You still seem to be struggling with this concept of identifying false teachers, pointing out of error and allowing others to be wrongly led. Obviously, you feel that Catholics are being wrongly led and you'll be held accountable for allowing others to be wrongly led....but you allow your mother-in-law to follow this path. You've said you'll be held accountable, but it isn't a sin? How do you decide which Catholics need to be pointed in the error of their ways and which ones aren't being misled?
What about other religions or Christian sects?
I don't think I'm the one struggling here. You introduce all sorts of non-sequiturs to avoid admitting your initial premise is wrong. There's nothing hypocritical or un-Christian about pointing out false teachings. It's simply a part of the Christian walk.
I don't decide anything, I take it as it comes while living a normal life. In the course of relationships the opportunity to talk about things arise and you take it. I'm not sure how posting this relevant piece concerning the Pope, his idea and the prophecy concerning it could be construed as anything but Christian awareness.
The other religions subject is a long discussion in and of itself and an entirely difference topic. The short answer is, if they do not accept Christ at his word, that the way to God is through Him, that He died for all mans sin and that He is in fact God himself then they're doing it wrong. God sets the rules, not man. The existence of counterfeit's do not invalidate the genuine. In fact, there's no such thing as a counterfeit if no genuine article exists. All religion is a farce and there is no God.
You avoid pork and shellfish? Believe stoning is acceptable for a wide variety of misdeeds? Not allowing women to speak in church?
Point me to any scripture where a
Christian (and not an ancient Jew) was ever admonished to live by Levitical codes of diet restrictions and capital punishment for sins.
Morality is decaying exponentially? What leads you to believe this? We've had much darker times in our history. I'd say, in general, our morality, ethics and civility is probably better than it has been at any time in history.
You'd think that way if God were absent from your life. But God doesn't change and what he calls immoral remains immoral. What's acceptable now and what society is numb to is a far cry darker than in times past. Civilizations exist on arc's not planes and ours is sliding downward gradually enough for people to see the natural affection people should have for each eroding and not be troubled by it. Child abuse, people abuse, callousness toward crime to the point where it can joked about. For example, how many faces of meth meme's and articles have been laughed at? Sure it's self inflicted, but it's still people so confused that they're doing that to themselves and that's somehow laughable? There are numerous examples of a society gone numb, too many to really enumerate.
Do you really believe we're on the verge of a single world economy/religion/political system? Who has enough power and influence to attempt that?
If we're on the verge, that's not for me to say, I'm not Harold Camping. I can see the first signs of pangs, but how long it goes I have no idea. God's timing of 'days' is different than ours. Martin Luther called the Pope in his day the anti-Christ, so the nearness of these things in our time is out of my understanding.
The power for such a concept will be preceded by natural disasters and the after effects of wars, greatly diminishing populations and leaving people with the need for security in any form. Jesus likened it all to birth pangs; breaches and trouble in waves, conditioning people for accepting these things eventually. An influential voice like the Pope's supporting such things as a singular currency and worse, his ecumenical idea's are moving toward conditioning people to these things.