
High Plains Drifter
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show proof of every comment you make disproving he’s a racist.
As soon as you show where I ever claimed that. Good luck. Never did. But keep in mind, you're not able to require anything here. I am.

Trump has been branded a racist, that's not in dispute. I haven't tried to disprove it at all in fact if you fucking read you'll see I actually named some things he said that could well be racist.

Now, either prove your claims or backpedal. It is NOT a fact he is racist, there's no way to tell what is really in someone's heart.

You keep repeating the same talking points and keep ignoring others' posts disproving them. I've watched it go on and on for days now. You have made your points and if you want to stand by them, fine. But there's no need to keep repeating them like a fucking mantra. You haven't backed up any of the claims.

Maybe half of the electorate thinks he is racist? Maybe the other half doesn't? Or maybe there is a large number on all sides who don't care either way? Nobody's got the moral advantage. Because again, there is no way you can tell what is in a person's heart. You can only tell what is in your own.


High Plains Drifter
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All we want in political threads is honest debate and discussion. Not an unreasonable ask. Part of honest debate and discussion is you back factual claims you make, when challenged. If you can't then you don't just keep repeating them anyway. That's dishonest. You are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts. It's two separate things.


Draft Pick
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All we want in political threads is honest debate and discussion. Not an unreasonable ask. Part of honest debate and discussion is you back factual claims you make, when challenged. If you can't then you don't just keep repeating them anyway. That's dishonest. You are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts. It's two separate things.

Yet I’m the only one you are trying to require to provide proof. GFOH! If I’m required to to prove proof he is a racist then I’m also going to require proof from those that claim he isn’t. I can require whatever the fuck I want. If you don’t like it ban me. I’ve told you that before. If you don’t like what I’m saying then ban me. Then you can continue your circle jerk and you won’t have to hear me anymore. People keep claiming he’s not a racist, then ok, prove it. If I have to provide proof then so do you and anyone else here that has an opinion. Until then I stand by what I said.

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High Plains Drifter
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Yet I’m the only one you are trying to require to provide proof.
Claiming victim status now? Have you not read the thread where many of your talking points were proven wrong?
If you don’t like what I’m saying then ban me.
You can and will be banned from replying to this thread, if you're going to continue to repeat the same talking points over and over. Infantile temper tantrums matter not a whit.
People keep claiming he’s not a racist, then ok, prove it.
What you do there, is quote where anyone actually said that, and then ask them to pony up the proof.

NOBODY CAN PROVE THAT YEA OR NAY. AS I JUST GOT DONE SAYING. But feel free to challenge such claims. Quote where they actually said that, then ask for the proof.

I am not surprised I have to actually teach some people how to have honest discussions.


Draft Pick
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Claiming victim status now? Have you not read the thread where many of your talking points were proven wrong?

You can and will be banned from replying to this thread, if you're going to continue to repeat the same talking points over and over. Infantile temper tantrums matter not a whit.

What you do there, is quote where anyone actually said that, and then ask them to pony up the proof.

NOBODY CAN PROVE THAT YEA OR NAY. AS I JUST GOT DONE SAYING. But feel free to challenge such claims. Quote where they actually said that, then ask for the proof.

I am not surprised I have to actually teach some people how to have honest discussions.

You should try following your own advice. I have been having an intelligent conversation with a few members here. Then dbair comes in like a child calling people names yet I’m the one you want to come at. If you want to be part of the conversation we’ve been having then by all means join in, I have no problem with that. If you want to try and force me to agree with you then you can suck it. I have my own mind and my own opinions and last I checked I’m free to voice them.

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High Plains Drifter
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I have been having an intelligent conversation with a few members here. Then dbair comes in like a child calling people names
Your side of it hasn't been intelligent, that I've seen. It's just been repeating all the tired old talking points and ignoring posts that prove them suspect at best. It's small wonder there's been some ire over that.

But, the meter was HONEST discussion. You're not moving the goal posts. That's not part of honest discussion.

I am giving you a 30 day vacation from the site, to think about it and maybe cool off just a hair.

Good bye.


Pro Bowler
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Then what are you saying? That he became racist overnight as soon as he took office? You don't think people looked at his views before he became President? The dude was the most scrutinized man in America from the time he came down the escalator. A little evidence would be nice.

Cancel culture don’t need no stinkin evidence

Accusations are enough


Super Moderator
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If I’m required to to prove proof he is a racist then I’m also going to require proof from those that claim he isn’t.

