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Logically it seems to me the Georgia hand recount is Trump's only hope to prove anything. If this count is wayyyyy off in his favor that could be precedent for the courts to order more hand recounts. But only if it is wayyyyy off and lots of fraudulent ballots and/or other chicanery are found.

Otherwise and if not, warm up Dandy Don for his rendition of "The party's over." And if nothing untoward is found in that recount, Trump should just man up and concede.

The Georgia recount is a farce and they agreed to not match signatures so you're basically just counting (potentially) fraudulent ballots again.


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IF it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I agree and said as much in the post before yours
The sad part is even if it is proven beyond any reasonable doubt that information will make it to very few people on the left who live in echo chambers that push narrative after narrative with the truth nowhere to be found. Heck many of them still actually beleive Donal Trump colluded with Russians to win in 2016 even though we now know beyond reasonable doubt the whole thing was concocted out of thin air by the previous administration.
I will add that IF and that is a big IF this can be proved beyond reasonable doubt, all 9 SCOTUS justices need to make a unanimous decision and lay aside any political bullshit that the left wing of the court is so famous for. Incidentally that goes two ways, if it cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt, then there needs to be a unanimous decision although I believe the right leaning judges would do that automatically. If the SCOTUS intervenes in this election a unanimous decision will go a long way toward easing tension but the batshit crazy lefties are going to riot no matter what.


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The USPS accounts for every single piece of mail it processes. This SHOULD include the ballots. The number of ballots sent out should be MUCH more than the ones counted. People who voted in person ostensibly didn't also use the mail-in ballot, correct? Ballots sent to bad addresses, sent to wrong recipient due to folks moving, ballots sent to recently dead people which is more likely due to covid... You starting to get the picture yet? There is no way the amount of mail-in ballots counted should be anywhere close to the ones sent. AND the ones counted should match pretty closely to the ones delivered to the polling places after the folks filled them out and mailed them back.

And therein lies the rub. They separated the envelopes from the ballots. And they did that for a reason. It now forces you to invalidate possibly valid votes. This whole thing is fucked up.


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The Georgia recount is a farce and they agreed to not match signatures so you're basically just counting (potentially) fraudulent ballots again.
Yea sadly recounts in all likelihood are not going to get Trump re-elected especially if they just glaze over any potential fraud like Georgia appears to be doing. His only chance is proving fraud via the voting machines like they are claiming against Dominion. If the Dominion malfeasance is provable then it has the advantage of being a wide ruling to throw out everything that Dominion touched across multiple states due to equal protection. Otherwise each argument will be ruled on individually if they go with the individual suites which significantly reduces the chances of enough of them going in Trumps favor to sway the election.


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IMHO, It cant be some vague conspiratorial crap to overturn the current results, it has to be STRONG evidence you'd have to be willfully ignorant to ignore

And lastly on this idea beyond a reasonable doubt and what Yimmy posted. There are allegations of misconduct that violate the state and/or federal constitution and voting laws. Observers were not allowed into some facilities and forcibly removed from others. We may have all seen videos where observes were refused entrance in multiple Philly locations even with a court order from a federal judge. At some point, these things need to be addressed and if the courts do nothing, then what's to keep leftist poll workers in these states from doing the same thing in the future?

If someone violates one of your rights, the remedy is to toss the evidence. This is also done as a deterrent so it doesn't happen in the future. There has to be a remedy for not following the law. Otherwise, it'll be wash, rinse and repeat during every election.


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And while I'm on a roll drinking my morning coffee, let me ask everyone a question I raised earlier. Most of us here are relatively older. Has anyone here ever seen in their lifetime vote counting stopped on election day? And the counting stopped in the 6 battleground states, minus GA which wasn't supposed to be a battleground state. I can see one state for a valid reason but all 6? Why?

