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so Hillary slips the noose again. i guess the Dems are back to loving Comey.

Yep. Obumma and Lynch put the heat on Comey again. Must have told him they'd not only get him, but any member in the Comey family bloodline too.


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No way am I missing your impending mental meltdown.

I'll be disappointed and deep down if she wins, I know its because of voter fraud.

The country will definitely be ruined. I feel bad for my son and other people's kids and grandkids.


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You prefer Trump to Johnson, and you think Johnson is deranged or unbalanced??? LOL

And are you saying he lost his temper in that video? Did you watch the video?

So his default mocking of people he doesn't like is to go after them like they have a mental or physical disability?? I don't think that makes it any better. He's had more gaffes than Joe Biden ever dreamed of, and Republican shills eat it up.

He's also bringing honesty, understanding, and he actually answers questions he's asked. The other two are incapable of giving a straight answer.

Ahhh, the old socially conservative fear mongering. All the shit people do in their own homes is going to lead to the end of civilization.

Maybe you should focus on all the endless wars your party has gotten the country in to. That's a much more serious threat to civilization.

Johnson is a goofball; Trump is eccentric and bombastic.

Endless wars? The Republicans have started only one war of choice (with broad bi-partisan support) in the last 70+ years: Iraq. A better question is why we're still in Afghanistan after 15 years.

People only do drugs at home? :lol A cop has never asked a perp why his car smells like weed? Have you missed all those recent stories about parents publicly strung out on heroin?

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Maybe your being a dumbass then, because I have to vote for the person that best matches what I believe. Since there are no idea candidates left, he's the best one for the job that most closely allies with what I think and believe.

Based on your dumbshit logic, most people should just not vote at all right?
I never said people shouldn't vote at all. I wish people would truly become educated about the candidates before they vote.

You say you're conservative. I'm assuming that's socially conservative, fiscally conservative, and in favor of upholding the constitution.

Trump wants to institute stop and frisk... unconstitutional. He wants to "open up libel laws..." unconstititional. He's hawkish, and thinks he "knows more about ISIS than even the generals... believe [him]." He's implied again and again that when he's commander-in-chief, he will make the decision to go to war or to take military action, and the military will follow him. That's not only unconstitutional (presidents aren't supposed to be declaring war without congress), it's authoritarian to the extreme. Hillary is exactly the same way... she will not hesitate to go to war without congressional declaration.

Trump wants to spend billions of taxpayer money to build a wall that isn't going to stop illegal immigration. That's not fiscally conservative. He wants to lower taxes, but has no substantial spending cuts in mind to balance the budget, or to reign in the skyrocketing federal debt. That's not fiscally conservative. His own businesses have filed for bankruptcy numerous times. Not fiscally conservative. Conservatives are supposed to be for smaller government involvement in every day life. He hasn't indicated anywhere he will be advocating for smaller government. He's severely anti-free trade. That's not a conservative ideal.

Trump is an in your face, divisive demagogue. I don't consider that a conservative ideal. In the past he has spoken out as being pro-choice; since he began running as a Republican, he's backtracked on that, because it would have been fatal to his campaign. And in my opinion, what people think of as a social conservative is someone who wants the government to outlaw certain types of behavior that don't affect anyone but the individual. I think that's a hypocritical stance, because it increases the authority of government.

But I digress....

I really don't think your voting for Trump because he most closely aligns with your ideals, because his platform is not a conservative one (as you've admitted yourself). I think you're resigned to voting for him because he's not Hillary. I'm not going to vote for someone I don't trust and someone I don't agree with simply because the other option is unpalatable. I wish the Republicans would have nominated someone who was conservative, and someone who can garner respect for the party. But they didn't, so I looked for other options.

Johnson is a true fiscal conservative. I guarantee you he's more conservative than Trump in that respect. And I agree with him on most social issues... individual liberty is the ideal. To me, that's where most young people are heading. Simply put, that's enough for me to support him over the two embarrasing options.
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Thanks Bud but where did you get this? From what news I saw, Hillary's lead in NV was based on calculated votes unless I misunderstood (which is very possible).

BTW, go vote......
They don't give out vote totals from early voting because it could affect turnout. They only tell you who has voted and how they're registered (if they are).
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I'll be disappointed and deep down if she wins, I know its because of voter fraud.

