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Yes, the PDF is from my church. It is what we teach. Rick Holland is our Pastor. He worked for John MacArthur as his top researcher for years. He moved from LA to my area to provide a safer environment for his boys. Incredible man and a very gifted speaker. His sermons are available on our site.


It reads very much like the mission statement for the church I attend (though I do not go enough).
Jon MacArthur is great teacher, I've learned a lot from him.


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I'm sure it is.

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. -1 Corinthians 1:18


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I'm sure it is.

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. -1 Corinthians 1:18

Not really what I meant.

More the religion on religion hate. Calling the pope the Anti-Christ. Calling Catholics a cult.

Lots of hypocrisy. Doesn't seem very Christian.


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Not really what I meant.

More the religion on religion hate. Calling the pope the Anti-Christ. Calling Catholics a cult.

Lots of hypocrisy. Doesn't seem very Christian.

It's very Christian. Christ directs Christians to identify false teachers, as does Paul, Peter and John.
Christianity isn't all preaching, we're supposed to point out error. You're called to it or held accountable for tolerating it and allowing others to be wrongly led.


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The truth. It is not hate. Many Catholics are members because their parents or spouse are Catholic, not because they were called to it.
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It's very Christian. Christ directs Christians to identify false teachers, as does Paul, Peter and John.
Christianity isn't all preaching, we're supposed to point out error. You're called to it or held accountable for tolerating it and allowing others to be wrongly led.

Interesting. So is it a sin if you tolerate Catholicism and allow others to be wrongly led? How do you ever do anything productive in your life? I'd assume you couldn't walk five feet in any direction without finding someone who, in your opinion, is being wrongly led.

Do you spend all your time with your mother-in-law pointing out the errors in her religious choice? You've basically admitted she's a better Christian than you, but is she a sinner because she doesn't prescribe to the exact narrow scope of Christianity that you do?


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The truth. It is not hate. Many Catholics are members because their parents or spouse are Catholic, not because they were called to it.

What if they were called to it though?


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Interesting. So is it a sin if you tolerate Catholicism and allow others to be wrongly led? How do you ever do anything productive in your life? I'd assume you couldn't walk five feet in any direction without finding someone who, in your opinion, is being wrongly led.

Do you spend all your time with your mother-in-law pointing out the errors in her religious choice? You've basically admitted she's a better Christian than you, but is she a sinner because she doesn't prescribe to the exact narrow scope of Christianity that you do?

Like in any aspect of life, you're basically not doing well if you see someone wrongly led and keep your trap shut. It's more hateful to watch and stay silent than it is to open your mouth and at least give them your viewpoint to consider. Be it faith, vocation, economy whatever. There's a time and place for everything and for being tactful. My mother-in-law doesn't need my direction; her Catholicism is merely cultural; her walk with God is entirely innate. Without the Catholic church her nature would be just as God had made it.

Catholics aren't apostate sinners going to hell, the awful system it teaches leaves man ignorant of salient facts concerning Jesus and in many instances leading them away from the grace of Christ because they think he's a frothing at the mouth vindictive bastard who will judge your sins because you didn't recite some chant to a dead saint. Too many atheists I know are Catholic. Because Catholicism doesn't teach the bible, it teaches it's sacraments and guilt trips. Their leaders are modern day Pharisees that stand between man and the gift of grace Jesus gave personally to each man. The same things Jesus railed on the Pharisees for, organized religion does. It would really require a lot of time for me to touch on the history of Catholicism, it's birth ascension and it's unbiblical teachings. If you're interested, when I have time I could.

You shouldn't get hung on the 'narrowness' of Christianity, Jesus didn't speak superfluously and he stated the way to life being narrow and strait because he meant it. Pop culture religion will not help you find it.

Have you ever read the bible? Are you aware of what it say's concerning the last days?


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It says a bunch of gibberish. Revelations should have been left out of the bible. Another gospel would have been nice.


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I am a Christian , but I don't care for the man-made religions. My ancestors broke away from the Catholic Church hundreds of years ago because they didn't think there should be anybody, such as the Pope, between them and God. I respect many of the traditions of the Catholics, but I don't agree with them. I think a man can read the bible and understand it for himself, no middleman needed.


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It says a bunch of gibberish. Revelations should have been left out of the bible. Another gospel would have been nice.

Really? Please educate us. I am always happy to learn from a Bible guru. What else did God get wrong?


Pro Bowler
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Yeah, correct God.

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Like in any aspect of life, you're basically not doing well if you see someone wrongly led and keep your trap shut. It's more hateful to watch and stay silent than it is to open your mouth and at least give them your viewpoint to consider. Be it faith, vocation, economy whatever. There's a time and place for everything and for being tactful. My mother-in-law doesn't need my direction; her Catholicism is merely cultural; her walk with God is entirely innate. Without the Catholic church her nature would be just as God had made it.
You didn't really answer my question. In fact, this whole paragraph seems to contradict what you said earlier and even seems to contradict itself.

You went from this:

It's very Christian. Christ directs Christians to identify false teachers, as does Paul, Peter and John.
Christianity isn't all preaching, we're supposed to point out error. You're called to it or held accountable for tolerating it and allowing others to be wrongly led.

to "You're not doing well".

Which is it? You aren't "doing well" or you'll be held accountable. Is it sin or not? What does the Bible say?

Catholics aren't apostate sinners going to hell, the awful system it teaches leaves man ignorant of salient facts concerning Jesus and in many instances leading them away from the grace of Christ because they think he's a frothing at the mouth vindictive bastard who will judge your sins because you didn't recite some chant to a dead saint. Too many atheists I know are Catholic. Because Catholicism doesn't teach the bible, it teaches it's sacraments and guilt trips. Their leaders are modern day Pharisees that stand between man and the gift of grace Jesus gave personally to each man. The same things Jesus railed on the Pharisees for, organized religion does. It would really require a lot of time for me to touch on the history of Catholicism, it's birth ascension and it's unbiblical teachings. If you're interested, when I have time I could.
Really not interested. I grew up in a Catholic church. I really don't disagree with many of your thoughts on them. I'm struggling to see how they differ from any other organized religion though.

You shouldn't get hung on the 'narrowness' of Christianity, Jesus didn't speak superfluously and he stated the way to life being narrow and strait because he meant it. Pop culture religion will not help you find it.
What makes something a "pop culture" religion?

Have you ever read the bible? Are you aware of what it say's concerning the last days?
Nope, what does it say? People will fight over plastic shit and spots in line?
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