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Pep, just leave this thread man.

You need to put down your liberal talking point card and stop.

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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I think I've proven that Johnson is to libertarianism as Trump is to conservatism. In other words, poseurs.

As a former LP member, whose 1st LP vote was in 1988, I can safely say that Johnson is by far the biggest embarrassment the party has ever run.....And don't even get me started on Bill "original libertarian" Weld.


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As a former LP member, whose 1st LP vote was in 1988, I can safely say that Johnson is by far the biggest embarrassment the party has ever run.....And don't even get me started on Bill "original libertarian" Weld.

Pep knows it too. He just cant bring himself to admit it. Its why he keeps the bash Trump posts going in an attempt to deflect.
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bullshit. of the 11 million estimated illegals in this country, you contend that a majority of them came here legally on a work visa?? you can't be that naive. if not a wall, how do you (or Johnson) propose to keep illegals out of the country? do you even want to? do you believe in open borders? do you believe in US sovereignty?
45% of them are overstayers of visas. Then another half million of them came in with a Border Crossing Card... so they came here legally. That's 50% of 11 million.

Johnson proposes that immigrants are allowed to come in legally... if they pass background checks, they will be admitted, given social security numbers, and pay taxes. So no, not open borders.

and you're dodging the fact that he objected to the phrase "illegal immigrant." do you agree that it's a neutral term and should not be dismissed as bigoted or racist? if not, we have nothing left to discuss because that would make you an Orwellian extremist.
No it's not a neutral term. And I don't give a shit if you call them that or not. But I can see why hispanic people would object to the term. Of course, you like the guy who calls them all murderers and rapists... which is clearly factually wrong and offensive. So if I have to choose which one handles the issue better, yeah, I'm with Johnson.

I think I've proven that Johnson is to libertarianism as Trump is to conservatism. In other words, poseurs.
I must have missed that.
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And the dems didn't?

Oh wait, they didn't really even "nominate" her, they just handed her the ticket on a silver platter after fucking over the other candidate.
I never said otherwise. They have a piece of shit too.

But congratulations, the Dems nominated a piece of shit, put her on a silver platter to try to get people to vote for her. And what did the Repubs do? Nominated a piece of shit and put him on a silver platter to try to get people to vote for him. The two major parties are standing on the stage with two pieces of shit, with a smile on their face, like "hey vote for this one."

The election is there for the Republicans' taking... Any of the other Republican nominees in my lifetime could have beat Hillary. McCain, Romney, the Bushes, Bob Dole, they all would have mopped the floor with her. But no, they nominated Trump. They fucked it up.
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You need to put down your liberal talking point card and stop.
I gave you at least 10 reasons why Trump isn't a conservative, and you say I have a liberal talking point card? Really, if you're not going to try, you should just shut the fuck up.
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As a former LP member, whose 1st LP vote was in 1988, I can safely say that Johnson is by far the biggest embarrassment the party has ever run.....And don't even get me started on Bill "original libertarian" Weld.
He's going to get more votes than any other LP candidate ever has.

Look, he's not a perfect candidate... none of them are. But if you really look at him, his history, his policies, and compare them with the other 4-5 top candidates, he's better than them all, and it's not close.

At least the duopoly has had to pay attention to him this election cycle. They didn't have to do that before. I find it funny that bbgun brings in all these right-wing hit pieces in on him to try to discredit him, and they really don't have anything to do with his policies. It's about how weird he is, his "temper," or how he feels about the term "illegal immigrant." The only policy argument they've talked about is legalization of marijuana. I'd love for an actual policy debate between Trump's policies and Johnson's policies to come up in here... Johnson mops the floor with Trump on policy.

EDIT: By the way. I don't know your politics now, and don't really know you at all anyway... But if you want the LP to be included in the discussion, and maybe a candidate you think of as a real Libertarian to have any sort of chance, then every vote helps. In most states if he gets 5% of the vote, the future of the party is helped immensely.
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4 year old girl dead after father drives drunk on Pasadena freeway.

Let's outlaw alcohol. Oh wait... those beer companies lobbyists pay lots of money to Washington. We can't criminalize possession of alcohol.

Funny... Republicans will tell you endlessly how guns don't kill people, people kill people. But when it's drugs? The people who decide to do drugs don't kill people, the drugs kill people.


Pro Bowler
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Look, he's not a perfect candidate... none of them are.

Bingo, I wish there was a candidate that we could all unite around instead of the constant polarization and animosity that seems to exist among the voting public.

We should be pissed at our government, not at each other.

good job Pep

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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He's going to get more votes than any other LP candidate ever has.

Look, he's not a perfect candidate... none of them are. But if you really look at him, his history, his policies, and compare them with the other 4-5 top candidates, he's better than them all, and it's not close.

At least the duopoly has had to pay attention to him this election cycle. They didn't have to do that before. I find it funny that bbgun brings in all these right-wing hit pieces in on him to try to discredit him, and they really don't have anything to do with his policies. It's about how weird he is, his "temper," or how he feels about the term "illegal immigrant." The only policy argument they've talked about is legalization of marijuana. I'd love for an actual policy debate between Trump's policies and Johnson's policies to come up in here... Johnson mops the floor with Trump on policy.

