
Pro Bowler
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What I dont get about these claims is she said they have been aware of Dominions systems for years so why didn't Trump get working on them the moment he took office vs after an election he's lost?

It feels too conspiratorial and crazy and I hope it is because the alternative is horrible

And if she really has the evidence she says she has, I hope she does unleash it all and ultimately get the systems fixed wherever they're needed or removed and replaced


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What I dont get about these claims is she said they have been aware of Dominions systems for years so why didn't Trump get working on them the moment he took office vs after an election he's lost?

It feels too conspiratorial and crazy and I hope it is because the alternative is horrible

And if she really has the evidence she says she has, I hope she does unleash it all and ultimately get the systems fixed wherever they're needed or removed and replaced
She is an amazing attorney. She is the one who took over General Flynn's defense and proved the Mueller teams misdeeds in building the case against Flynn to the point the government had no choice but to drop the case even if the terribly partisan and bias judge Sullivan has thus far refused to do so. She is not the type of person to put her reputation on the line without proof.



Super Moderator
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you remind of the same fool you've always been

the weak qualifications of this administration starts at the top :) and gets tackier - that's just what that is

you knew he was a lawless money bully, low life liar, weirdo, and whore chasing clown, and you voted for the fool
(or you may be a bot)

the loose cannon freak showed his way into office and will freak on the way out
I hope the law abiding folks in the "deep state" can work around the jerk and his minions

There are certain things that people say that just reinforce your opinion of them as a fool. You're one of those people. When you talk about qualifications for Ambassadorships, you're so stupid that you don't even realize these are political appointments for the President's supporters. I don't hear you criticizing any Obama appointees to the UN yet one of his UN Ambassadors was a war correspondent and author. You can go down the list and find these folks in every administration.

You're just ill informed and stupid. Like a child. And I refuse to believe you're an adult and you certainly lack any real world experience or knowledge.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

This is advice you need to take....

Hey, we need to brief the Corpse who's been in government for 50 years!!!!! LOL....!!:laugh3



Super Moderator
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When people come to the realization of how DC works, they'll have a better understanding of what they see. Washington is not there for you, me and the people of the country. Washington is there for the political elites who want to get rich making back-door deals. Pelosi and Biden never had a job, never had to make payroll and never had to grind to support their family. Pelosi became a millionaire off the backs of the the American people. Pelosi's father was a politician who got his daughter an internship with another politician and her career took off from there. That's what politicians do. Hunter Biden is not unique. The same thing has played out time and time again. That's why the DC elites on both sides of the isle yearn for a return to "normalcy." That's why people are not really interested in learning what really happened in this election. They want to get back to business as usual.

It's incestuous....these people go from government jobs, to corporate jobs, back to government jobs. They are only looking to benefit themselves and they make the rules to benefit themselves. That's why you have lobbyists with so much influence and that's why you see politicians get into the jobs in that industry.

And I have to laugh at all these people who clamored for government run healthcare and thought it was a great idea. It was such a great idea that no members of congress or the senate are covered under Obama Care. They made themselves exempt. If the law read that they'd have to be covered under the same insurance policies they push on Americans, the law would have never been passed. Think beyond the R and the D. Think beyond the belief that the Orange Man is Bad mantra that is being fed to you by the media.


Super Moderator
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So there's a very interesting interview of Rudy Giuliani on Maria Bartiromo's show this morning. Setting aside the fact that Rudy is Trump's attorney, there were 6 states that stopped counting early on election night: NV, AZ, WI, MI, PA and NC. Coincidence? The more people dig, the more this smells bad. This should never happen in America.


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When people come to the realization of how DC works, they'll have a better understanding of what they see. Washington is not there for you, me and the people of the country. Washington is there for the political elites who want to get rich making back-door deals. Pelosi and Biden never had a job, never had to make payroll and never had to grind to support their family. Pelosi became a millionaire off the backs of the the American people. Pelosi's father was a politician who got his daughter an internship with another politician and her career took off from there. That's what politicians do. Hunter Biden is not unique. The same thing has played out time and time again. That's why the DC elites on both sides of the isle yearn for a return to "normalcy." That's why people are not really interested in learning what really happened in this election. They want to get back to business as usual.

