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I can't understand why the story about the two teenages who shot a 13 month old baby in the face doesn't get the media attention that the Trayvon Martin story does.

I mean, if it was all about an innocent child being killed.... uh... hello....

Toddler in a stroller.

Doesn't get much more innocent or more of a child than that.

I hope superpunk is as outraged about that case.


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The national media can't realistically report every death that occurs in this nation, so it has to decide what is more viable, in terms of serving it's interests. It chooses to focus on the angle of perpetuating the idea that this contry is some some sort of racial turmoil.

They can't or won't? Instead of reporting things that are positive about race relations right now, like the Temar Boggs story.

Instead that is buried with crap about the aftermath of the Zimmerman case.

Go to race-baiting sites like Gawker or Huffington Post. JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON. Temar Boggs saves little white girl.


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That's too extreme and if there's any cynicism it's in that attitude. Unfortunately the entire premise of the whole ugly issue is that in choosing to believe either side of the story or suggestion, you're supposedly choosing it based on race. You're by default a racist. Of course both sides will deny that and in some cases rightly so, but this is the value imposed on it from the start. It was always a losing argument for either side.

IOW your whole purpose of this thread. Good talk.


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FYI a kid was murdered just letting you know

Yeah, kids are murdered every day. Cruel world. I guess it only matters when it is racially charged and subject to people injecting their own idiotic PC agendas into the equation.

And FYI, most 17 year olds would be offended if you called them a kid. In fact if we could somehow bring Saint Trayvon back from the dead and have you call him a kid, he'd probably call you a cracker and take a swing at your ass.


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They can't or won't? Instead of reporting things that are positive about race relations right now, like the Temar Boggs story.

Instead that is buried with crap about the aftermath of the Zimmerman case.

They can certainly choose and by their own choices we know what they're all about. The number of people killed in the U.S. is probably staggering, but it's obvious they pick this sort of shit to foment strife. These are the people lauding the miseries in Egypt as some sort of show of democracy, because the've already become disillusioned with real democracy, i.e. civil voting blocs.


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Yeah, kids are murdered every day. Cruel world. I guess it only matters when it is racially charged and subject to people injecting their own idiotic PC agendas into the equation.

There's no telling what the media will pick up on. Tons of people get kidnapped, didn't stop the media from going on about that white bitch in Bermuda. Noone gives a fuck if OJ Simpson is OJ Willis. The media can't cover everything with the exact same intensity get off this line of reasoning it makes you sound like an idiot slash racist who thinks the progressive media is out to get the white man.

And FYI, most 17 year olds would be offended if you called them a kid. In fact if we could somehow bring Saint Trayvon back from the dead and have you call him a kid, he'd probably call you a cracker and take a swing at your ass.

right I forgot the part where we classify minors based on what minors are offended by. That ones on me, guys.


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There's no telling what the media will pick up on.

The media will pick up on what sells, especially now when you have a bunch of idiots on Twitter and Facebook.

Make it racial? Boom. You got it.

Once something goes viral, it has a shot. Hell, there is a big thing on Gawker right now, today, where a white doctor accused a black woman of having a ghetto butt. Yeah. That's relevant, today only because everyone has their panties in a wad.

Racism is around every minute, every day. But that does not mean that black kids are getting shot in the street by white people.

Tons of people get kidnapped, didn't stop the media from going on about that white bitch in Bermuda.
So why is she a "white bitch" again? If using that same kind of dismissive attitude, I could call Martin a black MFer. Seem fair?

The media can't cover everything with the exact same intensity get off this line of reasoning it makes you sound like an idiot slash racist who thinks the progressive media is out to get the white man.

Oh the poor overwhelmed media. They can't cover evrathang.


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The media will pick up on what sells, especially now when you have a bunch of idiots on Twitter and Facebook.

Make it racial? Boom. You got it.

Once something goes viral, it has a shot. Hell, there is a big thing on Gawker right now, today, where a white doctor accused a black woman of having a ghetto butt. Yeah. That's relevant, today only because everyone has their panties in a wad.

Racism is around every minute, every day. But that does not mean that black kids are getting shot in the street by white people.

So why is she a "white bitch" again? If using that same kind of dismissive attitude, I could call Martin a black MFer. Seem fair?

Oh the poor overwhelmed media. They can't cover evrathang.

Can't find a point in any of this stuff other than you appear to be blaming the collective consciousness of America for determining that an overzealous security guard stalking a black kid who went to buy skittles and murdering him might have a racial component. Good work Matlock you've cracked the case. Noone "made" it racially charged. Unless you count Zimmerman, which....who does?

Tighten your shit up if you have a point make it.


