
Pro Bowler
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Did you guys hear the pope personally canceled his newspaper subscription!


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In clearest statement to date, pope prays for victims of sex abuse but still continues to shelter all his pedophiles.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In his clearest public reference as pope to the subject of clerical sex abuse, Pope Francis urged bishops to support abuse victims while also reaching out to priests who have "fallen short of their commitments."


Pro Bowler
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You can't change people's minds when it comes to religion. I just know I feel like a huge weight is off my shoulders now that I have put it behind me.


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I know. Just pm'ed Jon and cleared the air. We are both deleting the stupid stuff.
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Pro Bowler
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Yeah, I fully expected the thread to be closed by the 3rd page. It's been a good thread.
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It's been a respectful conversation for the most part. If it stays that way, I won't be closing it.


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Seriously? In your zeal to bash Christians you have gone completely astray. Please expound upon your thought. How is a one world government and a financial system ruled by those same people going to benefit anyone except those that are in charge? Do you really want some socialist leader from Kenya making all your decisions for you?
Where is this "zeal to bash Christians"? If anything, I've been defending Christians (Catholics).

I'm just going off of what your fellow Christian, VTA, told me in this thread

VTA said:
Like in any aspect of life, you're basically not doing well if you see someone wrongly led and keep your trap shut. It's more hateful to watch and stay silent than it is to open your mouth and at least give them your viewpoint to consider. Be it faith, vocation, economy whatever.

The pope thinks that a "socioeconomic system that leaves the poor with no means to support themselves is a grave sin.", so he is doing what VTA said a good Christian should do. Speak up about it.

I'd recommend you take it up with him since he said it. I'm just pointing out that it is hypocritical for him to say that and then criticize the Pope for doing exactly what he said Christians should do.
The Pope, a person the protects and shields his employees when they rape and molest children, a person that urges his followers to drink blood, a person that demands people worship idols and pray to the dead; this is the person you believe represents Christian ideas? Clearly you are being argumentative for the sake of arguing and have not really thought this through.
Again, I'm just drawing conclusions based upon what VTA has told me in this thread. You really need to take it up with him.

Do you understand the role of the Jesuits? Their primary purpose is to unify all religions under the banner of the Catholic church. They are such an extremist group that they were banned from the Catholic Church for the atrocities they committed only to be restored by a similar thinking Pope later. Do you understand how horrific the Catholic church has behaved throughout history? The repeated atrocities they have committed in the name of Jesus should shame every Catholic and make them seriously reconsider their commitment to such a group. The leader of this group is the very last person I would take advice from on anything.

Catholics certainly aren't the only religion that has behaved poorly throughout history.


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I'm just going off of what your fellow Christian, VTA, told me in this thread

The pope thinks that a "socioeconomic system that leaves the poor with no means to support themselves is a grave sin.", so he is doing what VTA said a good Christian should do. Speak up about it.

I'd recommend you take it up with him since he said it. I'm just pointing out that it is hypocritical for him to say that and then criticize the Pope for doing exactly what he said Christians should do.

Again, I'm just drawing conclusions based upon what VTA has told me in this thread. You really need to take it up with him.

I never said a Christian is called to speak up concerning geo-political affairs, it's an entirely different beast from a theological stand point. I said we're to speak up concerning false teachers. We - and he - should know that man's devices are inherently evil and the appeal is to be to men's hearts (Jeremiah 31:33-34) and not their systems. Jesus didn't establish a system he affirmed a faith independent of any of man's systems. The Pope knows this. His disingenuous appeal is anti-Christ.

Le me ask you a couple questions:

Do you believe that most professing Christians do not know the bible?

Do you believe that many people are, in this generation leaving the church?


Pro Bowler
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Do you believe that most professing Christians do not know the bible?

Do you believe that many people are, in this generation leaving the church?

Yes and yes. Only 3% of adults aged 18-31 attend churches.


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I never said a Christian is called to speak up concerning geo-political affairs, it's an entirely different beast from a theological stand point. I said we're to speak up concerning false teachers.

Hey, I'm just going off of what you said.

VTA said:
Like in any aspect of life, you're basically not doing well if you see someone wrongly led and keep your trap shut. It's more hateful to watch and stay silent than it is to open your mouth and at least give them your viewpoint to consider. Be it faith, vocation, economy whatever.
:confused I'm really not saying anything in this thread. I'm just applying what you've said to this thread.

