, you could make a fortune. So if you had a tanker that was empy (which holds 2 million barrels), you could have been paid 100+ million AND still had the oil! Problem is we didnt own a tanker and couldnt buy one fast enough (not that we could afford one) or find any place to store the oil. Crazy times, I've always wondered if anyone was able to take advantage of this

Trump has a habit of being imprecise in his language and this is why they accuse him of lying.

For example, during the debate Trump said some Democratic states execute babies after birth. This is not true. But what is true is some Democrat states prevent doctors from saving babies delivered during failed abortions. They do not require doctors to take any measure to save babies that are alive after the abortion attempt. This is not technically an execution, but I suppose you could call it that.

Trump also said, "every legal scholar wanted to overturn Rove v Wade". Again, this is not true obviously, since many scholar have opined negatively over the decision to overturn Roe. But many legal scholars have stated that Roe v. Wade was bad legal reasoning. Among them was RBG. Not all wanted it overturned though, but I would argue that was more political than legal scholarship. Had Trump said many instead of all, it would be a reasonable statement.

Almost all of his lies fall into that category. There is some truth to what he says, but the way he says it leave him open to attack.

Biden's lies are just flat out lies. Like his claim he inherited 9% inflation. Simply wrong. His claim no soldier died during his administration is also a blatant lie. Much worse than the one they claim Trump told when he said there were no terror attacks during his admin.

The thing is, all politicians lie and Trump knows it. So does Biden and so do the media and Democrats. They were lying about Biden's mental health, and they still are.


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Except this is not a lie. Under certain circumstances illegal aliens can receiver supplemental SSI. You can read the conditions here:


Remember, the Biden admin has not just opened the border, they are also qualifying most illegal aliens as asylum seekers and other hardship cases. Illegals who work legally, for example, do get social security and the government is granting many of them work permits. Trump is not lying.

But what Democrats do is they take what Trump says and claims he said something absolute, like when Trump says, "some are criminals, and rapists", they claim he said all are criminals and rapists.

Trump can exaggerate at times, but more often than not there is mostly truth in what he claims. Remember too, he gets a lot of what he says from the media. He reports media reports, he doesn't make this stuff up like Biden does.

I hear ya, I've always been too busy & disinterested to pay attention but since my girlfriend sucked me into it with claims that Trump is a racist and then I look it up and that turns out to be BS, they say Trump says there will be a bloodbath if he's not elected, that turns out to be BS and on and on and on, so I know what you mean. I even said I thought he social security & medicare claims were probably true, maybe just not the minute they cross the border


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I hear ya, I've always been too busy & disinterested to pay attention but since my girlfriend sucked me into it with claims that Trump is a racist and then I look it up and that turns out to be BS, they say Trump says there will be a bloodbath if he's not elected, that turns out to be BS and on and on and on, so I know what you mean. I even said I thought he social security & medicare claims were probably true, maybe just not the minute they cross the border

We've been treating illegal immigrants in this country for all kinds of medical issues for many years. That is a fact. If illegals come into the country and get sick, they get treated and the taxpayer winds up paying the bill, whether it is medicare or medicaid. What's worse is pregnant illegals come here, have their babies on the taxpayer's dime, then those babies are anchor babies and are eligible of welfare, food stamps, and other the other benefits of US citizens.

This is why we need to stop them before they cross the border. Letting them in, like Joe does, eventually costs Americans hundreds of billions of dollars.


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How so? Give me specific examples please

I've listened to him several times in long form podcasts and nothing he's said remotely sounds like a "whack job"

The fact the Dems didnt make him a candidate and even came out and attacked him with his own family should be considered evidence he's not a "whack job" because that appears to be their #1 requirement for promotion



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I dont have time to go line by line but I suspect there are some but they could just be exaggerations as he's prone to do versus straight up obvious lies like Biden and the Dems spew

Chris Matthews was on Bill Mahers show & said Trump lied when he said illegal immigrants will receive social security and medicare...I dont know if thats true or not. It may not be immediately but it seems like it will be eventually so Trump could make the case that's what he meant.

I think he slept with Stormy Daniels so that would be a lie but there's no way to prove it one way or the other
You're using Chris Matthews as a source of truth on anything? Come on man.
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