I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly don't get outraged over atheism and mocking. Jesus said if they hate me, they'll hate you. It doesn't bother me and I expect some sort of conflict. I don't care who doesn't believe, I'd rather they do, for their own benefit, because God's existence isn't predicated on who does or doesn't believe in Him, but I'm not outraged over it.
Again pointing out error is far from an attack and far from hypocritical. You're not used to it, because I'm sure you spend much less to no time in church and studying the bible than a Christian. Of course it's odd to you, but it's not hypocritical or wrong, you're just not aware of what a Christian is called to do.
Kudos. This isn't a stance I see often in these types of discussion. What would be your response if someone told you that your beliefs were un-biblical?
I'm not aware of any contradictions between Matthews Gospel and Paul's Epistles. In fact Matthew's is the most Jewish of Gospels and Paul spends a lot of time expounding on the meanings of the Levitical traditions. If Paul's exposition were pop culture he wouldn't have been beheaded. Pop culture means accepted by popular culture. Rome did nothing of the sort, until it became politically expedient 300 years later.
What about Matthew 5:17? Like I said, I'm far from a Biblical expert, but there is certainly debate among Christian sects on the interpretation of Levitical law and what the statements in the New Testament really mean about it
In Ezekial He makes it clear that the blood of the sinner is held to your account if you don't speak up. If you do and they ignore, it's on them. If you watch silently you're at fault as well. Now God knows we're all sinners, so His stance isn't well 'you're no better, so shut up'. it's 'help yourself by helping others'. Helping others and not allowing someone to be misled is not attacking them, but helping them.
I see. So really what you are saying here is that the Pope is taking this opportunity to help others? He feels that "socioeconomic system that leaves the poor with no means to support themselves is a grave sin." so he is speaking up about it, correct? He's not watching silently and helping himself by helping others. Isn't that one of the Christian tenets you have been espousing? Seems like you and the Pope are actually in agreement.
However, you and JBond are not:
JBond said:
Maybe the fraud that rules a cult riddled with pedophilia should be more concerned with his own house instead of judging others.
That seems to be in disagreement with your statement above where you indicate that "so His stance isn't well 'you're no better, so shut up'. It certainly seems like the Pope is trying to do the Christian thing, per your description, but he is being encouraged not to do so?
You also stated that:
It's more hateful to watch and stay silent than it is to open your mouth and at least give them your viewpoint to consider. Be it faith, vocation, economy whatever.
Again, seems like the Pope is doing a very Christian thing here, right? He's following your advice by giving his viewpoint to consider on the economy.
Yet, in doing so, he was labeled the Anti-Christ in this thread title. Seems a little hypocritical.....