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Chauvin kneeled slightly on the side of Floyd's neck.
I don't give Shit how bad that looked.
It was not a terminating kneel. Period.

I'm not sympathizing with Floyd. But that whole situation is not something that should have been done the way it was done. And you won't find many LE officers that would approved of those techniques for the length of time he used them. When you have someone in cuffs, you move him/her off the street and sit him down.

I can also sympathize that Floyd was non-compliant but at some point, you have to handle that situation different then it was handled. Do I think the cop should spend most of his remaining life in jail? Absolutely not. He was a sacraficial lamb for the leftist movement. And courts and politicians don't have the guys or the courage to stand up for what's right. Floyd was an animal. And the left and the black community using him as a martyr is disgusting.


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I do too but if they do some how miraculously (and deservedly) win their case, the CH Police wont be paying a dime. Tax payers will end up covering it.

And the murdering POS thug cop who pulled the trigger will never see the inside of the prison which is so unfortunate, because it would be poetic justice to see this fucker's mouth turned into a human toilet every day, see him get his ass raped every day, see him get the living shit beat out of him every day etc etc...Piece of trash deserves it.

Since that wont happen, maybe he'll get run over by a drunken illegal alien and see his brains spilled all over a road somewhere.

If the cop was white and Babbitt was black, it would be a whole different narrative. Unfortunately, it's a sign of the times we live in.


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Personally, it doesnt bother me to have the 10 commandments posted but it opens a can of words for all the other "causes" and" religions" which distracts from whats really important: teaching math, science, etc, etc, etc so I say keep it all out with only the state and US flag (& perhaps the pledge of allegiance on Mondays--everyday is a beating in my recollection and I tuned out)

Nothing else except perhaps offering a course on the various religions where in that context all things could be discussed as well as a political course where the various views can be taught and discussed but otherwise, paint the walls white and stick to the most important business at hand.

We had the pledge of allegiance growing up but I dont recall any particular faith being taught or seeing the 10 commandments anywhere, We learned about faith from outside groups like Young Life and church where we chose whether we wanted to attend, seem to work pretty well...hell, we even parked our trucks in the school parking lot with shotguns and rifles so we could haul ass after school someplace to hunt and there were no school shootings
This is why I favor not posting anything in the classrooms except the subject matter to be learned in the classroom. Kids should get their moral values at home not from strangers in school. Of course, we need to teach adults to be better parents too instead of trying to be pals with their kids, or to live their lives through their kids.


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is this sarcasm? If not, please elaborate

"Ignorance is strength" is from Orwell's 1984. It was one of the Party slogans. I think it is sarcasm, but it means an ignorant populace is more easily controlled or manipulated. Keeping people ignorant of everything other than party propaganda makes the party stronger.


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Wrong amigo. If my kids attended school in a country where something other than Christianity was part of the founding of their country then I'd be fine with it.

I never said kids had to become believers here themselves, but all these people "offended" is complete bullshit. If you come to my country we don't change to accommodate you. If they want that then stay in the fucking country where they originate from.

When I was a kid you NEVER heard of any of these "mass school shootings" or any other type of mega violent event or whack job school takeovers. Why? Because we respected our teachers, respected the rules of law and went to school to learn and make friends, we learned how important the Country was and respected that, and we had some semblance of God in the schools. They dont have any of that today.

I agree with that but what you said has nothing to do with prayer in schools. We never had prayer in school, did you?

I don’t think you’re understanding my point, I believe once you introduce prayer in schools even if it’s a Christian prayer that you’re on board with I can almost guarantee you it will only be a matter of time before a larger more vocal group decides that prayer needs to be replaced with some other faith prayer (or adding to it). Plus don’t you think you should be teaching your kids about your faith and how they should act it out, not the school? do you really want some bureaucrat or teacher who doesn’t even have your faith leading some hollow prayer in a school building?

Let’s say you’re right, how would you like Prayer in schools to work? What would that look like Daily?