It's incestuous....these people go from government jobs, to corporate jobs, back to government jobs. They are only looking to benefit themselves and they make the rules to benefit themselves. That's why you have lobbyists with so much influence and that's why you see politicians get into the jobs in that industry.

And I have to laugh at all these people who clamored for government run healthcare and thought it was a great idea. It was such a great idea that no members of congress or the senate are covered under Obama Care. They made themselves exempt. If the law read that they'd have to be covered under the same insurance policies they push on Americans, the law would have never been passed. Think beyond the R and the D. Think beyond the belief that the Orange Man is Bad mantra that is being fed to you by the media.
I agree 100% that many of the people with R's and D's in front of their name just want to get bak to making their millions and many feel threatened by someone who want to "drain the swamp" like Trump. That being said while they are almost all crooked as shit I will continue to support the ones who are against murdering babies while relizing they are no saints..


Practice Squad
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When people come to the realization of how DC works, they'll have a better understanding of what they see. Washington is not there for you, me and the people of the country.

you assume everyone is as low life and scummy as you and your choose one
take a grip to Arlington National - it might save your twisted soul


Practice Squad
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She is an amazing attorney. She is the one who took over General Flynn's defense and proved the Mueller teams misdeeds in building the case against Flynn to the point the government had no choice but to drop the case even if the terribly partisan and bias judge Sullivan has thus far refused to do so. She is not the type of person to put her reputation on the line without proof.

LOL - ya'll stop - just stop
you trust Flynn's lawyer



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LOL - ya'll stop - just stop
you trust Flynn's lawyer

She has made the Mueller team look like fools. She is making you look like a fool too but that is easy to do. As for the link you posted about what Gohmert said, he never claimed US forces had seized the servers. He said there is a Tweet out there in German stating that. He was only referring to a Tweet not making the claim himself.


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I seriously doubt that - the people will change radically, there are real clowns in place
trump loyalist is the only qualification at present
Nakasone is likely to be the only top official left in place

our next "acting" Sec of Defense is likely to have achieved a rank higher than special opps colonel
*Kelly Craft, our current Ambassador to the UN has only her GOP contributions as qualification*
a hotel hustler spent 3 years as Ambassador to the EU - I think a real diplomat is needed
our 10 year top Russia expert walked
the orange haired clown exposed our top intel asset in the Kremlin by running his loud mouth
DHS has spent 4 years pretending to build a wall and misplacing refugee children
there are a dozen clucks running around the WH who on their own couldn't get a sec clearance

it's so bad a ton of unqualified appointees in this admin have to go just to restore order
trumpers wanted change and got a loose cannon

besides there are really hard calls to be made - first and foremost - do we have Taiwan's back or not?

"one briefing" really dude - if the last 4 years have taught us anything ... policy can't be implemented via a tweet

but your overall point is quite telling - notice it's the deep state that keeps things rolling no matter how many ding bats roll through the WH
People at the top may change, but the people doing the grunt work and preparing the briefings are career intelligence analysts. I had the opportunity to sit through an intelligence briefing, and while not classified it covered much of what we knew about foreign hacking at the time. Sources and methods were excluded for this briefing but the material was comprehensive and sufficient to develop an understanding of what was going on. The CIA and NSA assign a confidence level to their intelligence which is primarily based on an assessment of the source. When Biden is briefed, it will be high level and take no more than 30 minutes.

Besides, we all know exactly what Biden will do if his "victory" holds. He will put in place all of the policies Obama had in place. He is considering bring Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and Ben Rhodes into his administration.


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Take a look at this article, and more importantly watch the interview of Sydney Powell who is a member of Trumps legal team

She is stating that the military has already seized the Dominion Servers that were located in Germany and were directly involved in this election. She is also stating that Trump won this election in a landslide and that she has the proof. She says she is going to release the Kraken.

