No, it’s not out of line. You should question the results of this election, and really anything else in life that doesn’t sit well with you.
As for calling Trump a racist, based on my experience in life and dealing with racist situations and people in general it’s hard for me not to call him a racist. The number 1 million was an exaggeration it there are videos out there of him pandering to racists and alt-right groups. As for the videos themselves there numerous videos on YouTube. Obviously none of them were put out by outlets that support Trump but if you just type in Trump racist remarks they’re there. My suggestion is if you don’t want to see the commentary you can skip through those parts and just look at the actual videos and remarks of Trump.
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I agree 100%. We do need fair elections. Just like there will always be racism there will also always be some type of fraud (on both sides). That’s why we have to rely on the courts to settle this. It sucks that it has to come to that and I hope that anyone found guilty of committing other fraud gets found out and thrown in prison. I don’t care what side they’re on.
All we have right now though is the court system to figure all this out. The amount of fraud Trump and his lawyers are alleging though is on a pretty grand scale. There would have to have been a lot of people involved and like I said the other day, if that did actually happen there is no way that 100% of the people involved completely covered their tracks. So if that’s the case and there was fraud on that scale then they will be found out. The burden of proof is on Trump so we will see what he has, if he has anything.
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So should the Republicans start planning Biden’s impeachment before his inauguration (like the Dems did with Trump) or after?
Asking for a friend![]()
Fair enough, I'll quit asking but if you ever run across a video or article you feel really brings home the idea he's a racist, please post it or PM me and I'll watch or read. I hope I've conveyed to you there is no malice or ill-will directed your way because we dont currently see eye to eye on this issue, I merely like to engage those I don't agree with so I can become enlightened to the error of my ways or feel more confident with the view I currently hold. Camping in an echo chamber does nothing to improve my knowledge and understand of the truth.
I'm currently participating in a group called Together We Dine where we meet periodically to discuss various issues on race, the police, etc and the only criteria is to have "Candid and courageous conversations", thats what I was hoping to have with you. By speaking freely and honestly, we may reveal our blindspots to one another where those with another experience can help understand their perspective and possibly walk in their shoes if you will. Its great and I hope more folks from all walks of life will work to get to know each other in person with gloves off and open minds so we can quit fighting amongst ourselves and realize we're really not that different, want the same things in life but have different ideas on how to get there.
I agree with your statement that there will always be racism but I disagree there will always be fraud. Neither are acceptable but you can control the one (fraud) with the appropriate measures. But one side doesn't want it. Why is that I wonder?
If you process mail in ballots on way in Philadelphia but another way in Scranton, that creates a problem. Some of the ballots should probably not have been accepted because they weren't signed or changes were made. It's a shit show. The argument may not hold water and he may lose in the courts but the damage has been done. You have to have a universal election process or we'll have questions year after year.
You can only impeach a duly elected President. That's not Biden. Besides, he'd get off for being mentally incapacitated and no one would question it.
If it was garbage he might still be in office. Again, it’s unfortunate that you refuse to see it or acknowledge it. Enough people have seen it though, and that’s all that matters.
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Mr. B, let me add one more thing. IF there is proof and somehow this election is overturned and Trump stays in office? What then? I cringe to even think about it. That's the issue with the election and the way they ran it under the umbrella of Covid. The fuckers tore the country apart where we will have no real winner. No matter who it is, half the country will believe he's illegitimate. It's a complete cluster fuck. Third world country shit. France banned mail in voting in 1975 and here we are in 2020. No one should be surprised. When Trump brought this up months and months ago, and even thought there may be a disputed election where we might not know the winner for months, people ridiculed him. Yet, here we are. There is no win here. The only victory is that we clean up this election mess so we don't ever have to do it again.
Donald Trump has been in the public eye for 45 years. Never in his public life was he called a racist or white supremacist in all the years before the 2016 election. Those accusations started when Trump ran against Hillary and it was clearly a campaign strategy by Clinton to make Trump look as bad as she was. But the NY Times sent reporters out to look for anyone in Trump's friends and acquaintances that would substantiate the accusations of racism. They found no one. The best they could do was get Al Sharpton to say "he sometimes says stuff that sounds racist". But Sharpton stopped short of calling Trump a racist. The fact is, Trump used to al around with Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Don King and other black people when he was just a real estate mogul. Anyone who bothered to look into Trump's background would know he was not a racist. He once date a black woman. She spoke to the NY Times reporters and told them "He doesn't think like that", meaning he does not see black and white like most people.
People who know Trump tried to speak out and defend him in 2016, but the media ignored them. Blacks who worked for Trump wrote about how they were treated well and he gave them great opportunities to succeed. When Trump was called a misogynist, Natalie Gulbus, the prominent LPGA player wrote an essay about her experience with Trump. She wrote that Trump told her never to take less for endorsements than the male golfers get.
All those accusations about Trump were false and typical campaign character assassination in an election.
Everyone should google Jennifer Hudson and Donald Trump and read her story.
