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Shame on anyone who ever thought they would let us win. They have been doing this since at least 2012 in a major way for Presidential elections. Trump out performed the fraud they had in place in 2016. After that they worked to ensure it would never happen again and set up built in fraud for congressional elections in areas where they knew they could do it. They do not try it in strong Republican places like Texas and Florida at least not in a major way. In places like Georgia they have Republicans actively complacent with it so they are allowed to win (see Kemp). The GOP will never control any true power in this country ever again.

There are ways to stifle Democrats who are cheating. First thing, we file class action lawsuits to prevent voter data from being turned over to political candidates or parties. Today, data indicated who has voted and who has not, is given to both parties during an election to allow parties to target particular voters as election day nears. But identifying individuals who have not voted allows a party to fill out ballots and stuff ballot boxes using the names of folks who have not voted. Or they can harvest those ballots. This information should be considered private. Not voting is a private choice, as private as who you voted for. Courts today, block any attempt to canvas ballots or reveal how people voted. This should include whether or not a person voted. If we win these lawsuits we deprive Democrats of vital information they need to cheat successfully.

We can also sue to force states to clean up their registration rolls. Dead people, people who moved or have not voted in a state in years should be removed to prevent ballots from being cast in their names. We see thousands of dead people voting every election, and thousands more people who vote in multiple states.

Finally, and this one is tougher, we need to eliminate mail-in ballots. What is happening in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, California and other states is horrifying. Whether it is fraud or not, it looks like fraud. Mail-in ballots have created distrust in the system. For that reason alone mail-in ballots should be outlawed, as they have been in other countries. 60% of Americans thought the 2020 election was unfair. I suspect after the fiasco this year that percentage will increase. We do not have democracy if the majority of the population does not trust hw our elections are conducted. We managed to get people to the polls for over 200 years before we came up with mail-in voting. We can do it again. What we have done over the years is make cheating easier, while at the same time made it more difficult to investigation. Even if you believe 2020 was a fair and honest election, do you think it is wise to wait until we have massive fraud before we put in some effective checks and balances? That's like a bank waiting to install a vault until after it is robbed.


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And all this is because John Roberts and the SCOTUS couldn't address mail in ballots and election issues before 2020. That coward has left the country in complete chaos.
Roberts plays for the other team (in more ways than I one I bet)


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Ok. I have heard this argument used over and over and it is wrong. Yes, we live in a representative Republic but our representatives are elected using a Democratic process where the people vote to decide who represents them in government. When the term Democracy is used, it applies to our elections not to the form of government. This argument was more accurate when Senators were appointed by the states and not the people, but today, citizens vote and the person with the most votes wins, except in Alaska.

The argument that voting for election deniers is a threat to democracy is not just dishonest, it is also far more extreme than claiming there was voter fraud based activity that appears to be suspicious. The threat to democracy is cheating on elections, and denying any investigation into suspicious activity, especially when coupled with resistance to any measure to secure the vote. Of course people are suspicious. A reasonable person has reason to be. The fact is, people who express a concern that the elections might be rigged are more concerned about democracy that people who dismiss and deny any and all allegations of fraud, even when witnesses and evidence suggest otherwise.

And by the way, how has it not been noticed that Democrats are never afraid that these prolonged vote counts and other weird behaviors might be Republicans trying to cheat? Democrats act like they know they will win in the end, even when polls showed otherwise before the elections. 4 years ago, Stacy Abrams accused Brian Kemp of rigging the Georgia elections against her. Democrats backer her up and no one claimed her accusations were a "threat to Democracy". Since then, the shady activity has favored Democrats and we never here them question the elections. Either that mean Republicans are completely trustworthy, or Democrats are the ones doing the cheating and they all know it.
We're not a Representative Republic, nor a Constitutional Republic, nor a Democracy.

This is a corrupt to the core Communist Government in the making.

Our Country as we know it, is 100% over.


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It's coming down to another Civil War

Book it.
That is what they want. They are trying to provoke us. I fully expect them to do something like arresting Trump to fan the flames. They want to lock us all up as domestic terrorist. They have already assumed power in the military and pushed out most patriotic soldiers in anticipation.

The only answer is Jesus. We are in the end times. America is not mentioned in Biblical prophecy so we have to be destroyed so we can fall under the coming one world government. The tribulation will start soon making all of this look like childs play. The only true hope is a pre-trib rapture. Anyone who has not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior is in real danger. As long as we have Jesus we will be fine. Jesus wins in the end and everyone who follows him will be with him clothed in fine white linen.


