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Only half the public has lost confidence. The other half thinks the election was just and fitting because the bad orange man has been voted out of office. No one on the left is questioning anything to do with the election other than when will the bad orange man go away. There is never a problem with the election when you win. Only when you lose. The Biden voters don’t even consider for one second that there was a problem with this election. They just think Trump is throwing a temper tantrum and being a sore loser who will never concede the election, just like they “knew he wouldn’t”

I was going to post a CNN article earlier but never got around to it. Essentially it stated that ALL of Trumps concerns and lawsuits were baseless and without merit. That this was a fair and legal election and that there is zero proof of impropriety in any county of any state. They don’t consider for one second that there was even one single issue with the election.

The "fair election" mantra is a common theme for the left. Trump is unorthodox and sometimes I wonder where he's going. But I still believe that the process needs to be fixed. That we can't be counting votes 10 days after the election. That we can't be emptying mail in drop boxes over a week after the election. That we can't allow mail in ballots without verification or ballot harvesting. If anything, this process has shed some light on the system and the USA should never be in a position to have the integrity of the elections questioned. But, as we know, the ends justify the means.

But these nitwits will learn. The NASDAQ is talking about leaving New York. Sooner or later, once the exodus begins, it'll open the flood gates for other companies and New York will continue to become the shit hole, as will many of these lib cities whose policies become too restrictive. Same with the left coast. Businesses are only going to tolerate for so long so many people taking a dump by their front door.



Practice Squad
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I'm national security first voter

we are knee deep in cyber wars, culture wars, and trade wars with some nasty critters
there are several hot spots, with operational realities to be dealt with

over the next few months team America needs to play well

the media keeps talking about the intel reports ... umm, Biden has been receiving some intel since he he left the WH, how deep we don't know. And it's not like he doesn't have top sec clearance as a former VP, and gained additional access since he became the presumptive nominee, What needs to happen is way bigger than that

whatever the final result of the POTUS election or how ugly some make it ... Biden really needs to know critical stuff now, like what the current admin will do internationally in the next 2 months, *whatever that might be*
And DoD, State, the IC, and the Gang of 8 needs to know now what Biden plans to do across the planet come February

I hope what we are hearing across the media spectrum is largely posturing on both sides.


Pro Bowler
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If you are an American why would you not want you elections to be proven trustworthy?

There in lies the problem. Americans do want their election proven trustworthy.

Democrats don’t. They don’t want to fix what (in their minds) ain’t broke!


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I'm national security first voter

we are knee deep in cyber wars, culture wars, and trade wars with some nasty critters
there are several hot spots, with operational realities to be dealt with

over the next few months team America needs to play well

the media keeps talking about the intel reports ... umm, Biden has been receiving some intel since he he left the WH, how deep we don't know. And it's not like he doesn't have top sec clearance as a former VP, and gained additional access since he became the presumptive nominee, What needs to happen is way bigger than that

whatever the final result of the POTUS election or how ugly some make it ... Biden really needs to know critical stuff now, like what the current admin will do internationally in the next 2 months, *whatever that might be*
And DoD, State, the IC, and the Gang of 8 needs to know now what Biden plans to do across the planet come February

I hope what we are hearing across the media spectrum is largely posturing on both sides.
We already have a president. There is plenty of time to transition from one administration to another. Biden's rushing into office strategy is to solidify his position as president-elect in the media and the minds of the people so any changes to the result become much more difficult.

Trump, and the people, have the right to an investigation of any abnormalities in the election, and in this election there were plenty.


Practice Squad
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We already have a president. There is plenty of time to transition from one administration to another. Biden's rushing into office strategy is to solidify his position as president-elect in the media and the minds of the people so any changes to the result become much more difficult.

Trump, and the people, have the right to an investigation of any abnormalities in the election, and in this election there were plenty.

The investigations are fine - necessary.

again from national security perspective - we are deep in cyber wars and trade wars - not to mention a pandemic
it takes time to craft and implement policy based on current law and the situation on the ground
2 months is crazy thin, to begin with to install a new admin

both should be happening

BTW, assuming politician are just concerned with cable news wars is not a good idea


Pro Bowler
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Well this is interesting



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Wouldn't think you would need to cheat in such a blue enclave. Unless of course you're trying to pad the "popular vote."
Pad the popular vote as well as to tinker with congressional seats. There were some Republicans in California that lost in 2018 that likely shouldn't have. Something tells me the 2018 "blue wave" was less blue than we were led to believe.


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The investigations are fine - necessary.

again from national security perspective - we are deep in cyber wars and trade wars - not to mention a pandemic
it takes time to craft and implement policy based on current law and the situation on the ground
2 months is crazy thin, to begin with to install a new admin

both should be happening

BTW, assuming politician are just concerned with cable news wars is not a good idea

The way be approach Cyber Security is not going to change. It will take one briefing to bring someone up to speed on where we are there. The people in the CIA and NSA are not changing. They will continue to do exactly what they were doing under Trump. Biden is not going to change that. This notion that the president is involved in everything or that he knows every little detail is false. These briefings can occur in 1 month or less if Biden does not take early lids every day.