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"Ignorance is strength" is from Orwell's 1984. It was one of the Party slogans. I think it is sarcasm, but it means an ignorant populace is more easily controlled or manipulated. Keeping people ignorant of everything other than party propaganda makes the party stronger.

gotcha, I need to read that book

I am starting to appreciate the concept of "ignorance is bliss" because I was a lot happier before I started digging deeper into our current political environment and all the BS that China is doing while we rot our brains on social media and argue over nonsense like pronouns and "what is a woman?"


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gotcha, I need to read that book

I am starting to appreciate the concept of "ignorance is bliss" because I was a lot happier before I started digging deeper into our current political environment and all the BS that China is doing while we rot our brains on social media and argue over nonsense like pronouns and "what is a woman?"
I never appreciated Orwell's foresight until recently, which is why I re-read the book last year. It should be mandatory reading for all students but unfortunately it no longer is. The manipulation of history in real time is something that sounded ridiculous when I was in 8th grade, but as we tear down statues, and re-write American history for the sake of Democrat power, Orwell becomes even more brilliant.


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I never appreciated Orwell's foresight until recently, which is why I re-read the book last year. It should be mandatory reading for all students but unfortunately it no longer is. The manipulation of history in real time is something that sounded ridiculous when I was in 8th grade, but as we tear down statues, and re-write American history for the sake of Democrat power, Orwell becomes even more brilliant.

its sad and scary, they're so good at corralling mass amounts of sheep, they've got me questioning myself sometimes, wondering if I'm the crazy one


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I agree with that but what you said has nothing to do with prayer in schools. We never had prayer in school, did you?

I don’t think you’re understanding my point, I believe once you introduce prayer in schools even if it’s a Christian prayer that you’re on board with I can almost guarantee you it will only be a matter of time before a larger more vocal group decides that prayer needs to be replaced with some other faith prayer (or adding to it). Plus don’t you think you should be teaching your kids about your faith and how they should act it out, not the school? do you really want some bureaucrat or teacher who doesn’t even have your faith leading some hollow prayer in a school building?

Let’s say you’re right, how would you like Prayer in schools to work? What would that look like Daily?
We didnt have "formal" prayer every single day but many days had silent prayer and almost all sports events we had someone lead in prayer. We also had the Ten Commandments posted somewhere. In some classes, some bible stories (esp Old Testament) were actually discussed. Nobody complained about it. Not a single parent or student.

I don't have all the answers but I do firmly believe a lot of problems in schools have developed or gotten far worse because God has been removed from every aspect of school and instead replaced with extreme leftism and indoctrination into Socialism/Communism.


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We didnt have "formal" prayer every single day but many days had silent prayer and almost all sports events we had someone lead in prayer. We also had the Ten Commandments posted somewhere. In some classes, some bible stories (esp Old Testament) were actually discussed. Nobody complained about it. Not a single parent or student.

I don't have all the answers but I do firmly believe a lot of problems in schools have developed or gotten far worse because God has been removed from every aspect of school and instead replaced with extreme leftism and indoctrination into Socialism/Communism.

I believe what you describe is a reflection of a soceity who largely no longer believes in Christianity just like what you described growing up with was a reflection of a soceity who did (or at least claims they did, lets be real, hypocrisy was rampant even in those times). I don't believe the problem is a lack of prayer in school or placards on walls of 10 commandments, et al, its that a good chunk of our country no longer have in Christ.

Change the latter and you'll probably see more of the former but it wont be the prayer in schools or placards that sparks the necessary change from within so I'll continue to believe those issues are merely window dressing on a pig

Thats another thing that compelled me to Christ, he could have been railing on all the atrocities of the Romans (incest, pedophilia, gluttony, killing babies aka more extreme abortion, etc, etc) but instead he ripped into the religious leaders who claimed to know & represent God not to mention all the woke people chomping at the bit to condemn others (thus the phrases: "let he who is without sin throw the first stone" and "remove the log from your own eye then you can focus on the speck in your brothers"). To me the placards and prayers are reminiscent of focusing on the outside while ignoring within:

"How horrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You clean the outside of cups and dishes. But inside they are full of greed and uncontrolled desires."