Super Moderator
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I Lake wins, she will force investigations of the voting process and that could expose the corrupt criminals who perpetrate the fraud.

You called it. She'll have a tough road with the remaining ballots. I shouldn't be surprised by how years and years of trends seem to have disappeared. The Dems had to stop this lady at all costs and it looks like they'll probably do just that so their treachery is safe. The new norm is not to debate and just let the fraud and anomalies win it for you.

In any event, what folks will do is analyze the shit out of the mid-terms but that's just a futile exercise. The only way to overcome this sort of madness is recruit people to ballot harvest for Republicans. No one is going to convince me with the economy tanking and the country in such dire straights that Dems voted for this lunacy in such large numbers. How bad do things have to get before we hold those responsible accountable. I'll just sit back and watch it burn. What choice do any of us have?


Defense Wins Championships
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today, citizens vote and the person with the most votes wins, except in Alaska.

The person with the most votes did not win in Ga. They have a runoff now from a general election.
And as for the Presidential Election... It is most definitely not who wins the popular vote.


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Its nearly a week AFTER election day, and they still don't even know who controls the house (although its appearing more and more likely the Dems will steal that too).

And not hardly a peep from this spineless, gutless Republican "establishment" losers on why. (when the whole world knows why)

McConnell and McCarthy are the epitome of losers.


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Its nearly a week AFTER election day, and they still don't even know who controls the house (although its appearing more and more likely the Dems will steal that too).

And not hardly a peep from this spineless, gutless Republican "establishment" losers on why. (when the whole world knows why)

McConnell and McCarthy are the epitome of losers.
There is a 0% chance Republicans control the house.


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There is a 0% chance Republicans control the house.
But had they been forced to count (and reveal) all the votes on election day, there was:

1) 100% chance we controlled the senate in 2020
2) 100% chance Trump would be President in 2020
3) 100% chance R's controlled house after 2022
4) 100% chance we controlled the senate after 2022
5) 100% chance chance Kari Lake would be Governor of Arizona


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I haven't seen this reported anywhere else so not sure the accuracy, but NBC is claiming Republicans will win the house 219-216



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Don't you just know that somewhere at some point there were a bunch of Democrat puppet masters sitting around a table asking themselves, "can we continue to cheat and steal the house majority, or do you guys think that would be too obvious?"


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I haven't seen this reported anywhere else so not sure the accuracy, but NBC is claiming Republicans will win the house 219-216

I have not seen this anywhere. The last I heard the Rs were one seat away from taking control of the house.

But if this is true, then the very first order of business better be to end the Jan 6 witch hunt committee. Shut it down and stop the time wasting, money wasting investigations of Trump. It is clearly a political witch hunt. Trump did nothing wrong. Changing electors is 100% legal. The reality is electors do not have to vote based on the popular vote in their state. In fact, in 2016 two lectors in a state that went for Trump voted for Hillary. Have we all forgotten that? Democrats were openly encourage more electors to follow suit to give Hillary the election. Now they are claiming Trump doing it is insurrection or a coup.


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It's coming down to another Civil War

Book it.

We are already in a civil war but only one side is fighting. Not the same kind of civil war as the last one but it is more if a 21st century civil war that is wage on the information battlefield. Just look at the dishonesty of the Democrats and their media mercenaries. The media used to be just biased. Now they outright lie, censor and propagandize. We are losing this war because Republicans are too cowardly to fight back.

When Democrats call us extreme and a threat to Democracy, where are the Republicans lining up to defend us against such extreme accusations? Democrats favor abortion until birth and Republicans do not call them extreme. But we are extremists because we think all the suspicious things that occurred during the 2020 election are indicative of fraud.

Until Republicans realize we are already at war, we will continue to suffer losses in elections. First thing is, we have our differences, but we must be united in defense of the party and country. The petty catfights, sniping and quiet undermining of each other has to come to an end.


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Not California. We picked up crucial House seats in late races in California. It gave up the House majority. Although, I saw one race, CA-27, that was just called despite the Republican having a 54% to 46% lead. In the meantime, they called the Hobbs-Lake race with Hobbs ahead by only .8% lead and Thousands of ballots still not counted, including military ballots.
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