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It's a fair question but is irrelevant to the conversation. If you are Joe Fan at an event and someone is being an ass you can tell them to stop but you don't have the authority to make them stop. If they don't stop you have no choice but to involve the officials that would have authority to make it stop.
You're right... you (or I) don't have the authority to make them stop... but sometimes the sheer embarrassment of being called out for being a moron is enough to not only make someone stop, but even leave.

And no, it's not irrelevant. You can't claim that the government isn't interfering, especially when you are the one prodding the government to interfere. If the NJSIAA and the Attorneys General have "come to an agreement", then they are acting in unison. You can't have it both ways.
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Trash talk has no place in high school athletics, specifically trash talk that involves gender, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or religion. You have no idea what high school athletics are about, it's clear from your position here.
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Trash talk has no place in high school athletics, specifically trash talk that involves gender, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or religion. You have no idea what high school athletics are about, it's clear from your position here.
You are so single-minded on slamming his opinion that you don't even see that he's making a clear distinction between trash-talking and racially/sexually/ethnically based comments. Goddamn, man.
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You're right... you (or I) don't have the authority to make them stop... but sometimes the sheer embarrassment of being called out for being a moron is enough to not only make someone stop, but even leave.

And no, it's not irrelevant. You can't claim that the government isn't interfering, especially when you are the one prodding the government to interfere. If the NJSIAA and the Attorneys General have "come to an agreement", then they are acting in unison. You can't have it both ways.

The NJSIAA came up with the policy. A policy each of the member schools had a say in creating or approving. It is their policy. If laws are broken they don't have the ability to prosecute violations of the law. If violations of the policy occur that aren't deemed to be violations of the law then the association will lay out the punishment.


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Oh stop. Your phony indignation is far worse than my assertion that making it a legal matter is the worse avenue for anyone involved. The false hypersensitivity is lame. No one is ruined over it and schools and people in general can handle themselves in their own matters. If the field is wrought with racial crap (or whatever prevailing poor attitude), send them packing and move on. It's only as impact-ful as it's allowed to become by pretending it's so damaging. People play sports for different reasons, ascribing some sort of grand meaning of life to it is just as lame.
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You are so single-minded on slamming his opinion that you don't even see that he's making a clear distinction between trash-talking and racially/sexually/ethnically based comments. Goddamn, man.

Trash talk has no place in high school athletics. He is bitching specifically about this policy as a breech of freedom of speech. This policy discusses those things only as ones being reported because they may break the law. All state athletic associations believe heavily in sportsmanship and trash talking isn't good sportsmanship. Some state associations already boot you for the reminder of the game and the next game for unsportsmanlike conduct.
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The NJSIAA came up with the policy. A policy each of the member schools had a say in creating or approving. It is their policy. If laws are broken they don't have the ability to prosecute violations of the law. If violations of the policy occur that aren't deemed to be violations of the law then the association will lay out the punishment.
The AG cannot work in concert with an "association" to enforce a "policy".

Nor does the association have the ability to "punish" anyone for violating their policy other than making them leave.

In other words, (yours) nothing has changed. This is just a bunch of hot air.
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Oh stop. Your phony indignation is far worse than my assertion that making it a legal matter is the worse avenue for anyone involved. The false hypersensitivity is lame. No one is ruined over it and schools and people in general can handle themselves in their own matters. If the field is wrought with racial crap (or whatever prevailing poor attitude), send them packing and move on. It's only as impact-ful as it's allowed to become by pretending it's so damaging. People play sports for different reasons, ascribing some sort of grand meaning of life to it is just as lame.

You don't get it.
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Trash talk has no place in high school athletics.
Really. Really? Are you serious?

You would have a stadium full of nothing but cheers for the home team, then.

So what do you consider trash talk, Nancy? Anything that might affect the self-esteem of a participant? Where do you draw the line? Where did the NJSIAA and the AG draw the line? Is booing the visiting team considered trash-talking? FFS 2233, if the AG has time to worry about shit like this, the crime rate in his area better be microscopic.
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Remember, this is coming from someone who gets butt-hurt when told he misspelled something or used improper grammar. In other words, his stance on this is not surprising me in the least.


Pro Bowler
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Trash talk has no place in high school athletics. He is bitching specifically about this policy as a breech of freedom of speech. This policy discusses those things only as ones being reported because they may break the law. All state athletic associations believe heavily in sportsmanship and trash talking isn't good sportsmanship. Some state associations already boot you for the reminder of the game and the next game for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Great job in this thread.

Would love to hear someone expound on the downside of allowing trash talk but at the same time not allowing kids to use racial/religious/gender slurs on the court.
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Really. Really? Are you serious?

You would have a stadium full of nothing but cheers for the home team, then.

So what do you consider trash talk, Nancy? Anything that might affect the self-esteem of a participant? Where do you draw the line? Where did the NJSIAA and the AG draw the line? Is booing the visiting team considered trash-talking? FFS 2233, if the AG has time to worry about shit like this, the crime rate in his area better be microscopic.
If you knew the policies and procedures that high school athletics were governed under this wouldn't be so hard for you to understand. High school athletics at their core are an extension of the educational process. They are student athletes, not professional athletes. Before every game at least in Pa a sportsmanship code is read to the teams, announced on the loud speakers, and enforced on the field (some places better than others). I think booing kids is wrong, yes and I wouldn't do it ever. Being a fan, IMO, at high school events means cheering for your team not cheering against the other team.

Your next two posts are trolling garbage, so I'm not responding to them. I thought the rest of the discussion was pretty good and you made some good points. I just disagree with you. Peace.
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I deleted the name calling. It wasn't appropriate. Everyone else was classier than I was.


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I deleted the name calling. It wasn't appropriate. Everyone else was classier than I was.

LOL Yep, you are the first guy I think of when I think of class. I read your pre-edited post.

Anyway... How anyone can consider this a judicious use of our scarce resources is beyond me.
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Disappointed and then again not so disappointed. I knew you'd post and didn't think you'd offer anything of substance. I was correct.


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Disappointed and then again not so disappointed. I knew you'd post and didn't think you'd offer anything of substance. I was correct.

I will tell you what is predicable. It is your sanctimonious crap. Most of us understand the difference between right and wrong and don't require the help of the Attorney General to do so. Your smartest man in the room garbage is getting old. New Jersey has enough problems without pissing money away regulating what is said during a high school sporting event.

I played high school sports in NJ for four years. Even the most disciplined player will get chippy from time to time. Didn't you ever get out of the house as a kid? It is the nature of physical competition. There is going to be a little bit of jawing here and there. Good grief, how did you survive your childhood without the nanny state?
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