This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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if they flip this election, its going to be fucking madness for 4 years, I'm not sure its worth it
I'm sure it's worth it.

The people engaging in this fraud need to be frog marched and nobody should be benefiting from it just to "keep the peace".


Pro Bowler
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I'm sure it's worth it.

The people engaging in this fraud need to be frog marched and nobody should be benefiting from it just to "keep the peace".

I absolutely agree with pointing out and prosecuting fraud where it exists and if its substantial enough to overturn the election, so be it

but I'm not up for political gamesmanship where the certification can be delayed so that the election gets thrown into a scenario where congress decides who wins and that falls on party lines giving Trump the victory, probably butchered the hell out of how this would actually take place so I'll reference this article and quote the section I read I'm not a fan of:

Graham has laid some groundwork for the strategies that might remain even after rebuffs both at the polls and in court. In an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News last Thursday, as it became clear that Biden would soon be declared the winner, Graham signalled his approval of the idea that Republican-controlled state legislatures might appoint electors who would cast votes for Trump, even though Biden won those states’ popular votes. Referring to Article II of the Constitution, which provides that a state “shall appoint” its electors “in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct,” Governor Ron DeSantis, of Florida, also urged people in battleground states to push their Republican legislatures to override popular-vote results.

It would be outlandish for a state legislature to deviate from the wishes of the state’s voters. But states have the power to determine that fraud affected the vote count and choose Presidential electors who do not reflect that supposedly faulty result. States with Republican legislatures that could, theoretically, override a popular vote in favor of Biden include Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin. This possibility remains far-fetched in any of these states, perhaps particularly Pennsylvania, where last month, the Republican majority leaders of the state Senate and House wrote, in an op-ed, “The only and exclusive way that presidential electors can be chosen in Pennsylvania is by the popular vote. The legislature has no hand in this process whatsoever.” The majority leaders reaffirmed that commitment on Friday. But, on Tuesday, a group of Pennsylvania lawmakers announced that it wants the legislative committee to conduct a “comprehensive examination” of “irregularities and inconsistencies” in the election “prior to the certification of the election results and the empanelment of Pennsylvania’s electors to the Electoral College.”

If several states’ electors were to diverge from the popular vote, in theory, on December 14th, the Electoral College vote could result in a win for Trump, and, on January 6th, the newly seated Congress tabulating the electoral votes could declare Trump reëlected. Alternatively, neither candidate might garner a majority of the electoral votes, in which case the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution says that “the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.” Because Democrats retain a majority of the House, one might assume that would mean a Biden Presidency. But the Twelfth Amendment specifies that each state delegation gets one vote, meaning that a state that has more Republican than Democratic representatives would likely vote for Trump. Though there will be more Democratic than Republican members, there will be more Republican than Democratic state delegations in the House. Trump could well be the House’s choice for President.

IMHO, It cant be some vague conspiratorial crap to overturn the current results, it has to be STRONG evidence you'd have to be willfully ignorant to ignore


Pro Bowler
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Yim if this happenned it has to be stopped. It has to come to light so we an stop it from ever happening again.

IF it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I agree and said as much in the post before yours


High Plains Drifter
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IF it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I agree and said as much in the post before yours
Logically it seems to me the Georgia hand recount is Trump's only hope to prove anything. If this count is wayyyyy off in his favor that could be precedent for the courts to order more hand recounts. But only if it is wayyyyy off and lots of fraudulent ballots and/or other chicanery are found.

Otherwise and if not, warm up Dandy Don for his rendition of "The party's over." And if nothing untoward is found in that recount, Trump should just man up and concede.


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IF it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I agree and said as much in the post before yours
The sad part is even if it is proven beyond any reasonable doubt that information will make it to very few people on the left who live in echo chambers that push narrative after narrative with the truth nowhere to be found. Heck many of them still actually beleive Donal Trump colluded with Russians to win in 2016 even though we now know beyond reasonable doubt the whole thing was concocted out of thin air by the previous administration.


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Logically it seems to me the Georgia hand recount is Trump's only hope to prove anything. If this count is wayyyyy off in his favor that could be precedent for the courts to order more hand recounts. But only if it is wayyyyy off and lots of fraudulent ballots and/or other chicanery are found.

Otherwise and if not, warm up Dandy Don for his rendition of "The party's over." And if nothing untoward is found in that recount, Trump should just man up and concede.
Don't count out Sidney Powell and what she is claiming about Dominion. She is NOT the type to make a frivolous claim without proof.