“IF” they have proof of what she is claiming and it is real then this will blow the election wide open and destroy the left. She is claiming there are dem senators involved in the fraud along with Silicon Valley and social media giants.

The interview is about half way down the page.

“IF” any of this turns out to be true it sounds like it’s the smoking gun Trump needed.

The following is a quote from Powell

“President Trump won this election in a landslide,” Powell said. “It’s irrefutable.”

There needs to be a massive criminal investigation and it’s going to affect millions of voters, she said.

“I’m going to release the Kraken,” she declared. “It is indeed a very foul mess. It is farther and wider and deeper than we ever thought. But we are going to after it and I am going to expose every one of them.”…

This story has to be bogus. The US army has no jurisdiction in Germany and seizing anything in Germany would be an act of war. Germany has very tight controls over any data processing that takes place there and there is zero chance German authorities would allow US Army personnel to seize German based servers.

There are a bunch of stories like this one circulating and I am becoming more convinced they are designed to discredit the entire election fraud argument. People, especially on the right, need to stop retweeting and circulating these stories without real reporting to substantiate them. When these fake stories are discredited, and they are very easily, it damages of the credibility of all of the evidence, even that backed up by eye witness testimony.


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So there's a very interesting interview of Rudy Giuliani on Maria Bartiromo's show this morning. Setting aside the fact that Rudy is Trump's attorney, there were 6 states that stopped counting early on election night: NV, AZ, WI, MI, PA and NC. Coincidence? The more people dig, the more this smells bad. This should never happen in America.

Yes, it stinks to high heaven. Just look at the numbers and you can tell something is not right. Biden got more votes than any candidate in history, but somehow Democrats lost a dozen house seats, even in bright blue states like CA. The overvotes for Biden are shockingly high. Biden got almost 100,000 more votes than Senate candidate John Ossoff in Georgia. And those votes did not go to his opponent, Perdue either. They went nowhere. 100,000 people voted for Biden, but not the senate candidate?

There are similar absurdities in Michigan and PA. Then Biden won Maricopa county Arizona, the first Democrat to do that in something like 90 years! This is the same guy who called lids at 9am almost half his campaign days. The same guy who could not draw flies to his rallies. Reports from all over the country were that no one could see any substantial number of Biden Harris lawn signs or flags. But somehow 77 million voters cast a ballot for Biden. There are telltale signs of voter fraud and this elections has almost all of them.

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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What I dont get about these claims is she said they have been aware of Dominions systems for years so why didn't Trump get working on them the moment he took office vs after an election he's lost?

It feels too conspiratorial and crazy and I hope it is because the alternative is horrible

And if she really has the evidence she says she has, I hope she does unleash it all and ultimately get the systems fixed wherever they're needed or removed and replaced
Texas already rejected using the tabulation software at least a couple times because it was janky.

How Trump didn't get the memo is somewhat understandable, as the left has flooded the zone with anything and everything against him, since he won in 2016.

Al Uminium

Big Al comin' at ya!
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I'm national security first voter
Standard preface of the troll right before he restarts his trolling: Make a post that on the surface appears somewhat rational and reasonable. Then get right back to trolling as usual. More trash that needs taken out Im afraid.


Pro Bowler
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“IF” they can prove what they are claiming then this election is going to get turned upside down and Trump is about to really piss off half the country!

if they flip this election, its going to be fucking madness for 4 years, I'm not sure its worth it


Pro Bowler
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It will be worth bringing the corruption to light and blowing up the left if for no other reason but to ensure this type of election fraud and corruption never happens again

“If” as they claim that Trump won in a landslide it will make the left implode

That alone is worth whatever shit this country may endure for four years
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This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
Reaction score
“IF” they can prove what they are claiming then this election is going to get turned upside down and Trump is about to really piss off half the country!
If the numbers are correct, it's nowhere near half the country....More like a demented fraction within about 20% of the total nation.
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