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That’s not true. You can google and find several cases of people with different ethnic backgrounds that are also part of white supremacy groups. The proud boys are just 1 example.

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There might be alt-right groups that allow other races in their groups. But that doesn’t make them WS.

By definition you have to be of Anglo decent and be able to prove it to be accepted into a real WS group.

Otherwise it’s some other type of group. If a group accepts a non white into their group then they are not a REAL WS group.

I worked a case on a WS group. I spoke to many of the members over a months time. There is ZERO chance that they would consider allowing a non white into their group. You would get a beat down (or much worse) if you even entertained the idea or by simply mentioning the idea of allowing a non white in.

Hell, in my experience they didn’t even consider non whites human. They considered anyone with dark skin a monkey/chimpanzee/primate of your choosing and less than human. They wouldn’t even use the term “African American” when speaking about a black person in the US because the term American denotes that you are human.

There is absolutely zero chance of them considering a non white for initiation, let alone allowing them into the group and especially for a position of leadership.
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I have done my homework. He’s done it a handful of times. There was the old guy in Florida yelling white power. There was the caravan of trucks with Trump flags that are yelling white power. There was the Charlottesville incident. In all cases he referred to them as good people.

So either he’s pandering to the white supremacy groups/people or he’s too ignorant to see how his comments give groups like that power. Neither can be accepted or tolerated. I don’t believe he’s ignorant so he has to be doing it with a purpose.

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How can Trump be responsible for a guy who supports him saying stupid shit? Here's something for you and it includes the Charlottesville incident in full context. It also has interviews from before his time as President. I have no doubt it won't make any difference or sway you. Meanwhile, you voted for a guy who doesn't want his kids in a "racial jungle." Hypocrisy, thy name is Mr. B.



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Trump is as responsible for his followers saying stupid racist shit as Biden’s supporters (BLM/Antifa) are for rioting, burning down businesses and cities, shutting down part of Seattle for months, blocking roads, blocking freeways, shooting cops, beating shop owners, destroying police stations, intimidation, surrounding politicians residences to force them to defund police, and the list goes on and on....

When initially asked to Denounce BLM Biden refused to as well.


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How can Trump be responsible for a guy who supports him saying stupid shit? Here's something for you and it includes the Charlottesville incident in full context. It also has interviews from before his time as President. I have no doubt it won't make any difference or sway you. Meanwhile, you voted for a guy who doesn't want his kids in a "racial jungle." Hypocrisy, thy name is Mr. B.

Lesser of 2 evils. I never said Biden is a great man or that I agree with everything he says. All I know is that Biden not out pandering to racists. And is it his fault that the people have these beliefs or that they are saying what they are, no. But he also doesn’t have support them by tweeting they are good people.

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Meanwhile, the Corpse's VP calls him out on his affiliation and friendship with KKK members and even eulogized one. This is your guy.



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Trump is as responsible for his followers saying stupid racist shit as Biden’s supporters (BLM/Antifa) are for rioting, burning down businesses and cities, shutting down part of Seattle for months, blocking roads, blocking freeways, shooting cops, beating shop owners, destroying police stations, intimidation, surrounding politicians residences to force them to defund police, and the list goes on and on....

When initially asked to Denounce BLM Biden refused to as well.

Again, you can believe what you want and like I said you can turn a blind eye to this type of behavior or you just straight up not care that he panders to white supremacy groups and Alt Right groups (who are typically largely racist groups). My point is that, that type of behavior won’t be tolerated by a majority of the American people and that was proven by Trump being voted out.

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Lesser of 2 evils. I never said Biden is a great man or that I agree with everything he says. All I know is that Biden not out pandering to racists. And is it his fault that the people have these beliefs or that they are saying what they are, no. But he also doesn’t have support them by tweeting they are good people.

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Sorry buddy. I have to laugh....that's some fence you're riding........ :roflolrhard:


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Again, you can believe what you want and like I said you can turn a blind eye to this type of behavior or you just straight up not care that he panders to white supremacy groups and Alt Right groups (who are typically largely racist groups). My point is that, that type of behavior won’t be tolerated by a majority of the American people and that was proven by Trump being voted out.