EDIT: By the way. I don't know your politics now, and don't really know you at all anyway... But if you want the LP to be included in the discussion, and maybe a candidate you think of as a real Libertarian to have any sort of chance, then every vote helps. In most states if he gets 5% of the vote, the future of the party is helped immensely.
Same dreck I heard when they nominated GOP washout retread Bob Barr.

Given the pathetic nominees of the two major parties, it was a near given that the LP was going to get the most votes for the party if they had nominated a ham sammich....And nobody said anything about a perfect candidate...You now sound like a republican supporting a mush head like Dole or Romney.

Even more pathetic than the nomination of the sad sacks Johnson and Weld, was when the LP was asked to help out with the Rand Paul effort, only to be rebuffed under the premise that he was only "libertarian-ish".

Of course, the best evidence of how badly Johnson/Weld suck on toast is that they draw more votes away from Hilary than Trump...Thanks for helping to wreck my former party.
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This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Bingo, I wish there was a candidate that we could all unite around instead of the constant polarization and animosity that seems to exist among the voting public.

We should be pissed at our government, not at each other.

good job Pep
"There's not a perfect candidate" is a classic strew man argument....Nobody said anything about having a perfect anything.

I can remember when the LP nominated candidates who didn't sound like they were baked 24/7.


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45% of them are overstayers of visas. Then another half million of them came in with a Border Crossing Card... so they came here legally. That's 50% of 11 million.

So only 5.5 million (and counting) came here without any sort of visa. That makes me feel better about the whole mess. :rolleyes

Johnson proposes that immigrants are allowed to come in legally... if they pass background checks, they will be admitted, given social security numbers, and pay taxes. So no, not open borders.

So we already have more Mexicans than we need or can handle, but he proposes more so long as they pass a background check? Why would you reward a scofflaw country that flouts this country's immigration laws? What about those Mexicans who don't bother with visas and the like? What's his plan to stop them? The honor system? Why would we allow more of them to enter when we can't keep track of the millions of visa overstayers already here? It's lunacy. I get the sense that if you can make it to this country, legally or illegally, Johnson will allow you to stay. Am I wrong? Demographics threaten to make Arizona, Georgia, and even Texas into swing states, which means permanent Democratic rule at the expense of libertarians and Republicans. So logic dictates that you should favor an immigration ban on countries whose immigrant populations produce Democrats. I mean, unless you're an idiot.

No it's not a neutral term.

No one had a problem with "illegal" until white guilt SJW types force fed us the "undocumented immigrant" euphemism, which is a wholly politicized term.

And I don't give a shit if you call them that or not. But I can see why hispanic people would object to the term.

why? it applies to anyone in the country illegally, regardless of race or nationality. but we're supposed to ditch the phrase because Hispanics are the worst offenders by far? fuck that.

Of course, you like the guy who calls them all murderers and rapists... which is clearly factually wrong and offensive. So if I have to choose which one handles the issue better, yeah, I'm with Johnson.

oh please. this is a stale rehash of "binders full of women." everyone knew what Romney meant and ditto for Trump. stop acting like Mexico is sending over PhD types and Nobel Laureates.

I must have missed that.

you missed that he's pro-TPP, pro-carbon tax, pro-mandatory vaccination, in favor of forcing Jews (or anyone for that matter) to bake cakes for neo-Nazis, tripled New Mexico's debt, lovingly described Hillary as a "wonderful public servant," and confessed to agreeing with neo-Marxist Bernie Sanders 73% of the time?

you've taken one too many hits on his bong


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I never said otherwise. They have a piece of shit too.

But congratulations, the Dems nominated a piece of shit, put her on a silver platter to try to get people to vote for her. And what did the Repubs do? Nominated a piece of shit and put him on a silver platter to try to get people to vote for him. The two major parties are standing on the stage with two pieces of shit, with a smile on their face, like "hey vote for this one."

The election is there for the Republicans' taking... Any of the other Republican nominees in my lifetime could have beat Hillary. McCain, Romney, the Bushes, Bob Dole, they all would have mopped the floor with her. But no, they nominated Trump. They fucked it up.

Pep I don't see how you could have possibly got through law school.

You cant tell the difference in how Hillary got the nomination as compared to the Trump situation?

Come on man, you cant possibly be this fucking dumb.


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I gave you at least 10 reasons why Trump isn't a conservative, and you say I have a liberal talking point card? Really, if you're not going to try, you should just shut the fuck up.

Why are you trying to convince me of something that I've already agreed with you on?

Is he as conservative as I'd prefer, no. But the guy I supported lost.

Is he more conservative than the other losers on the ballot? Yes, absolutely.


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The election is there for the Republicans' taking... Any of the other Republican nominees in my lifetime could have beat Hillary. McCain, Romney, the Bushes, Bob Dole, they all would have mopped the floor with her. But no, they nominated Trump. They fucked it up.

Dole, McCain and Romney couldn't beat their own meat, let alone win a Presidential election.

And the part you arnt getting (either because you are trolling or just plain fucking stupid) is the Republican party didn't make Trump the candidate on the ballot like the corrupt Dem party did with Hillary. The PEOPLE voted for Trump (in record numbers) and made him the nominee. The people that run the party hardly supported Trump at all.
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