
Pro Bowler
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So I have the news on in the background and I hear something that sparked my attention

I hear the reporter say that at one point during the counting of votes the totals show that Trump LOST nearly 10k votes. I’m not sure how a candidate actually loses votes when they are counting ballots

Then the reporter goes on to say that later in the count during a large vote dump Biden gains 27,396 votes in one single dump. Which would normally be fine, but the problem is that with the addition of the nearly 28k ballots being added that not a single one of them was cast for Trump. I just find that odd. Could it happen? Sure, is it statistically unlikely? Highly!


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That’s an hour+ long video

You wanna give us the cliff notes?
They looked at four Michigan counties. The more Republican an area is the more the votes are switched from Trump to Biden by what they think is an algorithm in the voting machines.. They show it in graph form and it is unmistakably a straight line with a downward trend. The line is flat in areas with lower Republican support and when an area hits about 20% Republican you can see the downward slope of the line start and that downward slope is linear. The more the area was Republican the more votes were changed.


Pro Bowler
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That’s pretty crazy

It’s going to be interesting to see how much of this stuff they can actually prove.

And more importantly if it’s even going to make a difference

At this point the Trump legal team could provide the proof and the left still won’t believe it. They will say it was manufactured or come up with some other reason not to accept it.

Trumps team could provide a video of Clinton killing Jeffrey Epstein with her bare hands and the left would still say it never happened.

Speaking of videos....
I saw a cell phone video on the news showing two ppl in one of the battleground states that was filmed from above and they were counting ballots. In the video you clearly see one person use a pen and change multiple ballots. You can’t tell what she is changing but you can see that it’s on the ballot itself and not on the name/address portion of the ballot. The report didn’t come to a conclusion as to what exactly was going on with the marking of ballots but it didn’t appear to be a standard mark that the person was making on each and every ballot (meaning it didn’t look like she was putting a check to Mark the ballot as the ballot was counted or something along those lines)


Super Moderator
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Nothing to see here, move along now

Scott, I have to tell you....I don't know what to believe any more. A lot of folks have come out and given sworn affidavits regarding corruption and voter fraud. This should be the #1 issue int he country, hands down, until we get it fixed. These issues were self created to get the very result we're seeing. People want a divided country. Power is more important than integrity of the process.

But we formulate our opinions not on the facts, but on where we stand on the political spectrum. Mail in voting was so ripe for fraud and people have been warning about it for so long that we shouldn't be surprised. It's fucking common sense for goodness sake.

People should be very frightened by what they are seeing. If anyone listened to Andrew McCabe testify before the Senate yesterday, they should be furious. But many are not because it's not them whose life has been ruined. But the process was corrupt. When I hear from a top leader in the FBI that he believed a Presdent elect and life long public figure was a national security risk, I cringed. There's more evidence of collusion between Biden and his family with China and the Ukraine than there ever was in 2015 with the Trump campaign. And this dolt admitted to leaking information to the press with the blessing of Jim Comey. They charge Michael Flynn witht he Logan act while Biden and his advisors are communicating with foreign governments after this election. It's a farce and what I said earlier. If I wanted to find a crime anyone on this board committed, I could do it.


Super Moderator
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It’s going to be interesting to see how much of this stuff they can actually prove.

And more importantly if it’s even going to make a difference

I don't believe there is any doubt wide spread fraud was committed but proving how many votes it affected is an impossible task, especially with such limited time to work with. I believe they separated the ballot from the envelope it came in so it makes to job of identifying which votes came in late or had some issues almost impossible to ascertain. I hope the Supreme Court brings some sanity to this madness, even if Biden still wins, but I fear that no one has to courage to step in and stop the madness which will only empower people to do the same thing next time.


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I don't believe there is any doubt wide spread fraud was committed but proving how many votes it affected is an impossible task, especially with such limited time to work with. I believe they separated the ballot from the envelope it came in so it makes to job of identifying which votes came in late or had some issues almost impossible to ascertain. I hope the Supreme Court brings some sanity to this madness, even if Biden still wins, but I fear that no one has to courage to step in and stop the madness which will only empower people to do the same thing next time.
When this gets to the SCOTUS I have little doubt John Roberts will side with the liberals against Trump. I feel strong that Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Barrett will be in favor of Trump if there is sufficient evidence. I worry about Kavanaugh. I think he may be the swing vote on this. Again that is only if there is evidence that would swing things to Trump because right leaning justices will not act politically. If there is clear evidence they should rule 9 - 0 but the left will ALWAYS side on the batshit crazy side whether there is evidence or not. I do not lump Roberts as a right leaning justice. He has made his choice to become a legislator from the bench rather than an arbiter of the law.


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That and all the video of him being racist.

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Which someone asked you for, and you never posted a single one.

I'd like to see this for myself, if you are going to throw stupid shit out there then back it up please.


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I’m sorry facts bother you so much.

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You haven't posted any facts in this thread, you just spew garbage you hear on liberal "news" channels and want to believe it.


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I’m aware of that. Let me ask you question though. What made him change? Why did he start saying such racist things and why pander to racists once he became POTUS?

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And for about the 1000th time in this thread, DO YOU HAVE ANY REAL EXAMPLES OF THIS?


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It’s not on me to provide proof. It’s not my job to convince you. The American people are convinced and that’s all that matters. I’m not here to change your mind. I hope you do but that burden isn’t on me. Enough Americans see it and that’s the main reason he was voted out. Maybe one day you will open your eyes? I hope so but that’s on you to look inside yourself and figure out why you don’t see it, that’s not on me.

And when I said you, I don’t mean you specifically. I mean those that refuse to see it.

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Yes, it is.