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We didnt have "formal" prayer every single day but many days had silent prayer and almost all sports events we had someone lead in prayer. We also had the Ten Commandments posted somewhere. In some classes, some bible stories (esp Old Testament) were actually discussed. Nobody complained about it. Not a single parent or student.

I don't have all the answers but I do firmly believe a lot of problems in schools have developed or gotten far worse because God has been removed from every aspect of school and instead replaced with extreme leftism and indoctrination into Socialism/Communism.
I went to a Catholic school until 6th grade. We had prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. In 6th grade my mother pulled me out of Catholic School and sent me to public school because the nun I had in 6th grade was nuts - and was committed the following year! In any case, in public school we just said the pledge with no prayers, but the difference was enormous for me. First, no one did homework in public school! I was shocked. In Catholic school anyone who didn't do their homework was subject to humiliation and maybe even physical punishment. But no one did not do their homework every night. Public school was just less formal and the teachers were lax compared to the nuns. Also, the 6th grade class I joined was at least a year behind me Catholic school class in math and everything else. I thought the public school kids were dolts. But in public school the teachers waited for the slower kids to catch up. In Catholic school they moved fast and anyone who did not keep up just failed.

I don't think prayer had anything to do with the differences between the two schools. The nuns had permission to discipline students and they did. Public school teachers not so much. What's missing in schools today is authority figures that the kids must respect.


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I went to a Catholic school until 6th grade. We had prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. In 6th grade my mother pulled me out of Catholic School and sent me to public school because the nun I had in 6th grade was nuts - and was committed the following year! In any case, in public school we just said the pledge with no prayers, but the difference was enormous for me. First, no one did homework in public school! I was shocked. In Catholic school anyone who didn't do their homework was subject to humiliation and maybe even physical punishment. But no one did not do their homework every night. Public school was just less formal and the teachers were lax compared to the nuns. Also, the 6th grade class I joined was at least a year behind me Catholic school class in math and everything else. I thought the public school kids were dolts. But in public school the teachers waited for the slower kids to catch up. In Catholic school they moved fast and anyone who did not keep up just failed.

I don't think prayer had anything to do with the differences between the two schools. The nuns had permission to discipline students and they did. Public school teachers not so much. What's missing in schools today is authority figures that the kids must respect.

Ironically, the school that did have prayer was so full of hypocrites and lunatics, it probably scarred you for life against that faith which further proves the point that mandated prayer in schools is no guarantee of being a better environment. Sure, the harsh conditions resulted in higher teaching standards and better learning which is good but that would be in spite of prayers and placards. I know so many people who've had similar experiences to yours which left them forever jaded against christianity and based on the stories Ive heard, I don't blame them

I went to public school and while Im sure the learning environment & teaching could have been better, I also obtained a great education in the school of hard knocks & street smarts plus I grew up with a ultra diverse kids and their families all of which makes for a more well rounded human imo. I was still exposed to Christianity from the myriad of outside organizations who focused on educating kids on this topic (didn't listen but at least I could have if I wanted to:p👊)


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I went to a Catholic school until 6th grade. We had prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. In 6th grade my mother pulled me out of Catholic School and sent me to public school because the nun I had in 6th grade was nuts - and was committed the following year! In any case, in public school we just said the pledge with no prayers, but the difference was enormous for me. First, no one did homework in public school! I was shocked. In Catholic school anyone who didn't do their homework was subject to humiliation and maybe even physical punishment. But no one did not do their homework every night. Public school was just less formal and the teachers were lax compared to the nuns. Also, the 6th grade class I joined was at least a year behind me Catholic school class in math and everything else. I thought the public school kids were dolts. But in public school the teachers waited for the slower kids to catch up. In Catholic school they moved fast and anyone who did not keep up just failed.

I don't think prayer had anything to do with the differences between the two schools. The nuns had permission to discipline students and they did. Public school teachers not so much. What's missing in schools today is authority figures that the kids must respect.
I was in a Christian based private school for grades K-3, with the 3rd grade being as far as that school went.

