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nice to know a murderer is on equal footing with the Situation when it comes to labels.

"douchebag" indeed. Dahmer was "a bit of a prick".

Dahmer ate black people, Asians and whites. Sounds like a swell guy.


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wait I thought the media was just "picking up on what sells"

get your story straight and get back to me.

If you don't think misattributed racism sells, you are a bigger fricking moron than you are proving on each and every post you make.


Pro Bowler
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Do you want me to draw you a roadmap you insufferable moron?

I said

There's no telling what the media will pick up on

To which you replied

The media will pick up on what sells, especially now when you have a bunch of idiots on Twitter and Facebook.

Make it racial? Boom. You got it.

To which I said

Can't find a point in any of this stuff other than you appear to be blaming the collective consciousness of America for determining that an overzealous security guard stalking a black kid who went to buy skittles and murdering him might have a racial component.

At which point you went back to it being the media's fault

What "collective consciousness" of America?

There is no "collective consciousness" until the "overwhelmed and overstretched" media makes it so.

You've had it about 50 different ways. Make a point or shut up. Or keep rambling like a bitter old klan member. "porch monkeys kill each other all the time and i dont hear shit from rachel maddow"
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Draft Pick
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Make a point or shut up. Or keep rambling like a bitter old klan member. "porch monkeys kill each other all the time and i dont hear shit from rachel maddow"


Those same "porch monkeys" (your words) kill each other all the time, without even anything close to self defense and I don't hear shit from Jesse or Al.

Gee, wonder why.

Has Huffington Post picked up on that yet?

Maybe then you might acknowledge it.


Pro Bowler
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do you want to straighten out the chicken and egg argument you were having with yourself on whose fault it is that this case has a racial component or are we moving on to just more #shitracistssay


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Alveda King: Sharpton, Jackson should stop ‘playing race card’ over Trayvon Martin

Alveda King: Sharpton, Jackson should stop ‘playing race card’ over Trayvon Martin

Posted By Matthew Boyle On 10:30 AM 03/28/2012 In Politics | 14 Comments

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece is criticizing the Rev. Al Sharpton and the Rev. Jesse Jackson for politicizing the Trayvon Martin shooting and leveraging racial tensions to rile up Americans.

Conservative activist Dr. Alveda King, now the director of African-American outreach at Priests for Life and the founder of King For America, said she hopes Sharpton and Jackson stop “stirring up the people without positive solutions” in Sanford, Fla., and elsewhere in the U.S.

“I would believe that, by stirring up all of the emotions and reactions, I wanted to encourage them to remember the man that they say that they followed, to remember that his message was nonviolence and very loving,” King told The Daily Caller, referencing her late uncle. She added that she wanted to encourage Jackson and Sharpton “to talk about nonviolence and not to incite people with that race card that they are very good at playing.”

“Nonviolence was a very important part of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr,” she added. “So, we want to encourage people to be nonviolent in their responses, to be thorough in their research and that justice must be done…We want justice to come, but we want nonviolent responses to this really tragic and terrible incident.”

King hasn’t made up her mind about the facts of this case and who is responsible for what, but believes there should be a full investigation. She told TheDC that she agrees with former Republican presidential candidate and businessman Herman Cain, however, who has asked for a full investigation instead of “swirling rhetoric.”

“I believe that it should be thoroughly investigated,” she told TheDC. “I believe that it should be discovered whether there was undue force. If Trayvon did work to defend himself, he was not armed and so that is an unfair fight right there. Trayvon was not armed and the man who shot him was. So there is a possibility of undue force.” (RELATED: Full coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting)

She said her heart goes out to Trayvon Martin’s family and she understands what they’re going through. “I’m very concerned about Trayvon’s family,” King said. “I’m praying as well, and many members of my family are as well… Several of us have experienced death of family members by shooting.”

“My grandmother, Mama King, Alberta Williams King, was shot in Ebenezer Baptist Church,” King continued. “My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., of course, was shot. And, then, my dad [Alfred Daniel Williams King] was killed the next year, drowned in a swimming pool. So, we are not unfamiliar with these kinds of shocks and tragedies to a family. And, so, my first thought is to pray for the family.”