Certainly seems like you're quite confident in your stance provided it is applied to your set of beliefs. If applied to another set of beliefs, there is always some reason why it is wrong. I think there is a word for that......yep, hypocrisy, that is the one I was thinking of.

VTA said:
We - and he - should know that man's devices are inherently evil and the appeal is to be to men's hearts (Jeremiah 31:33-34) and not their systems. Jesus didn't establish a system he affirmed a faith independent of any of man's systems. The Pope knows this. His disingenuous appeal is anti-Christ.
But what if man's systems hurt others? Wouldn't that be a sin that someone allowed that system to be in place?

VTA said:
Le me ask you a couple questions:

Do you believe that most professing Christians do not know the bible?
I agree and for many reasons. Some are willfully ignorant. Some pick and choose to create a belief system to their liking. Some interpret the Bible to create a belief system to their liking (and in many instances, I doubt they know that they are even doing this).

That is why you have a slew of Christian sects. The Bible isn't clear and is open to interpretation (no matter how much people would like to pretend they understand it all and it is clear). Religious scholars disagree on the interpretation of verses.....such as Matthew 5:17 which some interpret to mean that the old laws (Levitical) are still valid. I'm aware of Christian sects that follow this belief and, as a result, don't eat shellfish or pork. Others decided Levitical law was too strict, so they interpreted other statements in the Bible to believe that ALL of Levitical law was abolished

Do you believe that many people are, in this generation leaving the church?

Yes, I agree. I'm sure there are many reasons for that. I certainly have mine.


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Yes and yes. Only 3% of adults aged 18-31 attend churches.

And it reinforces my point better than anything else. The Pope can say and support any anti-Christ notion and the sea of lost people will not recognize that he's a false teacher. You will know them by their fruits. Religion causes more atheism than secular apathy through it's misrepresentation of God and it's why He wants us to speak against them.


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Hey, I'm just going off of what you said.

No you're not. You're conflating political and economic conditions with theological ones. I've said false teachers numerous times and never once that we're admonished to point out failures of political/economic systems. We can, but Jesus never charged anyone with taking a political stand. Even when tested he gave the famous line of rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's....

:confused I'm really not saying anything in this thread. I'm just applying what you've said to this thread.

Certainly seems like you're quite confident in your stance provided it is applied to your set of beliefs. If applied to another set of beliefs, there is always some reason why it is wrong. I think there is a word for that......yep, hypocrisy, that is the one I was thinking of.

Bolded for clarity. You are saying plenty in the thread.

And of course I'm confident in my belief. Why wouldn't I be? If I study the bible, I know what it has to say, it's only logical I will apply the knowledge accordingly as a Christian. This is some how odd? Is a brain surgeon hypocritical for being confidently learned in his area of knowledge? EDIT: That's a bad analogy, I shouldn't have used it.

But what if man's systems hurt others? Wouldn't that be a sin that someone allowed that system to be in place?

A sin to allow a political system? No. Christians aren't called to political office and positions of power. They're perfectly within their rights to do so and should get involved civilly, but it's not a sin to be helpless against it. It is however disingenuous for the so-called vicar of Christ to propagate one system of man over another.

I agree and for many reasons. Some are willfully ignorant. Some pick and choose to create a belief system to their liking. Some interpret the Bible to create a belief system to their liking (and in many instances, I doubt they know that they are even doing this).

That is why you have a slew of Christian sects. The Bible isn't clear and is open to interpretation (no matter how much people would like to pretend they understand it all and it is clear). Religious scholars disagree on the interpretation of verses.....such as Matthew 5:17 which some interpret to mean that the old laws (Levitical) are still valid. I'm aware of Christian sects that follow this belief and, as a result, don't eat shellfish or pork. Others decided Levitical law was too strict, so they interpreted other statements in the Bible to believe that ALL of Levitical law was abolished

Yes, I agree. I'm sure there are many reasons for that. I certainly have mine.

The bible is very clear, but to those who do not read it. You just admitted most don't know the bible so how can anyone claim it's not clear? Citing ambiguity is an excuse to avoid what it say's. There's entire unanimity in the bible and it's meanings, based on it's historicity, it's impact and realized with simply taking the time to study it.

Can you cite a specific example concerning Christians practicing Levitcal traditions? Anyone making such claims about it's pertinence to Christianity will probably be more like a congregant of Benny Hin or some other charlatan, (though I'm fairly sure even he doesn't go that far). Can you cite any bible scholar struggling with Matthew Ch 5:17? Or any particular verse?
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