I am pretty sure that Joe Biden, and most Democrats were more interested in polls, and yes, cable news, during the election than anything else. Now Biden will attempt to make it look like he is hitting the ground running by taking some sort of silly action like mandating masks. It is purely for show.

The Dem strategy is to make Biden look like he is already president, even though votes are not fully counted in several key states and court cases will result in recounts in several states. The strategy is to convince Trump's supporters to give up and thus force him to give up. Hopefully, he does not because the biggest issue we have in this country today is the issue of election integrity. No matter how certain Biden supporters are that there was no fraud - an issue that has never been investigated in the US, a larger percentage of Trump voters believe the opposite. 50 million people thinking the election was not fair is too significant to ignore.


Practice Squad
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The way be approach Cyber Security is not going to change. It will take one briefing to bring someone up to speed on where we are there. The people in the CIA and NSA are not changing. They will continue to do exactly what they were doing under Trump. Biden is not going to change that.

I seriously doubt that - the people will change radically, there are real clowns in place
trump loyalist is the only qualification at present
Nakasone is likely to be the only top official left in place

our next "acting" Sec of Defense is likely to have achieved a rank higher than special opps colonel
*Kelly Craft, our current Ambassador to the UN has only her GOP contributions as qualification*
a hotel hustler spent 3 years as Ambassador to the EU - I think a real diplomat is needed
our 10 year top Russia expert walked
the orange haired clown exposed our top intel asset in the Kremlin by running his loud mouth
DHS has spent 4 years pretending to build a wall and misplacing refugee children
there are a dozen clucks running around the WH who on their own couldn't get a sec clearance

it's so bad a ton of unqualified appointees in this admin have to go just to restore order
trumpers wanted change and got a loose cannon

besides there are really hard calls to be made - first and foremost - do we have Taiwan's back or not?

"one briefing" really dude - if the last 4 years have taught us anything ... policy can't be implemented via a tweet

but your overall point is quite telling - notice it's the deep state that keeps things rolling no matter how many ding bats roll through the WH


Super Moderator
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I seriously doubt that - the people will change radically, there are real clowns in place
trump loyalist is the only qualification at present
Nakasone is likely to be the only top official left in place

our next "acting" Sec of Defense is likely to have achieved a rank higher than special opps colonel
*Kelly Craft, our current Ambassador to the UN has only her GOP contributions as qualification*
a hotel hustler spent 3 years as Ambassador to the EU - I think a real diplomat is needed
our 10 year top Russia expert walked
the orange haired clown exposed our top intel asset in the Kremlin by running his loud mouth
DHS has spent 4 years pretending to build a wall and misplacing refugee children
there are a dozen clucks running around the WH who on their own couldn't get a sec clearance

it's so bad a ton of unqualified appointees in this admin have to go just to restore order
trumpers wanted change and got a loose cannon

besides there are really hard calls to be made - first and foremost - do we have Taiwan's back or not?

"one briefing" really dude - if the last 4 years have taught us anything ... policy can't be implemented via a tweet

but your overall point is quite telling - notice it's the deep state that keeps things rolling no matter how many ding bats roll through the WH

You always remind me of just how stupid the average Democrat is. You just soak in whatever the left wing media tells you. You don't even know the backgrounds of the people you want to critique and you have no idea who held their positions under the Obama Administration. You need to do some homework before you spout BS.


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Are we really discussing briefing a guy who has been on the government tit for 50 years? I mean, it's not like he wasn't VP for 8 years or any thing like that. Of course, maybe the dolt wants Biden to get a briefing because his senile mind forgot what he did yesterday.


Practice Squad
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You always remind me of just how stupid the average Democrat is. You just soak in whatever the left wing media tells you. You don't even know the backgrounds of the people you want to critique and you have no idea who held their positions under the Obama Administration. You need to do some homework before you spout BS.

you remind of the same fool you've always been

the weak qualifications of this administration starts at the top :) and gets tackier - that's just what that is

you knew he was a lawless money bully, low life liar, weirdo, and whore chasing clown, and you voted for the fool
(or you may be a bot)

the loose cannon freak showed his way into office and will freak on the way out
I hope the law abiding folks in the "deep state" can work around the jerk and his minions


Pro Bowler
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Take a look at this article, and more importantly watch the interview of Sydney Powell who is a member of Trumps legal team

She is stating that the military has already seized the Dominion Servers that were located in Germany and were directly involved in this election. She is also stating that Trump won this election in a landslide and that she has the proof. She says she is going to release the Kraken.

“IF” they have proof of what she is claiming and it is real then this will blow the election wide open and destroy the left. She is claiming there are dem senators involved in the fraud along with Silicon Valley and social media giants.

The interview is about half way down the page.

“IF” any of this turns out to be true it sounds like it’s the smoking gun Trump needed.

The following is a quote from Powell

“President Trump won this election in a landslide,” Powell said. “It’s irrefutable.”

There needs to be a massive criminal investigation and it’s going to affect millions of voters, she said.

“I’m going to release the Kraken,” she declared. “It is indeed a very foul mess. It is farther and wider and deeper than we ever thought. But we are going to after it and I am going to expose every one of them.”…

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