
Defense Wins Championships
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It kills me. Derek Chauvin is serving 24 years in prison for George Floyd's death when Chauvin never pulled his gun, taser or club. He never kicked Floyd or punched him. He just kneeled on his neck as he was trained to do. William Byrd hides around a corner then comes out shooting at Ashlii Babbit with no warning. It was wanton and reckless. A quick investigation by the Capitol Hill cops and he is fully exonerated. I hoped Ashlii's mother and husband win their lawsuit and force the Capitol Hill police to pay them millions.
Chauvin kneeled slightly on the side of Floyd's neck.
I don't give Shit how bad that looked.
It was not a terminating kneel. Period.


Defense Wins Championships
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So, this is just an example of right wing fear mongering.

13 yr old girl brutally raped by illegal alien and these two fucking assclown libtards laughing about it

I cannot even watch clips of the View anymore. I may only read a transcript of a soundbite.
The View is horrible.


Defense Wins Championships
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100% true. Gay marriage was never the issue. They could have solved all the problems with inheritance and other rights without allowing gay marriage. It has always be about pushing the envelope of social norms. Some people just wan to constantly push against the rules of society. Once they won on gay marriage and that was a rigged case as well, it opened the door to this gender identity insanity and of course grooming children.
Gay "Marriage" should be overturned by the SCOTUS.

Marriage has always been been between a natural male and a natural female.

Gays don't get to co-opt "marriage."


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Gay "Marriage" should be overturned by the SCOTUS.

Marriage has always been been between a natural male and a natural female.

Gays don't get to co-opt "marriage."

I think the government should get out of "marriage" altogether, allow for civil unions because this becomes a separation of church and state issue imo, then focus on more important issues, we've got bigger fish to fry

I'm also against mandated prayer in schools, espousing of one faith over another, posted 10 commandments, etc..GASP!

Same deal...separation of church and state and I dont want some bureaucrat or government employee deciding how kids are taught to pray, believe, etc.

And lets be honest, the people that want this only want it for their faith, they'd lose their minds if the mandate became a 5x per day call to prayer

separation of church and state is a great thing, its up to people of faith to convey their beliefs in word and deed not through government institutions


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. I hoped Ashlii's mother and husband win their lawsuit and force the Capitol Hill police to pay them millions.
I do too but if they do some how miraculously (and deservedly) win their case, the CH Police wont be paying a dime. Tax payers will end up covering it.

And the murdering POS thug cop who pulled the trigger will never see the inside of the prison which is so unfortunate, because it would be poetic justice to see this fucker's mouth turned into a human toilet every day, see him get his ass raped every day, see him get the living shit beat out of him every day etc etc...Piece of trash deserves it.

Since that wont happen, maybe he'll get run over by a drunken illegal alien and see his brains spilled all over a road somewhere.


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I'm also against mandated prayer in schools, espousing of one faith over another, posted 10 commandments, etc..GASP!
I'm not.

They should have the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer EVERY day, just like we did back in the 70's and 80's.

And if people are "offended" then fuck them. Don't come to our country.


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But they are too busy arresting Grandma for praying outside a baby killing site, or chasing down J6ers who were miles away from the Capitol Building



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I think the government should get out of "marriage" altogether, allow for civil unions because this becomes a separation of church and state issue imo, then focus on more important issues, we've got bigger fish to fry

I'm also against mandated prayer in schools, espousing of one faith over another, posted 10 commandments, etc..GASP!

Same deal...separation of church and state and I dont want some bureaucrat or government employee deciding how kids are taught to pray, believe, etc.

And lets be honest, the people that want this only want it for their faith, they'd lose their minds if the mandate became a 5x per day call to prayer

separation of church and state is a great thing, its up to people of faith to convey their beliefs in word and deed not through government institutions
Marriage is a social construct, not a legal one. The government made it a legality because the government likes to govern. But like I said, even with the legal consequences of marriage, the laws could have been easily fixed to accommodate gay rights. Frankly, laws that favor spouses in estate settlements while forcing children and anyone else for that matter to pay taxes should be abandoned anyway. I pay taxes to acquire everything I acquire during my life and no one should be taxed after I die and leave my stuff to them.


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I'm not.

They should have the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer EVERY day, just like we did back in the 70's and 80's.