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He wasn't voted out without the fraud. We'll disagree, obviously. This whole thing should concern you as an American but I'm sure it doesn't.


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I was just explaining why he’s called a racist. Again you don’t have to agree. Enough people voted that do.

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He wasn't voted out without the fraud. We'll disagree, obviously. This whole thing should concern you as an American but I'm sure it doesn't.

If there is proof of wide spread fraud it will be determined in the courts.

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Pro Bowler
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Again, you can believe what you want and like I said you can turn a blind eye to this type of behavior or you just straight up not care that he panders to white supremacy groups and Alt Right groups (who are typically largely racist groups). My point is that, that type of behavior won’t be tolerated by a majority of the American people and that was proven by Trump being voted out.

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And Biden’s running VP elect not only pandered to BLM/Antifa she flat out called on her supporters for donations to MFF to get them out of jail after they were arrested for rioting/burning down businesses.

Then once she was added to Biden’s ticket she has since denounced the actions (but not the groups themselves)

Which is exactly what Harris is known for. Her entire political career is littered with pandering to whoever/whatever group can further her political career


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And Biden’s running VP elect not only pandered to BLM/Antifa she flat out called on her supporters for donations to MFF to get them out of jail after they were arrested for rioting/burning down businesses.

Then once she was added to Biden’s ticket she has since denounced the actions (but not the groups themselves)

Which is exactly what Harris is known for. Her entire political career is littered with pandering to whoever/whatever group can further her political career

Still not worse than pandering to groups that the FBI has declared are the biggest threat to the lives of Americans.

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If there is proof of wide spread fraud it will be determined in the courts.

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"Wide spread fraud?" Really? I don't think there was any question of fraud at this point but I see where some folks hang there hat. Fraud shouldn't be acceptable in our elections. There's no time to conduct a full accounting and no court will have the balls to vacate the election. Biden will die during his first term or be too mentally incapacitated to continue on. He'll have an asterisk next to him, as well it should be. He's illegitimate to half the country.


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Still not worse than pandering to groups that the FBI has declared are the biggest threat to the lives of Americans.

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Antifa is classified as a terrorist group

WS Groups haven’t rioted and burned down cities (even after their glorious leader the grand poobah the infamous bad orange man according to Trump himself had his election stolen from him)

BLM and Antifa have


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"Wide spread fraud?" Really? I don't think there was any question of fraud at this point but I see where some folks hang there hat. Fraud shouldn't be acceptable in our elections. There's no time to conduct a full accounting and no court will have the balls to vacate the election. Biden will die during his first term or be too mentally incapacitated to continue on. He'll have an asterisk next to him, as well it should be. He's illegitimate to half the country.

According to Fox News there has to be evidence of widespread fraud in order for Trump’s lawyers to have a valid case. There’s some level of fraud in every election. Is that great or acceptable, no it’s not. But that’s why there has to be proof of widespread fraud. The amount of fraudulent ballots also have to be enough to overturn the election. I might be wrong on that so if I am someone can correct me. And if there is fraud I hope they find out, and find out who is responsible, I seriously doubt they will though.

Trump has been telling you for months not to accept the results because he knew he was going to lose. So I’m not surprised that you guys are crying foul.

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Antifa is classified as a terrorist group

WS Groups haven’t rioted and burned down cities (even after their glorious leader the grand poobah the infamous bad orange man according to Trump himself had his election stolen from him)

BLM and Antifa have

By the FBI or by Donald Trump?

No but they did plot to kidnap a governor. Which was also shrugged off by Trump because that governor doesn’t support I’m.

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By the President of the United States

So not by the FBI who’s job it actually is to look into organizations like that. That’s what I thought.

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So not by the FBI who’s job it actually is to look into organizations like that. That’s what I thought.

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F.B.I. regulations define terrorism as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”

Sounds like BLM and Antifa to me


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F.B.I. regulations define terrorism as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives

Sounds like BLM and Antifa to me

Until the FBI specifically calls those groups out (like they have WS groups) I can’t put them on the same level.

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