Mr. B, I've posted videos of his association and charity with minority groups and the full context of what he said but that's not good enough. You have your opinion and I respect it. But here's the rub and it causes friction between good folks. When the main stream media and Biden repeat over and over and over again that he hasn't renounced a racist group, it makes people think that he hasn't in the past. When Chris Wallace goes into the debate and asks Trump to denounce white supremacy and he's done it time and time again, even before he was President, it gives people the false illusion that he never has and he's a racist. Once that label is on you, you wear it, no matter how unfair. Perception is everything. And the left uses labels to attack people, no matter how unfair.

The guy has banged a black model......not good enough. The guy has done charitable works with Jesse Jackson and other minorities and their organizations....not good enough. The guy has verbally denounced these groups before he was President....not good enough. The guy works with minority groups and politicians and is responsible for opportunity zones in the black community.....not good enough......the guy crafts a criminal justice bill (First Step Act) to try to make the system fairer for minority groups....not good enough. The guy has pardoned folks who he believed were unfairly sentenced to long prison terms.....not good enough.

At some point, your opinion is made up and if he got a fair shake by the mainstream media, you might see things differently. But even now he's a racist and a bigot. He's a Nazi but just so happens to be the biggest supporter of Israel...maybe ever. But he's still called a Nazi. It just goes on and on. You may still not like the man and I get it. But some of his critics are just out and out being dishonest. It is what it is.


Pro Bowler
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Your side of it hasn't been intelligent, that I've seen. It's just been repeating all the tired old talking points and ignoring posts that prove them suspect at best. It's small wonder there's been some ire over that.

But, the meter was HONEST discussion. You're not moving the goal posts. That's not part of honest discussion.

I am giving you a 30 day vacation from the site, to think about it and maybe cool off just a hair.

Good bye.

fwiw, I hate the ban despite agreeing with many of your points, I just despise censorship.

I can deal fine with obstinance and misinformation plus banning him feeds the idea he's a victim and now martyr plus it kills the convo. I would prefer to attempt to engage and reason with him however futile that may prove to be because its still fascinating to me to get a glimpse into the mind of someone with such a staunch view I dont currently hold.

And if he is able to read this, I want to be clear I haven't made the claim that Trump is not a racist, like Dooms stated, how can any of us truly know?

What I have done is question the assertion Trump hasn't disavowed the KKK, White Supremacy & David Duke when he clearly has, in his own words and for all the world to see and hear (and several videos were posted here proving this immutable fact). To continue to deny this can only be considered willful ignorance at this juncture.

I do think Trump has said things that have been construed as racist but I also believe human beings can make ignorant statements that are in and of themselves racist but do not necessarily indicate the person saying them is a racist. More often than not, the person making such statements is merely ignorant vs racist and this gives me hope because the ignorant can be enlightened but I'm not sure anyone who deep seededly believes in racial superiority can ever be changed with facts and reason.

Fortunately, I think these types of folks are becoming fewer by the day and relegated to the corners of Soceity where they have little to no influence in this world and whatever may be left in this regard is rapidly diminishing and thats a good thing imho.


High Plains Drifter
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It’s not my job to convince you.
And that's not what honest discussion is about. It's not about trying to get people to change their minds, it's about having at least a chance to learn something from one another.

That can't happen when a fucking troll just keeps repeating the same shit over and over and ignoring anything that even in the slightest bit disputes it. It worked for Goebbels, but will NOT work here. And won't be tolerated.
force me to agree with you
Once again, the false claim. Nobody least of all me, cares if you agree with them. This is your standard go-to claim you use when challenged. Play the victim card.

Nobody's trying to get you to agree to anything other than, honest discussion.


High Plains Drifter
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banning him feeds the idea he's a victim and now martyr plus it kills the convo. I would prefer to attempt to engage and reason with him
The victim idea is only in his own mind. I watched you and others for days, trying to reasonably engage with him. His response was just to ignore your posts and keep repeating the exact same shit. I was patient but that patience ran out.


High Plains Drifter
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The guy has banged a black model......not good enough. The guy has done charitable works with Jesse Jackson and other minorities and their organizations....not good enough. The guy has verbally denounced these groups before he was President....not good enough. The guy works with minority groups and politicians and is responsible for opportunity zones in the black community.....not good enough......the guy crafts a criminal justice bill (First Step Act) to try to make the system fairer for minority groups....not good enough. The guy has pardoned folks who he believed were unfairly sentenced to long prison terms.....not good enough.
The left CAN'T HAVE somebody actually doing something to fix some of the problems they rave about. If the problems were fixed they would LOSE an issue and LOSE millions of angry constituents. And LOSE power.

