Then I’m going to require that you also show proof of every comment you make disproving he’s a racist.
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You can’t disprove a negative
You would FIRST have to prove that he’s racist before it can be disproved. Which you have not done. And before you Trot out your patented enough people in this country think he’s a racist and voted him out of office BS again....
Did you ever think that people might have voted for Biden for any other reason than because they think Trump is a racist? Maybe it’s because they don’t like his grab em by the pussy comment, maybe it’s the unpopular border wall, maybe because they don’t like that he doesn’t come across as “Presidential” like they are used to?
Just because you voted for Biden because you think Trump is a racist doesn’t mean everyone else voted against Trump because they thinks he’s a racist.
Also, I find it strange that with how much of a racist you claim Trump to be, that his numbers with black males increased this election over 2016, so did his numbers with black females which doubled, and his numbers with Hispanics increased as well. His increase in numbers with black voters was significant enough to piss off Al Sharpton causing him to say this...
“He has done better than, in my judgment, he should have with Black men and Hispanics, which means that we’ve got to really look in the civil rights community, both on the Latino and the African American side, on a real conversation in our communities on what it is to be different in terms of being entrepreneurial aspirants and being fair in terms of how we look from the whole,” Sharpton said on “Morning Joe.”
and Trumps numbers with Hispanics increased enough to cause John Legizamo to declare “Florida is dead to me”
Now I get it, an actor and Al Sharpton don’t mean shit in the grand scheme of things. But it goes to my point. Which is if Trump is such a racist why did his numbers increase with minorities over the last election?
“IF” in your estimation Trump was a real racist and the country voted him out of office because of it, (as you have claimed repeatedly in this thread) then his numbers with minorities would have decreased from 2016.
Not INCREASED in 2020!
Just because you listen to the left leaning/controlled mass media and believe Trump is a racist and voted against him because of it does not automatically mean that is why any other person voted against Trump. There are plenty of reasons ppl voted against Trump. Not all of them are about race, regardless of what your media tells you.