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For a guy who's supposed to be a lawyer Pep, you suck at research
Links or GTFO.

I'm not a Republican asshat, I'm a conservative.
Bullshit. Trump isn't a conservative. He's big government fiscally, just like Hillary, but he'll spend your money in departments you like. You're a Republican shill just like Hostile is a Cowboys homer.


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Links or GTFO.

I already told you there are numerous links out there. hell most of the shit has been in the news, unless as I mentioned previously you only spend time watching CNN or something. Anybody can use Google pep, even a hack like you.

Bullshit. Trump isn't a conservative. He's big government fiscally, just like Hillary, but he'll spend your money in departments you like. You're a Republican shill just like Hostile is a Cowboys homer.

When I see stuff like this, it makes it not even worth arguing with you because you're being such as ass.

Is Trump a true "conservative"? No, and I've never claimed he was. But he does support and promote several ideas that I 100% agree with and believe are critical for our country to survive and begin prospering again. Hillary Clinton does not support anything that I know of that I'd agree with and even if there are a few miniscule things out there that I would agree with her on, I cant get past the open borders, more migrants, more lies & corruption, more national healthcare, higher taxes etc etc.

I already posted previously why I don't support the libertarian guy.


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LOL at the senile old Kunt. Repeatedly said it was great to be in "Greenville" when she was in "Winterville"

Also trying to drum up support for the lib ****** Governor there's this gem. Hey stupid hag, its "Roy"



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libertarians deserved better than this clown. oh, and Bill Weld extolling the virtues of Hillary instead of his running mate? priceless


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libertarians deserved better than this clown. oh, and Bill Weld extolling the virtues of Hillary instead of his running mate? priceless


And pep cried when I said this guy was a nut job.

Bob Sacamano

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Aparently Bill and Hillary have taken numerous trips with some billionaire sex offender to his private, sex slave island.

Those 2 are weirdos. More morally bankrupt than Adolf Hilter, minus the genocide.


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Aparently Bill and Hillary have taken numerous trips with some billionaire sex offender to his private, sex slave island.

Those 2 are weirdos. More morally bankrupt than Adolf Hilter, minus the genocide.

Yep. There had been strong rumors that Bill had went numerous times himself, but now the talk is the slit licking Kunt went too.

Anybody that votes for her needs to have their ass kicked.
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libertarians deserved better than this clown. oh, and Bill Weld extolling the virtues of Hillary instead of his running mate? priceless
That's the funniest thing that's happened in a Presidential campaign that I can remember. And he was trying to be funny when he bit his tongue (admittedly not as funny).

What you lose your sense of humor (I know dbair doesn't have one) when looking at candidates for president? Did you think Trump was funny when he was making fun of the journalist with a handicap? Did you think he was funny when he was rolling his eyes, opening his mouth, and making weird faces during the GOP primary debates? That was him trying to be funny. And it's impossible for him to be funny. Even that dinner when people wrote him and Hillary jokes to tell... neither of them has a sense of humor.

I think this campaign needed a little levity. And Johnson brings it much more than the other two numbskulls.

As for Weld, he's been somewhat complimentary of Hillary throughout the campaign. Not the best of ideas, but he's not endorsing her. It's not enough for me not to vote for them, because they're miles better than the other two.
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Aparently Bill and Hillary have taken numerous trips with some billionaire sex offender to his private, sex slave island.

Those 2 are weirdos. More morally bankrupt than Adolf Hilter, minus the genocide.
Rumor is both Hillary and Trump have been to Epstein's island. Birds of a feather.
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When I see stuff like this, it makes it not even worth arguing with you because you're being such as ass.

Is Trump a true "conservative"? No, and I've never claimed he was. But he does support and promote several ideas that I 100% agree with and believe are critical for our country to survive and begin prospering again. Hillary Clinton does not support anything that I know of that I'd agree with and even if there are a few miniscule things out there that I would agree with her on, I cant get past the open borders, more migrants, more lies & corruption, more national healthcare, higher taxes etc etc.

I already posted previously why I don't support the libertarian guy.
I'm being an ass because I say Trump's not a conservative? Then you say he's not a conservative... LOL

Or am I being an ass because I call you a Republican shill, not a conservative? Then you say Trump's not a conservative, but you're going to vote for him anyway... LOL

Maybe I'm just being an ass because I'm speaking the truth and you don't like it. So sorry.


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That's the funniest thing that's happened in a Presidential campaign that I can remember. And he was trying to be funny when he bit his tongue (admittedly not as funny).

there's funny and there's coming across as deranged or unbalanced. the hair trigger temper ain't helping, either.


What you lose your sense of humor (I know dbair doesn't have one) when looking at candidates for president? Did you think Trump was funny when he was making fun of the journalist with a handicap? Did you think he was funny when he was rolling his eyes, opening his mouth, and making weird faces during the GOP primary debates? That was him trying to be funny. And it's impossible for him to be funny. Even that dinner when people wrote him and Hillary jokes to tell... neither of them has a sense of humor.

Trump has a history of mocking all of his critics that way. I sincerely doubt he knew of the reporter's handicap when he did so.

Donald Trump's 'impression' of a disabled reporter may have been his 'default' put down | Daily Mail Online

I think this campaign needed a little levity. And Johnson brings it much more than the other two numbskulls.

and then some

As for Weld, he's been somewhat complimentary of Hillary throughout the campaign. Not the best of ideas, but he's not endorsing her. It's not enough for me not to vote for them, because they're miles better than the other two.

the pothead ticket. let's get high while the world burns.


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I'm being an ass because I say Trump's not a conservative? Then you say he's not a conservative... LOL

Or am I being an ass because I call you a Republican shill, not a conservative? Then you say Trump's not a conservative, but you're going to vote for him anyway... LOL

Maybe I'm just being an ass because I'm speaking the truth and you don't like it. So sorry.

Maybe your being a dumbass then, because I have to vote for the person that best matches what I believe. Since there are no idea candidates left, he's the best one for the job that most closely allies with what I think and believe.

Based on your dumbshit logic, most people should just not vote at all right?


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Trump had to be rushed off stage, protestor with gun removed from rally.

Trump returned minutes later after protestor was bagged.
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