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SANFORD, FL—More than 16 months after he fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in an altercation at a Florida condominium development, neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman was found, technically speaking, not guilty of murder Saturday, but c’mon.

Following two days of intense deliberations, a six-member jury determined that Zimmerman had, from a purely legal standpoint, not murdered Martin, a black teenager, in February 2012. According to jurors, Zimmerman lawfully acted in self-defense—but let’s be serious here, shall we?—when he shot Martin at point-blank range in the chest, leaving him dead within minutes.

“The jury acted within the letter of the law, I guess, if you want to be official about it, and acquitted Mr. Zimmerman of both second-degree murder and manslaughter charges,” said legal scholar Jeffrey Frazier about Zimmerman’s culpability in the events of February 26, 2012, which, trial or no trial, have been pretty clear all along, right? “Mr. Zimmerman did not violate any Florida state laws—although, please, give me a break—and is an innocent man, I suppose, if you’re sticking to the strict legal definition of that word.”

“And thus, this trial was properly conducted in full accordance with the U.S. justice system,” Frazier added. “For whatever that’s worth.”

The highly anticipated verdict was announced late Saturday evening, when the jury’s foreman informed the dozens gathered in the packed courtroom that, in purely technical terms, mind you, Zimmerman had been cleared of wrongdoing, using her middle and forefingers on both hands to pantomime quotation marks while stating the words “not guilty.”

“Is George Zimmerman, juridically speaking, guilty of a crime? Under the precise stipulations of this particular law, no, he wasn’t,” said the foreman, adding, “Although, I think we all know what happened here, don’t we? Seriously, don’t we? And so we the jury find the defendant, George Zimmerman, you know, Christ, I guess I have to say not guilty? Do I really have to say that?”

The trial, which gripped the nation for three weeks, was particularly notable for Judge Debra B. Nelson’s order barring any discussion of race, which she stated had no bearing on the case, but, again, let’s be serious here for a second, as the victim was a black teenager.

In the wake of the verdict, large protests are confirmed to have erupted in cities throughout the country, which, frankly, is pretty understandable because, Christ, did you watch this fucking trial? In response to the nationwide outrage over Zimmerman’s innocence, and, boy, we’re using the term “innocence” pretty goddamned loosely here, President Barack Obama urged calm.

“I ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son,” said Obama in an address Sunday, sighing. “We are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken.”

“But c’mon,” added Obama.


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“Mr. Zimmerman did not violate any Florida state laws—although, please, give me a break—and is an innocent man, I suppose, if you’re sticking to the strict legal definition of that word.”
So we have a lawyer saying, yea he is technically innocent, yea he acted within his rights according to the law, but fuck that bad shit happened, fuck the laws, lets just do whatever we want.

Rule of law is for fags and racists.


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So we have a lawyer saying, yea he is technically innocent, yea he acted within his rights according to the law, but fuck that bad shit happened, fuck the laws, lets just do whatever we want.

Rule of law is for fags and racists.



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Can't find a point in any of this stuff other than you appear to be blaming the collective consciousness of America for determining that an overzealous security guard stalking a black kid who went to buy skittles and murdering him might have a racial component. Good work Matlock you've cracked the case. Noone "made" it racially charged. Unless you count Zimmerman, which....who does?

Tighten your shit up if you have a point make it.

What "collective consciousness" of America?

There is no "collective consciousness" until the "overwhelmed and overstretched" media makes it so.

Tighten your shit up and talk about "innocents", black hoodies, Arizona Watermelon Iced Tea and Skittles some more.


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Did zimmerman act like a douche bage? Yes. Should he be charged anything for that action? No.

Does that give Trayvon the right to attack him? No

Does being attacked, and losing, give you the right to shoot somebody? Yes.

Facts over, not guilty. Zimmerman was a douche bag, but you cant just attack any douche bag or something like this is going to happen to you.


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nice to know a murderer is on equal footing with the Situation when it comes to labels.

"douchebag" indeed. Dahmer was "a bit of a prick".


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wait I thought the media was just "picking up on what sells"

get your story straight and get back to me.


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Did zimmerman act like a douche bage? Yes. Should he be charged anything for that action? No.

Does that give Trayvon the right to attack him? No

Does being attacked, and losing, give you the right to shoot somebody? Yes.

Facts over, not guilty. Zimmerman was a douche bag, but you cant just attack any douche bag or something like this is going to happen to you.


Black hoodie.

~mumble mumble~

The whole thing here about this case is the "collective consciousness of America"® is turning into a bunch of Brick Tamlands.

As soon as a lot of people start yelling, a certain segment starts in, without a clue what the facts are.

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