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Not trying to throw gas on the fire or anything here but Gateway Pundit is a far-right conspiracy theory pushing website. Honestly it’s more bias towards the right than CNN is for the left. Just saying.

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Republican Rules for a Biden Presidency:

1. Resist. Everything Biden tries to do, Republicans should resist. This includes lawsuits to stop all of his executive actions.
2. He should not be called President Biden. He is Biden. His presidency is illegitimate.
3. China, China, China. Always remember, Biden is an agent of China and China helped him win the election. Further, Biden never criticized China for trying to interfere in the election, therefore, Biden is a China puppet.
4. Confront Biden's staff, cabinet members, Dem senators and congressmen outside their homes, in restaurants or wherever they are in public. Shout at them until they leave. Make sure they are never comfortable.
5. Raise the question of the 25th amendment every day. Biden is clearly not well mentally and he is the most unfit man to serve as president in our history.
6. Criticize his wife's attire whenever she is out in public. Also, criticize everything she says and does, including her Christmas decorations at the White House.
7. Make him deny he is a racist every single time he speaks publicly. Bring up every single racist thing he has ever said, like how a black woman stacked groceries, or Obama was clean and articulate. Make him denounce the KKK after he delivered eulogies for 2 KKK members.
8. Protest and burn stuff down because we are unhappy with the outcome of the election.
9. Buy guns and lots of ammo (if you can find it) because once we start playing by these rules they are going to try to come for us. (and do not ever give up your guns to the government no matter what)

I did not make these rules up. These are the rules Democrats created after Trump was elected in 2016. Now it is our turn to play by these rules. Trust me, it is going to be fun.

If you can think of any others feel free to add them.
We wont have to worry about #5, Biden being replaced by Harris fairly soon was always the plan.

I strongly suspect he will step down or be told to step down in a year or so, two tops. if he even makes it that far.

#4 and #8 I suspect are sarcasm, but I wouldn't do that because nobody should be doing it on either side. Its what makes the dems and extremists the biggest sack of shit in the country and we shouldn't stoop to those levels. And in terms of the rioting/looting/destruction those people should be prosecuted or in some cases even executed, not celebrated or copied.


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There have been reports of ppl showing up to vote in person and not being allowed to vote because their mail in ballot had already been received and counted
DeKalb County flagged me because I asked for a mail in ballot (and received just a couple days before the election, even though I had requested 6 weeks prior). I went to vote in person and they asked me for my absentee ballot (which I did bring with me, with the intent of only using it if the lines were too long to wait). I wanted to tear up my ballot and they stopped me, and took the ballot. The explanation was THEY had to officially void it, but I never saw them stamp it or do anything to it in front of me. They simply took it.


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Everything about the Democrats is to ban this or take away that. I don't see how anyone could vote for them and their confiscatory way of thinking.
People who think the dems "gun control" initiatives are about "saving lives" are some of the dumbest fuckers ever.

There is only one reason the extreme left wants gun control, and it has NOTHING to do with "gun violence" or "school shootings"


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This doesn't square with the results.. The only place he did well with "hispanics" is the Cubans in Florida. In every border state he massively lost all the counties bordering Mexico, especially in Texas. If he truly did well with them, he wouldn't have been trounced as much in those counties. In fact one only needs to look to 2016 to see he did much better with blacks and hispanics than he did this time. It's a false narrative.
That isn't true Dooms.

They showed the stats for that county in extreme south Texas (poorest in the nation I believe they said, made up almost entirely of Hispanic voters) and they went from a +60 for Hillary in 2016 to a +5 for Biden in 2020.


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I was just explaining why he’s called a racist. Again you don’t have to agree. Enough people voted that do.

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The track record of Biden being a racist is far longer than Trump's

Do some fucking homework before you post stupid shit.


Pro Bowler
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DeKalb County flagged me because I asked for a mail in ballot (and received just a couple days before the election, even though I had requested 6 weeks prior). I went to vote in person and they asked me for my absentee ballot (which I did bring with me, with the intent of only using it if the lines were too long to wait). I wanted to tear up my ballot and they stopped me, and took the ballot. The explanation was THEY had to officially void it, but I never saw them stamp it or do anything to it in front of me. They simply took it.

Dang, I wish you had taken a picture of it. I'd like to see what kind of controls are built into this thing.