If you are going to be a fucking ****** and keep posting dipshit stuff that has no basis, then people are going to keep asking you to share examples.

You have yet to share one fucking example or one shred of real proof for anything. Typical fucktard liberal.


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When this gets to the SCOTUS I have little doubt John Roberts will side with the liberals against Trump. I feel strong that Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Barrett will be in favor of Trump if there is sufficient evidence. I worry about Kavanaugh. I think he may be the swing vote on this. Again that is only if there is evidence that would swing things to Trump because right leaning justices will not act politically. If there is clear evidence they should rule 9 - 0 but the left will ALWAYS side on the batshit crazy side whether there is evidence or not. I do not lump Roberts as a right leaning justice. He has made his choice to become a legislator from the bench rather than an arbiter of the law.
I posted on Roberts the other day, I have no idea what Obama and the left had on him but there is no doubt he was gotten to. Almost none of his decisions/ruling make any sense today compared to his record prior to getting on the SC.


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I’m aware of that. Let me ask you question though. What made him change? Why did he start saying such racist things and why pander to racists once he became POTUS?

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What racist things did he say? "You ain't black" if you don't vote for me? "Are you a drug dealer?" Did he talk about a black woman stacking groceries? How about 7-eleven clerks being Indian? Did he call Obama a "clean, articulate black man"? It is amazing to me how Trump's antagonists have to twist his words to make them seem racist while they ignore the explicitly racist things their own party says.

Trump questioned Obama's birth certificate. RACIST! Trump asked for a travel ban from countries whos governments were broken down and incapable of vetting their own citizens. RACIST! Trump wanted a wall to stop the flow of illegal immigrants coming into America and costing us over $100 bill per year. RACIST! Upholding the laws congress passed is racist because Trump did it!

The Trump is racist mantra is a perfect example of how media propaganda works. Just repeat the same lie over and over and it becomes the truth. Why do you think they asked Trump 28 times to denounce white supremacy after lying about what he said after Charlottesville? The "very fine people" comment was taken out of context and repeated over and over again. It was part of the propaganda campaign.

Everyone thinks propaganda doesn't work on them. They think they are too smart to fall for propaganda. But a few years back someone took a survey and asked people if Sara Palin said, "I can see Russia from my house". more than 1/3 of respondents said "Yes". Palin never said that. Tina Fey said it on Saturday night live. Now if 1/3 of people in that survey believed that, how many do you think will believe propaganda spread by the main stream media?


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fwiw, I hate the ban despite agreeing with many of your points, I just despise censorship.
30 days might be long, but he deserved the temporary vacay and he even asked for it in one of his posts.

He was being a class A turd/troll in this thread.


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So I have the news on in the background and I hear something that sparked my attention

I hear the reporter say that at one point during the counting of votes the totals show that Trump LOST nearly 10k votes. I’m not sure how a candidate actually loses votes when they are counting ballots

Then the reporter goes on to say that later in the count during a large vote dump Biden gains 27,396 votes in one single dump. Which would normally be fine, but the problem is that with the addition of the nearly 28k ballots being added that not a single one of them was cast for Trump. I just find that odd. Could it happen? Sure, is it statistically unlikely? Highly!

I have read through a few statistical analyses of the voting and some of what I read is absolutely bizarre and very questionable.

There are telltale signs of voter fraud in any election. Higher than normal vote totals, higher than normal voter turnout, higher than normal voter registrations, higher than normal voter turnout for either party, a high number of overvotes. This election has all of them, and more. There were mysterious computer "glitches" took votes from Trump and gave them to Biden. There are multiple instances of this and in every care the glitch favored Biden. There are tens of thousands of what appear to be double votes. There are always people who try to vote twice, but this year the number is several magnitudes larger. We always see dead people voting too. Again, there appear to be more in 2020. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

I get that some people find Trump's behavior objectionable at time. He is not a politician. But for 74 million people to vote for Biden, that takes a lot of hatred, far more than I would like to think exists in America.


Pro Bowler
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Pro Bowler
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What racist things did he say? "You ain't black" if you don't vote for me? "Are you a drug dealer?" Did he talk about a black woman stacking groceries? How about 7-eleven clerks being Indian? Did he call Obama a "clean, articulate black man"? It is amazing to me how Trump's antagonists have to twist his words to make them seem racist while they ignore the explicitly racist things their own party says.

Trump questioned Obama's birth certificate. RACIST! Trump asked for a travel ban from countries whos governments were broken down and incapable of vetting their own citizens. RACIST! Trump wanted a wall to stop the flow of illegal immigrants coming into America and costing us over $100 bill per year. RACIST! Upholding the laws congress passed is racist because Trump did it!

The Trump is racist mantra is a perfect example of how media propaganda works. Just repeat the same lie over and over and it becomes the truth. Why do you think they asked Trump 28 times to denounce white supremacy after lying about what he said after Charlottesville? The "very fine people" comment was taken out of context and repeated over and over again. It was part of the propaganda campaign.

Everyone thinks propaganda doesn't work on them. They think they are too smart to fall for propaganda. But a few years back someone took a survey and asked people if Sara Palin said, "I can see Russia from my house". more than 1/3 of respondents said "Yes". Palin never said that. Tina Fey said it on Saturday night live. Now if 1/3 of people in that survey believed that, how many do you think will believe propaganda spread by the main stream media?

After reading your post a lightbulb went off in my head

MrB wouldn’t provide any actual proof that Trump is a racist because the reason he and the entire Left consider Trump a racist is because of the Wall. Not because of anything else he may have said or done. They all consider him a racist because he wanted to build a wall to keep out illegal aliens.

MrB never mentioned the wall because he knew that shit would get shot down here real quick and it would destroy his entire argument.
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