We didn't in any way address or try to fix any of these problems when President Obama had a real mandate, had both houses of Congress on his side, and could literally do, anything he wanted to do. Which in no small way, proves what I said above.

If the Ds had played it differently, there is nothing Trump wouldn't have given them, even reparations! Because he is a Big Government guy and would have loved to do anything they wanted to see. They knew. So they had to demonize him and try to destroy him. Because together they could have FIXED many of the ongoing generational problems. They don't want them fixed. They are acolytes of Cloward-Piven and Alinsky. None of which wanted any of the problems fixed either, they just wanted to USE the problems and USE the blacks.

I never voted for Trump and never supported Trump, but I really hate lies and their sycophants. Pisses me off to even have the appearance of defending Trump. And I'm not, let's keep that clear.


Pro Bowler
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Then I’m going to require that you also show proof of every comment you make disproving he’s a racist.

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You can’t disprove a negative

You would FIRST have to prove that he’s racist before it can be disproved. Which you have not done. And before you Trot out your patented enough people in this country think he’s a racist and voted him out of office BS again....

Did you ever think that people might have voted for Biden for any other reason than because they think Trump is a racist? Maybe it’s because they don’t like his grab em by the pussy comment, maybe it’s the unpopular border wall, maybe because they don’t like that he doesn’t come across as “Presidential” like they are used to?

Just because you voted for Biden because you think Trump is a racist doesn’t mean everyone else voted against Trump because they thinks he’s a racist.

Also, I find it strange that with how much of a racist you claim Trump to be, that his numbers with black males increased this election over 2016, so did his numbers with black females which doubled, and his numbers with Hispanics increased as well. His increase in numbers with black voters was significant enough to piss off Al Sharpton causing him to say this...

“He has done better than, in my judgment, he should have with Black men and Hispanics, which means that we’ve got to really look in the civil rights community, both on the Latino and the African American side, on a real conversation in our communities on what it is to be different in terms of being entrepreneurial aspirants and being fair in terms of how we look from the whole,” Sharpton said on “Morning Joe.”

and Trumps numbers with Hispanics increased enough to cause John Legizamo to declare “Florida is dead to me”

Now I get it, an actor and Al Sharpton don’t mean shit in the grand scheme of things. But it goes to my point. Which is if Trump is such a racist why did his numbers increase with minorities over the last election?

“IF” in your estimation Trump was a real racist and the country voted him out of office because of it, (as you have claimed repeatedly in this thread) then his numbers with minorities would have decreased from 2016.

Not INCREASED in 2020!

Just because you listen to the left leaning/controlled mass media and believe Trump is a racist and voted against him because of it does not automatically mean that is why any other person voted against Trump. There are plenty of reasons ppl voted against Trump. Not all of them are about race, regardless of what your media tells you.


Pro Bowler
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Your side of it hasn't been intelligent, that I've seen. It's just been repeating all the tired old talking points and ignoring posts that prove them suspect at best. It's small wonder there's been some ire over that.

But, the meter was HONEST discussion. You're not moving the goal posts. That's not part of honest discussion.

I am giving you a 30 day vacation from the site, to think about it and maybe cool off just a hair.

Good bye.


Why ban him? I get your points but that just another form of cancel culture and censorship which I don’t agree with in any form

He’s thinking one of two things

I was right and they couldn’t handle the truth, so they banned me


They are all racists on that board, I can’t help it if they don’t see the truth, so they banned me.


High Plains Drifter
Reaction score
another form of cancel culture and censorship
It's nothing so grandiose. As explained earlier. It's a month to cool off and maybe rethink his behavior. Might even teach him not to demand to be banned?
He’s thinking one of two things
It matters not a whit what he thinks of it. The facts are the facts.


Pro Bowler
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I really hate lies and their sycophants.

+ 10,000,000,000!!! infinity

I fear the whole country is willing to jump off the cliff of reason all the while clinging misinformation at best and outright lies at worse


Pro Bowler
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Just because you voted for Biden because you think Trump is a racist doesn’t mean everyone else voted against Trump because they thinks he’s a racist.

it sounded he didn't vote for Trump because he believes 70+million people believe Trump is a racist therefore Trump is a racist

say that 3 times fast


Pro Bowler
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Nothing to see here, move along now


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