There are issues here. Is there enough time to bring enough evidence to the forefront? I don't know. But I do know there's a lot of issues that bring valid questions as to the integrity of this election. The refusal rates of mail in ballots in the past has averaged 3%. In New York, I saw a stat that it is as high as 20%. In this election, they dropped the bar so low to match signatures that the refusal rate is something like .03% (or maybe .3%, I don't recall but it's one of the two). The difference between 3% and .03% (or .3%) is the difference in the winning margin.

I'll say it.....this election is a fraud. The left knew the only way to win was drop the bar so low for validation of the mail-in ballots and the states did the rest. It's why the refused access to neutral observers.


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Yea sadly recounts in all likelihood are not going to get Trump re-elected especially if they just glaze over any potential fraud like Georgia appears to be doing. His only chance is proving fraud via the voting machines like they are claiming against Dominion. If the Dominion malfeasance is provable then it has the advantage of being a wide ruling to throw out everything that Dominion touched across multiple states due to equal protection. Otherwise each argument will be ruled on individually if they go with the individual suites which significantly reduces the chances of enough of them going in Trumps favor to sway the election.

I had hoped when they initially announced the GA recount that would find serious issues with the mail in ballots which wouldn't be hard to find. My interest in all this is not to get Trump or Biden elected but to bring integrity into the system. It looks like that will fail and it hurts the country.


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Then the GA hand recount will expose that. Nothing has changed from what I said.

If they are just simply "recounting" that likely won't prove anything, unless the counts are just vastly off.

What they need to determine is how many of the ballots cast are legitimate or not.


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The Georgia recount is a farce and they agreed to not match signatures so you're basically just counting (potentially) fraudulent ballots again.


And the Republican Sec of State apparently brokered that deal with the democrats.


Pro Bowler
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And therein lies the rub. They separated the envelopes from the ballots. And they did that for a reason. It now forces you to invalidate possibly valid votes. This whole thing is fucked up.
The ballot should be designed where the envelope is the ballot and vice versa by having it fold in a way to seal it and make it mailable, have it scannable while still sealed so no one can see the vote with the signature visible through a plastic window

just spit balling on the above but I’m sure a much more secure and efficient to process ballot could be created if there was the will to do so


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The ballot should be designed where the envelope is the ballot and vice versa by having it fold in a way to seal it and make it mailable, have it scannable while still sealed so no one can see the vote with the signature visible through a plastic window

just spit balling on the above but I’m sure a much more secure and efficient to process ballot could be created if there was the will to do so

100% spot on. There could and should be a more secure way but some folks don't want it (for obvious reasons). Once you separate the ballots from the envelops, any audit because pretty useless, as far as I'm concerned. Folks did this for a reason.

The whole think stinks Yimmy. And, on top of that, I'm supposed to believe Biden the Corpse, who didn't even campaign, got more votes than any other candidate in history. Not buying it.


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“IF” they can prove what they are claiming then this election is going to get turned upside down and Trump is about to really piss off half the country!

That half of the country has already been pissed for 4 years. They should be used to being pissed off by now.


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The ballot should be designed where the envelope is the ballot and vice versa by having it fold in a way to seal it and make it mailable, have it scannable while still sealed so no one can see the vote with the signature visible through a plastic window

just spit balling on the above but I’m sure a much more secure and efficient to process ballot could be created if there was the will to do so
Mail-in voting needs to be abolished. It is too vulnerable to fraud. Countries all over the world have banned it for this reason. We have to ask, why are Democrats pushing us further in that direction? Of course the reason is so they can rig elections.

Voting and elections are important, important enough for people to show up and vote in person, with a valid voter ID card to prove they are eligible. It appears we are going to allow this nonsense to continue until we have a serious voting scandal on our hands - and maybe this year is the year we see it.


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And the Republican Sec of State apparently brokered that deal with the democrats.

Yep. Republicans are weak and then you throw in some never Trumpers and this is the stupidity that gets spit out. It's really a national disgrace.