Pro Bowler
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Don't count out Sidney Powell and what she is claiming about Dominion. She is NOT the type to make a frivolous claim without proof.

She is making some extraordinary claims, where if true will blow this entire election wide open. She’s also claiming kickbacks and collusion with some Dems. So not only will it blow up the election it will destroy some on the left.

While I hope she isn’t just talking out of her ass and that she really does have the proof that she is claiming. I just don’t see it. You don’t sit on that type of proof!

This would be the biggest scandal in decades “IF” what she is claiming turns out to be true.


High Plains Drifter
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Don't count out Sidney Powell and what she is claiming about Dominion. She is NOT the type to make a frivolous claim without proof.
Then the GA hand recount will expose that. Nothing has changed from what I said.


High Plains Drifter
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And I'll say it again because it's a question needing answered - where's the accounting between ballots processed by the postal service vs mail ballots counted? The number processed should greatly outnumber the ones counted.

No geniuses in the Trump team have thought of this? Only seeing this mentioned here, by me.


Pro Bowler
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And I'll say it again because it's a question needing answered - where's the accounting between ballots processed by the postal service vs mail ballots counted? The number processed should greatly outnumber the ones counted.

I'm not understanding what you mean, can you try to elaborate please sir?


High Plains Drifter
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I'm not understanding what you mean, can you try to elaborate please sir?
The USPS accounts for every single piece of mail it processes. This SHOULD include the ballots. The number of ballots sent out should be MUCH more than the ones counted. People who voted in person ostensibly didn't also use the mail-in ballot, correct? Ballots sent to bad addresses, sent to wrong recipient due to folks moving, ballots sent to recently dead people which is more likely due to covid... You starting to get the picture yet? There is no way the amount of mail-in ballots counted should be anywhere close to the ones sent. AND the ones counted should match pretty closely to the ones delivered to the polling places after the folks filled them out and mailed them back.


High Plains Drifter
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The way to catch fraud if it exists, is via ACCOUNTING and not some shit about a vast conspiracy to "hack" the vote. Real conspiracies by definition have to be small, otherwise it's not even a conspiracy. We're to believe 10s of 1000s of people are involved and there's not ONE rat? Not ONE mistake? Not ONE leak? Stop it. It's totally against human nature.


Pro Bowler
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Valid points or nah?

I think its valid, the problem I see is trusting the post office to gather this data properly and accurately and convey it to the public. Thats not because I believe there is fraud or sinister intentions (I acknowledge there could be but want to see evidence), its that I don't trust the bureaucracy to utilize and report the data it has properly and I suspect f someone tried, some politician would cry foul for some damn reason making it even harder to analyze this data


High Plains Drifter
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I think its valid, the problem I see is trusting the post office to gather this data properly and accurately and convey it to the public. Thats not because I believe there is fraud or sinister intentions (I acknowledge there could be but want to see evidence), its that I don't trust the bureaucracy to utilize and report the data it has properly and I suspect f someone tried, some politician would cry foul for some damn reason making it even harder to analyze this data
I just want to know if indeed, there IS any accounting. Or were ballots not processed like any other mail. That's where the questions should be starting.

They have an annual report where they account for every fucking piece of mail by class and even junk mail they send. Certainly the ballots are in a class by themselves and are also accounted for.

Why is this question not being asked anywhere?


Pro Bowler
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I just want to know if indeed, there IS any accounting. Or were ballots not processed like any other mail. That's where the questions should be starting.

They have an annual report where they account for every fucking piece of mail by class and even junk mail they send. Certainly the ballots are in a class by themselves and are also accounted for.

Why is this question not being asked anywhere?

because few want to think deeply about anything or are too busy chasing the emotions created by politics or dont care, etc, etc

I am signed up for a service from USPS where they email me a scan of all my mail each day its delivered, so they definitely have scans of the mail.

Does it also categorize it and put it in a format like a CSV file that could be analyzed?

I dont know, its certainly one of the many things that could be done to provide confidence in the election process and results

As I've said, I'm jaded because I've just dealt with so many city employees over the years that I have zero confidence in their ability to think creatively about solutions like this.

What I find is because there is little upside in most government jobs, everyone takes on a posture of pain avoidance, say no to virtually everything and avoid taking risks because no one wants to be the person responsible for a course of action that doesn't work out.

I honestly get the feeling most are holding on long enough to make retirement and have very few fucks to give beyond that goal.
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