Some of the risks can be mitigated but nothing I can think of will prevent a 3rd party who gets ahold of the ballot from voting for whomever they like

Prime example is I know someone who got a ballot for his sister who is in her 80's, she's wheelchair bound and in rough shape mentally. I dont think she has the mental acuity to cast a vote but I know this person cast a vote for Trump on her behalf. Since birds of a feather tend to flock together, there's a reasonable chance she would have voted for Trump if she was all there anyway but she's not and don't think she should have been able to vote

I think the above happened all across the nation on both sides of the aisle. Was this done in large numbers? If so, was it enough to make a difference? Who knows and I dont know how it could ever be proven one way or another


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seems like a very difficult thing to coordinate in large enough numbers to make a difference, especially in Califronia

I mean if this was a coordinated effort by the Democrats as some seem to believe, why bother to do this in a state like California where everyone votes overwhelmingly democrat?
PA, MI, WI, AZ and GA

Trump won all those states in 2016. GA has traditionally been red but the counties where the voter fraud is vast (Dekalb and Fulton) are overwhelmingly democrat and have been the source of ongoing voter fraud accusations here locally for the past couple decades. The AZ counties in question are also apparently controlled by democrats.

The dems arnt stupid, they knew if they could flip these states and simply have Biden win the ones which were never in democrat doubt, he'd win the election. Trump had leads (some very significant) in 4 of these 5 states the night of the election and ended up losing all 5.


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This is interesting

Here is an article about a mistake made counting votes in Michigan. Which just happens to be a battleground state.

Apparently some votes (the article doesn’t state how many) were mistakingly counted twice because of a mistake made by the local county clerk. This mistake was enough to change the outcome of a local election.

This is one county in one state where one mistake changed the outcome of a local election. How many mistakes were made by ppl throughout the entire country while counting votes in this election?

Its interesting that there appears to be no mention of this by any of the left leaning mass media outlets especially considering the sitting POTUS is currently fighting legal battles in numerous states and currently has a federal lawsuit filed in Michigan where this mistake happened.

The same voting machines they used there were apparently used elsewhere, including GA. And in those areas there were significant "irregularities" and "glitches" found as well.


Pro Bowler
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I'm open to seeing evidence of mass fraud but from what I've seen and heard thus far, Michigan, PA, Georgia (& maybe Wisconsin) didn't start counting the mail-in votes until after the polls closed or sometime late on Election Day. Given the volume of mail-in votes (which imo is understandable why there would be so many this year due to covid), the counts for the (million+ I've heard) votes were always going to trail in late. Everyone seems to agree the mail-in votes were going to lean heavily democrat

In Tx and Florida, I believe they had a better system for counting mail-in ballots and started counting them early thus why in both states we saw the Democrats jump to a startling early lead but were overtaken as the in-person votes were more easily and quickly counted

I think perception is a big part of the issue here because its a bad look to see the flip in numbers you mentioned after the polls closed days later even though they could be completely legitimate. I've seen enough inefficient gov bureaucracy to not be surprised counting millions of mail-in ballots would have massive inefficiencies and take days, so the lag time isn't startling to me.

Had these states been more proactive so the counts could have been done in advance (but not reported until Election Day) you would have seen a similar Democrat lead to start where Trump makes the appearance of a come-back he cant quite close.

There are issues to be sure, perhaps some fraud, maybe even a lot of fraud but they need to get people under oath and provide evidence ASAP or move on down the road while hopefully working to fix these issues on future elections


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You will not find voter fraud if you do not look for it. That is a fact. Democrats have resisted any attempts to look for voter fraud. If you recall the 2017 Voter Fraud Commission Trump put together, every Dem state refused to provide the task force with voter information so the commission could compare it to death records and other government data. There response was, "there is no voter fraud", but they could not substantiate how they knew this? There has never been any attempt in the US to look for widespread voter fraud. Nor has there been any attempt to prevent it. We are the only country in the industrialized world that does not make an effort to ensure election integrity through proactive measures. Today, our elections are less secure than almost any election in the world. We could all get in a stadium and raise our hands for the candidate of our choice and it would be more secure than what we do today.

We could build into the process the ability to cross reference voters with state voter rolls to ensure no one is registered to vote in two states. It is not hard to do from a technology standpoint, and the government already has all the data they need to do it at the IRS. If you file a tax return with an address in Florida, then you can only vote in Florida since you declared your primary address there. We could cross reference death records to voting records as well. Again, the government has all the data they need to do this. The same is true with legal status. So why don't we? Because the law prevents us from doing it and every attempt to change the law to allow it Democrats scream voter suppression! It is absurd. Removing ineligible voters from voter rolls automatically is not vote suppression, it's voter integrity and it should be done. In the meantime Democrat states rarely clean up their registration data. California actually fought a lawsuit to compel them to remove 1.5 million ineligible LA county voters from their rolls. They lost and were ordered by a court to do it, but why would you fight that? If you cared about election integrity this would be done without having to get a court to force you to do it. California is not alone.


Draft Pick
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The track record of Biden being a racist is far longer than Trump's

Do some fucking homework before you post stupid shit.

