
Draft Pick
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I think Trump is going to win.

If Hillary wins and its close I think all hell will break lose due to the massive voter fraud, because that's the ONLY way she can win. There's no way in fucking hell she'd win a legit election at this point.

Cause it'd only be rigged if it's close?

If people are so fucking ready to revolt, why is a close defeat necessary?


Super Moderator
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Looks like Clinton is up in Nevada according to early poll results. The road for Trump just got harder.

And another report that Hillary's Filipino maid handled classified documents for her. Is this lady really for real?


Super Moderator
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And half of Florida voters have already voted and it looks like Hillary took a slight lead there as well.

Just goes to show that Dem voters don't care about issues that would have destroyed any other candidate in the past. There was a time when Gary Hart was slaying some pussy (yes, I used that word) on a yacht and it ruined him. Today's Dems are ideologues. This lady has sole her office for political gain. That's the most disgusting conduct I can think of for a politician. Corrupt to the core.

On the other side, Trump says he gets pussy because he's rich and the polls go down. People are nuts.

What will be interesting is as this investigation widens and Hillary is charged after she'll elected, it'll be the type of crisis we've never seen. But, most concerning for me is the cover these people get from the Department of Justice. Nixon didn't get that type of cover. I shouldn't be surprised though....values matter very little in today's America.

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Looks like Clinton is up in Nevada according to early poll results. The road for Trump just got harder.

And another report that Hillary's Filipino maid handled classified documents for her. Is this lady really for real?
Those numbers are based upon voter party affiliation, and don't count the indy vote either way.

The indy vote, historically speaking, usually breaks to the challenger. Especially so when the candidate for the party in power is below 50%. Ditto the crossover vote.

FWIW, I'm an ancap who will not be voting at all. Just making the dispassionate historical observation.
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Even Ann Coulter tweeted she sees Hillary getting 270.

Unreal. I hope America burns to the ground.


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Cause it'd only be rigged if it's close?

If people are so fucking ready to revolt, why is a close defeat necessary?

I doubt they can rig it enough for a "landslide" win Hoof. There's only so many illegals and dead people they can reasonably get to the polls


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If people are so fucking ready to revolt, why is a close defeat necessary?

I guess I should have clarified what I meant by "all hell breaking loose" too. I meant from a legal/judicial standpoint etc etc. If its close and Hillary wins, I think the Trump people and the R party are going to HIGHLY scrutinize the results. Romney laid down and went away in 2012 even when his people were presented with some evidence of voter fraud in certain districts of VA and Ohio, I highly doubt Trump will do the same.


Super Moderator
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I guess I should have clarified what I meant by "all hell breaking loose" too. I meant from a legal/judicial standpoint etc etc. If its close and Hillary wins, I think the Trump people and the R party are going to HIGHLY scrutinize the results. Romney laid down and went away in 2012 even when his people were presented with some evidence of voter fraud in certain districts of VA and Ohio, I highly doubt Trump will do the same.

It won't matter. Republicans will go to work the next day just like they always do. I'm just amazed the country would vote for a corrupt crook but I can never over-estimate the stupidity of the American public.


Super Moderator
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Those numbers are based upon voter party affiliation, and don't count the indy vote either way.

The indy vote, historically speaking, usually breaks to the challenger. Especially so when the candidate for the party in power is below 50%. Ditto the crossover vote.

FWIW, I'm an ancap who will not be voting at all. Just making the dispassionate historical observation.

Thanks Bud but where did you get this? From what news I saw, Hillary's lead in NV was based on calculated votes unless I misunderstood (which is very possible).

BTW, go vote......

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Thanks Bud but where did you get this? From what news I saw, Hillary's lead in NV was based on calculated votes unless I misunderstood (which is very possible).
The only information they have to calculate anything is go from the registrations of the voters.


Draft Pick
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I guess I should have clarified what I meant by "all hell breaking loose" too. I meant from a legal/judicial standpoint etc etc. If its close and Hillary wins, I think the Trump people and the R party are going to HIGHLY scrutinize the results. Romney laid down and went away in 2012 even when his people were presented with some evidence of voter fraud in certain districts of VA and Ohio, I highly doubt Trump will do the same.

I doubt it. The Republican Party doesn't give a shit about Trump. If he loses, nobody will stand by him. Trump is basically the GOP's slump buster. Nasty piece of ass you wouldn't touch under normal conditions but it's been a while so you can probably keep it hard enough to nut. After its over, you'll likely never speak to that person again.


Pro Bowler
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I doubt it. The Republican Party doesn't give a shit about Trump. If he loses, nobody will stand by him. Trump is basically the GOP's slump buster. Nasty piece of ass you wouldn't touch under normal conditions but it's been a while so you can probably keep it hard enough to nut. After its over, you'll likely never speak to that person again.

I don't know if you're right or not but if there was a news network that used these types of analogies, I'd watch the shit out of that channel


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so Hillary slips the noose again. i guess the Dems are back to loving Comey.
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there's funny and there's coming across as deranged or unbalanced. the hair trigger temper ain't helping, either.

You prefer Trump to Johnson, and you think Johnson is deranged or unbalanced??? LOL

And are you saying he lost his temper in that video? Did you watch the video?

Trump has a history of mocking all of his critics that way. I sincerely doubt he knew of the reporter's handicap when he did so.

Donald Trump's 'impression' of a disabled reporter may have been his 'default' put down | Daily Mail Online
So his default mocking of people he doesn't like is to go after them like they have a mental or physical disability?? I don't think that makes it any better. He's had more gaffes than Joe Biden ever dreamed of, and Republican shills eat it up.

and then some
He's also bringing honesty, understanding, and he actually answers questions he's asked. The other two are incapable of giving a straight answer.

the pothead ticket. let's get high while the world burns.
Ahhh, the old socially conservative fear mongering. All the shit people do in their own homes is going to lead to the end of civilization.

Maybe you should focus on all the endless wars your party has gotten the country in to. That's a much more serious threat to civilization.
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