And if people are "offended" then fuck them. Don't come to our country.
I see no problem with a moment of prayer in schools as long as reciting the words is not mandatory. No one should be forced to participate in any belief system that is not their own.

But I see no issue with posting the 10 commandments in a classroom either. No one would object to posting a quote from Confucius, or Kahlil Gibran, so why is posting the word of the Christian God so offensive? If we can plaster classrooms with gay pride flags and symbols, then religious quotations and symbols should be equally acceptable.

Personally, I think we should get all this out of the classrooms and focus on learning basics. Our kids are graduating school more ignorant than ever and totally incapable of competing with kids around the world. We do not push our children to learn because we are too worried about their feelings. But all we are doing to setting them up for very painful futures when they cannot deal with difficult problems.

But never forget. "INGORANCE IS STRENGTH".


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I'm not.

They should have the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer EVERY day, just like we did back in the 70's and 80's.

And if people are "offended" then fuck them. Don't come to our country.

You're obviously free to believe whatever you like but you made my point, you're fine with "your" prayer but you'd lose your mind if you or your kids were forced to recite a prayer from a faith that wasn't yours, especially if they quoted you in response to your objections.

Further, prayer isn't a show and can be done without anyone knowing (as it should be) & no law can stop it nor will any law mandating it render it genuine or legitimate.

The problem in terms of faith is hearts aren't be changed to such a degree that society as a whole is impacted for the better and perhaps all of us who happen to have faith need to be a better job (I'm trying to look in the mirror as a I write this and have no time or inclination to point the finger at anyone else). I'm confident it won't ever be done with laws and placards but through grace which changes hearts.

"the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."


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I also agree with the sentiment of this and think all the other placards should be removed as well because they're basically new "religions" that should not be mandated within government or any of its institutions.

Focus on education: Math, science, engineering, history, english!


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But I see no issue with posting the 10 commandments in a classroom either. No one would object to posting a quote from Confucius, or Kahlil Gibran, so why is posting the word of the Christian God so offensive? If we can plaster classrooms with gay pride flags and symbols, then religious quotations and symbols should be equally acceptable.

Personally, it doesnt bother me to have the 10 commandments posted but it opens a can of words for all the other "causes" and" religions" which distracts from whats really important: teaching math, science, etc, etc, etc so I say keep it all out with only the state and US flag (& perhaps the pledge of allegiance on Mondays--everyday is a beating in my recollection and I tuned out)

Nothing else except perhaps offering a course on the various religions where in that context all things could be discussed as well as a political course where the various views can be taught and discussed but otherwise, paint the walls white and stick to the most important business at hand.

We had the pledge of allegiance growing up but I dont recall any particular faith being taught or seeing the 10 commandments anywhere, We learned about faith from outside groups like Young Life and church where we chose whether we wanted to attend, seem to work pretty well...hell, we even parked our trucks in the school parking lot with shotguns and rifles so we could haul ass after school someplace to hunt and there were no school shootings


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You're obviously free to believe whatever you like but you made my point, you're fine with "your" prayer but you'd lose your mind if you or your kids were forced to recite a prayer from a faith that wasn't yours, especially if they quoted you in response to your objections.

Further, prayer isn't a show and can be done without anyone knowing (as it should be) & no law can stop it nor will any law mandating it render it genuine or legitimate.

The problem in terms of faith is hearts aren't be changed to such a degree that society as a whole is impacted for the better and perhaps all of us who happen to have faith need to be a better job (I'm trying to look in the mirror as a I write this and have no time or inclination to point the finger at anyone else). I'm confident it won't ever be done with laws and placards but through grace which changes hearts.

"the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Wrong amigo. If my kids attended school in a country where something other than Christianity was part of the founding of their country then I'd be fine with it.

I never said kids had to become believers here themselves, but all these people "offended" is complete bullshit. If you come to my country we don't change to accommodate you. If they want that then stay in the fucking country where they originate from.

When I was a kid you NEVER heard of any of these "mass school shootings" or any other type of mega violent event or whack job school takeovers. Why? Because we respected our teachers, respected the rules of law and went to school to learn and make friends, we learned how important the Country was and respected that, and we had some semblance of God in the schools. They dont have any of that today.
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