Look I understand you’re upset. Everyone has seen the videos that explain what you’re talking about but I don’t remember Biden pandering to white supremacy groups and far-right militia groups like the Donald does. Just like I have said before, if you fail to see it or refuse to acknowledge it, that is unfortunate but not necessary. Enough Americans that do see it and do care to acknowledge it have voted him out of office. Americans will not tolerate it. It’s not welcome in America any longer. This isn’t your daddy’s America anymore dbair where people of color just have to take it. We have a voice (and a vote) and Donald has been voted out.

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Look I understand you’re upset. Everyone has seen the videos that explain what you’re talking about but I don’t remember Biden pandering to white supremacy groups and far-right militia groups like the Donald does. Just like I have said before, if you fail to see it or refuse to acknowledge it, that is unfortunate but not necessary. Enough Americans that do see it and do care to acknowledge it have voted him out of office. Americans will not tolerate it. It’s not welcome in America any longer. This isn’t your daddy’s America anymore dbair where people of color just have to take it. We have a voice (and a vote) and Donald has been voted out.

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So how many times does Trump have to denounce white supremist activity before you quit with the "pandering" garbage?


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PA, MI, WI, AZ and GA

Trump won all those states in 2016. GA has traditionally been red but the counties where the voter fraud is vast (Dekalb and Fulton) are overwhelmingly democrat and have been the source of ongoing voter fraud accusations here locally for the past couple decades. The AZ counties in question are also apparently controlled by democrats.

The dems arnt stupid, they knew if they could flip these states and simply have Biden win the ones which were never in democrat doubt, he'd win the election. Trump had leads (some very significant) in 4 of these 5 states the night of the election and ended up losing all 5.

I personally know about 20 people that did not vote in 2016 that did vote this time. Donald riled up the masses with his rhetoric and Hispanics and African Americans and pretty much every ethnic group in this country turned out in record numbers. The Hispanic vote alone was about double what it was in 2016. So it’s not hard to fathom how states that Donald won in 2016 he now lost this time around.

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The same voting machines they used there were apparently used elsewhere, including GA. And in those areas there were significant "irregularities" and "glitches" found as well.

If that is true then I expect it will be proven in court.

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You will not find voter fraud if you do not look for it. That is a fact. Democrats have resisted any attempts to look for voter fraud. If you recall the 2017 Voter Fraud Commission Trump put together, every Dem state refused to provide the task force with voter information so the commission could compare it to death records and other government data. There response was, "there is no voter fraud", but they could not substantiate how they knew this? There has never been any attempt in the US to look for widespread voter fraud. Nor has there been any attempt to prevent it. We are the only country in the industrialized world that does not make an effort to ensure election integrity through proactive measures. Today, our elections are less secure than almost any election in the world. We could all get in a stadium and raise our hands for the candidate of our choice and it would be more secure than what we do today.

We could build into the process the ability to cross reference voters with state voter rolls to ensure no one is registered to vote in two states. It is not hard to do from a technology standpoint, and the government already has all the data they need to do it at the IRS. If you file a tax return with an address in Florida, then you can only vote in Florida since you declared your primary address there. We could cross reference death records to voting records as well. Again, the government has all the data they need to do this. The same is true with legal status. So why don't we? Because the law prevents us from doing it and every attempt to change the law to allow it Democrats scream voter suppression! It is absurd. Removing ineligible voters from voter rolls automatically is not vote suppression, it's voter integrity and it should be done. In the meantime Democrat states rarely clean up their registration data. California actually fought a lawsuit to compel them to remove 1.5 million ineligible LA county voters from their rolls. They lost and were ordered by a court to do it, but why would you fight that? If you cared about election integrity this would be done without having to get a court to force you to do it. California is not alone.

The Democrats refuse to believe conspiracy theories. From everything I’ve heard the Democrats are perfectly ok with the Donald and his lawyers bringing their evidence to court and allowing the court system to determine if there was fraud and if it was enough to overturn the election.

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So how many times does Trump have to denounce white supremist activity before you quit with the "pandering" garbage?

If it was garbage he might still be in office. Again, it’s unfortunate that you refuse to see it or acknowledge it. Enough people have seen it though, and that’s all that matters.

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DeKalb County flagged me because I asked for a mail in ballot (and received just a couple days before the election, even though I had requested 6 weeks prior). I went to vote in person and they asked me for my absentee ballot (which I did bring with me, with the intent of only using it if the lines were too long to wait). I wanted to tear up my ballot and they stopped me, and took the ballot. The explanation was THEY had to officially void it, but I never saw them stamp it or do anything to it in front of me. They simply took it.
Yea I bet you anything your mail in ballot became a Biden vote. You should have ripped it half before handing to them.


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So how many times does Trump have to denounce white supremist activity before you quit with the "pandering" garbage?
Yea anyone claiming that is just being willfully ignorant. Heck some lefties still believe the Russian collusion hoax that was manufactured out of thin air is real. They believe what their echo chamber tells them to believe.
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