The narrative created to make Trump looked bad is all false. The media played a big part in it. This is why Trump has every right to call them the enemy of the people.
Remember too, months ago, out of nowhere, Democrats started saying Trump will not leave the White House and would have to be dragged out if he lost. It wasn't one person, it was all the prominent Democrats and the usual Dem lackeys like John Brennan. There was no context to these statements and nothing to indicate Trump would not leave peacefully is he lost a fair and lawful election. Now look where we are. They knew then what was going happen on election day.
The are still 4 states representing 57 electoral votes where the vote differential is less than 1%. That does not include North Carolina which still has not been called despite Trump leading by 75,000 votes with 98% of the vote tallied. Biden would need 85% of the outstanding votes to overtake Trump. That means Trump could still claim 72 electoral votes and win this election. Why hasn't NC been called? or Alaska? I think we all know why. If Trump wins NC, then the 4 states that are close, GA, PA, AR, WI give him a clear path to win. The media and the DNC, are working hard to convince everyone the race is over and Biden is the president-elect, despite mandatory recounts that must take place. This is so unfair to Trump and the American people.
We know know that software "glitches" in multiple states literally gave thousands of votes to Biden while taking votes away from Trump. One down ballot race has already been reverse because a glitch gave votes to the Democrats that should have gone to the Republican who was the eventual declared winner.
At this point, no matter who wins the other side is going to be angry and justifiably so. So many people warned us this was going to happen, but Democrats ran helter skelter into mail-in voting despite the warning signs from all over the world where mail-in voting has been banned for years.
It really is amazing the level of animosity against this man. Like you said Creeper, he was seen in a positive light by a lot of folks you mentioned and received awards from these minority organizations. You can dig up a lot of shit from someone who's been in the public eye as long as Trump has and it should be easily verifiable. Unfortunately, the left owns main stream media and social media. Trump saw it and warned people and damn if he wasn't right.
On the flip side, no one challenged Joe Biden on anything regarding his past history. He may have gotten a softball question here and there, but nothing like the grilling Trump got on a daily basis and he took all questions and interviews from all the media outlets, unlike the Corpse.
As much as we bag on Trump, I'm disappointed that folks don't see the evolution of the Democrat Party. My family were life long Democrats because they stood for the working man. The Dem party today is run by the elites who funded Biden's campaign. He talks about the working class while telling people that he's going to raise taxes. And, let's be honest, does anyone really believe that it will be limited to those making better than $450,000? These businesses are either going to leave the US or pass any added expenses onto the consumer. And your salary won't increase enough to keep up with the rise in costs. These folks are globalists.
It's like folks thinking they can solve a broken finger by cutting off their hand. I always say the rich can afford it, the poor don't pay for it and the middle class gets fucked with the bill in the end....each and every time. The Democrat Party has been taken over by the wealthy who look to get richer. They've been taken over by Hollywood millionaires and big money donors. Yeah, a real party for the average man and his ass.
Well he wasn’t the POTUS before. His views didn’t have a direct impact on Americans.
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You obviously didn't read the post. What were the accusations of racism before he became POTUS? Can you direct me to any. Asking for a friend......
That was my point, no one cared what he thought or said before he was POTUS so there isn’t evidence of him saying racist things. At least not that I know of.
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So he became a racist after the election and after 70 years of living? Got it.
If you do the same thing in the Senate run-off (requesting a mail ballot and then voting in person) make sure you tear it up before you ask them what to do with it.
Harris vowed to ban assault weapons within the first 100 days after taking office
He didn't want mail in voting because he knew there would be massive corruption, and there was.I really don’t think anyone is surprised to be honest. We knew Trump did not want to allow mail in votes. Maybe he knew he would lose and that’s why he didn’t want to allow them? And regardless of the conspiracy theories Covid is a real thing. It sucks that it happened during an election year but how else are people that are high risk supposed to vote? They’re Americans and they still have the right to vote. They shouldn’t have to risk their lives in order to cast their vote.
Now the way some states handled this is what has caused all the scrutiny. If all states had handled it the exact same way (the way Texas handled it) by counting the mail in votes as they were coming in we wouldn’t have seen what we saw in Michigan. There wouldn’t have been a huge swing like we saw. Likely Biden would have already been in the lead before they before they had closed for the day.
Maybe what Trump should have done, instead of trying to deny mail in votes is put a system in place where every state counted the ballots as they were coming in.
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No, it’s not out of line. You should question the results of this election, and really anything else in life that doesn’t sit well with you.
As for calling Trump a racist, based on my experience in life and dealing with racist situations and people in general it’s hard for me not to call him a racist. The number 1 million was an exaggeration it there are videos out there of him pandering to racists and alt-right groups. As for the videos themselves there numerous videos on YouTube. Obviously none of them were put out by outlets that support Trump but if you just type in Trump racist remarks they’re there. My suggestion is if you don’t want to see the commentary you can skip through those parts and just look at the actual videos and remarks of Trump.
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