King hopes Americans won’t continue to “hype this up so much to a point and make all this big demonstrations. Of course, there should be an outrage and there should be an outcry. But, remember: There are many other young people who are at risk and many young people getting killed in violent situations.”

She said if her father, A.D. King, and uncle, Martin Luther King Jr., were still alive today, they would handle this tragedy much differently from how Sharpton and Jackson have so far.

“I remember when our home was bombed, and my dad went out to the people and he said, ‘please don’t riot, please don’t react violently, my family and I are alright,’” King said. “’If you have to hit anybody, hit me. So please, I’d rather you be nonviolent and don’t strike out.’ So, my uncle would urge a call for justice but he would also urge nonviolence in responses. He would do that, I can assure you he would.”

Moving forward on this storyline, King said Americans “should be watchful for racial profiling, for stereotypical responses.”

“We also should urge people to know that we are one human race,” she said. “We’re not separate races. There’s only one human race.”

King said the news media — which she said was largely responsible for Martin’s story gaining a massive national following — should remember that there are many struggles being encountered by America’s youth.

“I would like for the media to be aware of how dire circumstances are and to be a little more compassionate in reporting and to be fair, of course,” King said. “To be honest and truthful, but to know that we’re dealing with some dire circumstances and this is not a one-time occurrence. There are issues involved here — certainly the racial issue is a question, but it’s not the only thing because we have violence against young people from those who are within their own racial communities and their own ethnic groups.”

King adds that racism still exists in America today, and the American people need to watch for it and fight back the way her uncle, Martin Luther King, Jr., taught. “This is the 21st century and we would all like to think racism is dead in America,” King said. “Actually, that’s not the case, still there are some racial issues that are out across this nation and so we have a responsibility as compassionate citizens of America, no matter what our ethnic group happens to be, to confront these issues when they arise. The best way to confront it is with God’s love, and if my uncle and my father were here today, they’d say that to you: ‘God’s love.’”


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InB4 superpunk posts that you let some racist off the hook.

I didn't get the chance.

200 of us show up in a room. Sit on our asses for hours while lawyers work out plea deals and setttlements. I'm released after 6 hours.

4th time I've been called. Have yet to work a case yet.


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If you don't think misattributed racism sells, you are a bigger fricking moron than you are proving on each and every post you make.

This is the most disgusting thing I've seen today. The NYDN is actually comparing Zimmerman to naked racists who intentionally murdered civil rights workers and other blacks in decades gone by, but unlike Zim, in none of those cases could the killers have pleaded self-defense. Shameless.


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I always knew she was a racist. I wonder what her reaction to the verdict is.


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I didn't get the chance.

200 of us show up in a room. Sit on our asses for hours while lawyers work out plea deals and setttlements. I'm released after 6 hours.

4th time I've been called. Have yet to work a case yet.

did they pay you a stipend?

Bob Sacamano

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She almost got it right. Except for nothing about the non-black.

I love how she begins by saying that she doesn't know what to make up her mind about concerning the facts of the case, but her narrative falls to, "yeah, of course you have a right to be up in arms about this."


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finding one random self-loathing black person who agrees with them - the last bastion of the racist

lol @ "MLK's niece"

"golly I didn't know he even had a niece but if she agrees with me and is black I'll listen to whatever she has to say"


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This is the most disgusting thing I've seen today. The NYDN is actually comparing Zimmerman to naked racists who intentionally murdered civil rights workers and other blacks in decades gone by, but unlike Zim, in none of those cases could the killers have pleaded self-defense. Shameless.

"On Dec. 19, 1986, a car carrying Griffith, 23, and three pals broke down on Cross Bay Blvd. in Howard Beach, Queens. After eating at the New Park Pizzeria, the four men were attacked by 10 white men. Griffith tried to flee, but was run over and killed.

Read more:"

It wasn't racially motivated / they were standing their ground / etc
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