I did well and got As. There was no acting up. This was to allow a safe environment for learning.
You can't make a student learn, but you can provide a classroom free of bullying, pigtail pulling, spitball shooting, etc.

I mouthed off one time only. I was called to the front of the class, and my teacher told me to hold out my palm with the other hand. The she took a Lincoln Log green roof slat, and spanked my hand. My hand was sore and red, but not bruised.

The humiliation of the spanking in front of the class cured me from mouthing off. I was generally a good kid in class, and I thought the teacher used my spanking to set an example, that, no matter who you were, no one was exempt from corporal punishment.

The next year, when I got to the public school system for 4th grade, to me, the old and ready to retire teacher was more like a baby sitter than an educator. She kept the 4 or 5 troublemakers on one side of the classroom. I already knew stuff they were teaching the other kids. They tested us at the end of the 3rd grade at the Christian school, and we tested out as 5th graders.

There should be a test case to come before the SCOTUS to give schools immunity from most ACLU and parent lawsuits, for being able to use corporal punishment. When this is done early on, then there's a lot less mis-behaving later on. That will fix things.


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I was in a Christian based private school for grades K-3, with the 3rd grade being as far as that school went.

I did well and got As. There was no acting up. This was to allow a safe environment for learning.
You can't make a student learn, but you can provide a classroom free of bullying, pigtail pulling, spitball shooting, etc.

I mouthed off one time only. I was called to the front of the class, and my teacher told me to hold out my palm with the other hand. The she took a Lincoln Log green roof slat, and spanked my hand. My hand was sore and red, but not bruised.

The humiliation of the spanking in front of the class cured me from mouthing off. I was generally a good kid in class, and I thought the teacher used my spanking to set an example, that, no matter who you were, no one was exempt from corporal punishment.

The next year, when I got to the public school system for 4th grade, to me, the old and ready to retire teacher was more like a baby sitter than an educator. She kept the 4 or 5 troublemakers on one side of the classroom. I already knew stuff they were teaching the other kids. They tested us at the end of the 3rd grade at the Christian school, and we tested out as 5th graders.

There should be a test case to come before the SCOTUS to give schools immunity from most ACLU and parent lawsuits, for being able to use corporal punishment. When this is done early on, then there's a lot less mis-behaving later on. That will fix things.

I'm glad you responded well to corporal punishment, you sound like a good kid and better adult. it didn't deter me in the slightest, just made me more creative and sneaky because I did want to avoid a beating but not enough to keep from hell raising.

Perhaps I didnt get enough smacks to the hand in elementary school because I was always in trouble then too but I had a dramatic home life and I think that makes a huge difference. I didnt respect the authority at home so I had no respect for it elsewhere. Having said that, I do recall a few teachers who wouldn't put up with even one piece of my shit and I always fell in line with them and ended up learning a lot and doing well since I had to give up on my shenanigans and study/learn

Its a miracle I did a 180 when I was 19, quit drinking, being an ass (well I'm trying), started respecting others of all ages and despite being a little thief prior, would dare take anything from another human once the light went on and I developed a genuine desire to respect others


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They won't say out loud what the root cause of violent teens is . . .
No they won't...

It is never helpful to turn every problem into some political strategy. We do not have a gun violence problem. We have a culture of violence problem which has been exacerbated lately by an influx of violent illegal aliens and people from countries where human life is not as valued as it is in the West.

We have allowed an urban culture of violence to grown, by excusing certain behaviors. Guns are just tools used by violent individuals. The fact is, guns more more easily accessible in the past than they are today and it was never the problem we see today.

If you allow gangs like MS-13 to develop and grow in our cities, you should expect more and more violence.


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They were still giving us the board 1st-8th/9th grade area, after that I don't remember it being done anymore. But it happened almost every day (and certainly every week) that I can remember esp from 4th-8th grades.

Some of the teachers were quite creative in creating the boards that had the most clubhead speed/aerodynamically smooth etc etc.


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I just don't understand how people get this stupid.

Seriously, if you are this dumb and support this kind of utter nonsense, you wholeheartedly deserve to be Old Yeller'd

Fuck these leftists.

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