The country will definitely be ruined. I feel bad for my son and other people's kids and grandkids.
When she gets 300+ electoral votes, that's not cause of fraud. It's cause the Republicans nominated a piece of shit.
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Johnson is a goofball; Trump is eccentric and bombastic.
Trump is an asshat. Johnson is goofy, but overall an honest and capable politician.

Endless wars? The Republicans have started only one war of choice (with broad bi-partisan support) in the last 70+ years: Iraq. A better question is why we're still in Afghanistan after 15 years.
Afghanistan is ongoing. Iraq created a power vaccuum which led to ISIS and the current Syrian crisis, which sounds like both major candidates are going to put boots on the ground there. Then we're involved in regime change in Egypt, Lybia, etc., which who knows what the long-term ramifications of those fiascos will be. Yeah... endless wars.

People only do drugs at home? :lol A cop has never asked a perp why his car smells like weed? Have you missed all those recent stories about parents publicly strung out on heroin?
Oh, I thought that if you made things illegal, then those things would stop? It hasn't?? Well, then by all means, lets throw more money at it. Let's put more of them in prison. I mean, those things deter people from using right? What, it hasn't?


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his visceral, over-the-top reaction to the neutral term "illegal immigrant" is an immediate qualifier


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Oh, I thought that if you made things illegal, then those things would stop? It hasn't?? Well, then by all means, lets throw more money at it. Let's put more of them in prison. I mean, those things deter people from using right? What, it hasn't?

so you agree that even if drugs were legalized, addicts wouldn't just be doing them at home, but also in public where they could wreak great damage on innocent parties. thanks for backing me up.
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so you agree that even if drugs were legalized, addicts wouldn't just be doing them at home, but also in public where they could wreak great damage on innocent parties. thanks for backing me up.
Addicts do drugs publicly and at home, but mostly at home, or in someone else's home. And if they get behind the wheel, then there are still laws making that a crime. When people talk about legalizing a drug (weed is the only thing being legalized), they talk about the usage of it in the privacy of their home... not in public and not behind the wheel of a car.

My point is that even making simple possession and use of a drug at home illegal doesn't stop the use from occurring, so the laws you champion are wholly ineffective and a massive waste of taxpayer resources with law enforcement and imprisonment.
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that's your rebuttal to Johnson's own words/policies? ohhhhkay.
The statements at 3:15 were not Johnson's words. They're from infowars.

And the clip after that about illegal immigration... He's not wrong... most of them came here on work visas and then overstayed the visa. Most of them don't cross the border on foot like Trump would have you believe. So they came here legally. Implying they all crossed illegally is just factually incorrect.

That better? Got any other hack journalism pieces you want to throw out there?


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When she gets 300+ electoral votes, that's not cause of fraud. It's cause the Republicans nominated a piece of shit.

And the dems didn't?

Oh wait, they didn't really even "nominate" her, they just handed her the ticket on a silver platter after fucking over the other candidate.


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I hope Pep is better at being an attorney than he is about arguing politics in this forum, otherwise he's starving to death.


Pro Bowler
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People only do drugs at home? :lol A cop has never asked a perp why his car smells like weed? Have you missed all those recent stories about parents publicly strung out on heroin?


sheesh, looks like a scene out of TWD


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The statements at 3:15 were not Johnson's words. They're from infowars.

I'm talking about the words coming out of his mouth. was that an imposter?

And the clip after that about illegal immigration... He's not wrong... most of them came here on work visas and then overstayed the visa. Most of them don't cross the border on foot like Trump would have you believe. So they came here legally. Implying they all crossed illegally is just factually incorrect.


bullshit. of the 11 million estimated illegals in this country, you contend that a majority of them came here legally on a work visa?? you can't be that naive. if not a wall, how do you (or Johnson) propose to keep illegals out of the country? do you even want to? do you believe in open borders? do you believe in US sovereignty?

and you're dodging the fact that he objected to the phrase "illegal immigrant." do you agree that it's a neutral term and should not be dismissed as bigoted or racist? if not, we have nothing left to discuss because that would make you an Orwellian extremist.

That better? Got any other hack journalism pieces you want to throw out there?

I think I've proven that Johnson is to libertarianism as Trump is to conservatism. In other words, poseurs.
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