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Logically it seems to me the Georgia hand recount is Trump's only hope to prove anything. If this count is wayyyyy off in his favor that could be precedent for the courts to order more hand recounts. But only if it is wayyyyy off and lots of fraudulent ballots and/or other chicanery are found.

Otherwise and if not, warm up Dandy Don for his rendition of "The party's over." And if nothing untoward is found in that recount, Trump should just man up and concede.

I understand there are already problems with the Georgia recount according to Trump's lawyers. Apparently, some of the auditing and counting is taking place out of the site of the Republican observers again. The problem is the people doing the recounting are the same people who did the original counting. If they were up to no good the first time, they will make every effort to cover it up the second time too. An independent audit of the vote in Fulton county needs to be done out of the hands of the Fulton county officials who were responsible for the first count.


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And while I'm on a roll drinking my morning coffee, let me ask everyone a question I raised earlier. Most of us here are relatively older. Has anyone here ever seen in their lifetime vote counting stopped on election day? And the counting stopped in the 6 battleground states, minus GA which wasn't supposed to be a battleground state. I can see one state for a valid reason but all 6? Why?

There are issues here. Is there enough time to bring enough evidence to the forefront? I don't know. But I do know there's a lot of issues that bring valid questions as to the integrity of this election. The refusal rates of mail in ballots in the past has averaged 3%. In New York, I saw a stat that it is as high as 20%. In this election, they dropped the bar so low to match signatures that the refusal rate is something like .03% (or maybe .3%, I don't recall but it's one of the two). The difference between 3% and .03% (or .3%) is the difference in the winning margin.

I'll say it.....this election is a fraud. The left knew the only way to win was drop the bar so low for validation of the mail-in ballots and the states did the rest. It's why the refused access to neutral observers.

There is an old expression, "if something is too good to be true, then it probably isn't true". Look at this from Biden's perspective. The results of this election are too good to be true. The fact that the delayed vote counts kept breaking in his favor until he surpassed Trump's vote counts in the swing states is too good to be true. The fact that Maricopa county voted for a Democrats for the first time in 92 years is too good to be true. That fact that all this happened while Democrats were losing 12 seats in the house is too good for Biden to be true. I know a lot of people have an irrational hatred for Trump and voted against him for that reason, but I refuse to believe 77 million people were driven by hatred to vote for Biden.


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There is an old expression, "if something is too good to be true, then it probably isn't true". Look at this from Biden's perspective. The results of this election are too good to be true. The fact that the delayed vote counts kept breaking in his favor until he surpassed Trump's vote counts in the swing states is too good to be true. The fact that Maricopa county voted for a Democrats for the first time in 92 years is too good to be true. That fact that all this happened while Democrats were losing 12 seats in the house is too good for Biden to be true. I know a lot of people have an irrational hatred for Trump and voted against him for that reason, but I refuse to believe 77 million people were driven by hatred to vote for Biden.

Yep. I agree. There's too much going on for any logical and rational person to not have serious doubts. The integrity of the elections must be paramount regardless of who wins. I've said it from day 1. There is nothing that I've heard that makes me feel good about this election. It's Third World country shit and I'm not buying any of it.


Pro Bowler
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Here is another article that is claiming that independent data analysis was conducted on the election and found vast discrepancies in the count. They break it down by state showing how many votes were switched and how many votes were completely lost.

If this information is to be believed it’s pretty astonishing.

One point they made which struck a cord with me is that we are supposed to believe that sleepy Joe who could barely get people to show up to his rallies received more votes that any other presidential candidate in the history of this country. I find that hard to believe, especially with the support Trump has received.

I’m not agreeing that the information in this article is accurate. But if it is, then this election was completely stolen by Biden and the left.



Pro Bowler
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I refuse to believe 77 million people were driven by hatred to vote for Biden.

this I can believe, I’ve never seen so many people out of their minds with hatred toward one man plus most of the media, every damn talk show, SNL and then the peer pressure to join the hate party

all of the above is why I can see even Republicans voting against Trump as president but then going all republican on the rest of the ballot
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