This is interesting
Here is an article about a mistake made counting votes in Michigan. Which just happens to be a battleground state.
Apparently some votes (the article doesn’t state how many) were mistakingly counted twice because of a mistake made by the local county clerk. This mistake was enough to change the outcome of a local election.
This is one county in one state where one mistake changed the outcome of a local election. How many mistakes were made by ppl throughout the entire country while counting votes in this election?
Its interesting that there appears to be no mention of this by any of the left leaning mass media outlets especially considering the sitting POTUS is currently fighting legal battles in numerous states and currently has a federal lawsuit filed in Michigan where this mistake happened.
An incumbent Republican in Michigan went from losing his reelection race to winning it after officials discovered a “technical glitch” by which the results from seven precincts had been counted twice. Officials responded to the error by urging voters to have confidence in the system. “Adam...