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Mcdumbfuck finally got his votes for SoH

Let the continued democrat appeasing begin!


Super Moderator
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Mcdumbfuck finally got his votes for SoH

Let the continued democrat appeasing begin!

It's all show and none of it will matter. The left is too radical to negotiate with and the right will capitulate. It's what they do. And even if the scrub Republicans pass something in the House it will never get through the Senate. I would financially starve the government by reigning in their out of control spending. It's really the only power the House has....the power of the purse.


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And here's my issue with these establishment Republicans and swamp rats that are ALL coming out fo the woodwork.

It takes 30 days or more to count votes and not a fucking peep of disention. But debating the next SOTH for a few days and it's treasonous or traitorous (and worse). I fucking hate these people. Just hate them and they're as big a problem as the Dems.

And while I'm at it, the police were tracking the Idaho murder suspect with his cell phone....the same technology that was used in the 2000 mules documentary that the shills discredited as being inaccurate. And the results of that cell phone tracking will be used in court as evidence if the nut job takes a trial. America needs to wake up.

The argument that cell phone location data is not accurate was a red herring from the beginning. It is 99.9% accurate within 15 ft. if is about 15% accurate within 2 or 3 ft. If there are 2000 mules identified in the locations data, at least 1000 were co-located within 3 ft of at least 5 drop boxes and 1 stash house. There is simply no rational explanation for the data other than there were people going to drop box locations for some reason. It is non-sensical not to investigate those people to find out what they were doing, if for no other reason than to eliminate the possibility of organized voting fraud.


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The hypocritical "logic" used by the Dems infuriates me almost every time I hear something come out of their mouths

I really dont hear much publicly from Republicans, it seems to always be hearsay from yet again, the democrats

The republicans need a massive PR makeover

The worst thing about Republicans is they go along with Democrat smears about them, or they do nothing. They should have pushed back on the Jan 6 lie the first time Democrats tried to make more of it than what it was, a protest that got a bit out of hand.


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Now that McCarthy is the speak and the congress can get to work, the first order of business is to let the Democrats on the Jan 6 committee, and the Democrats on the House Ways and Means committee that they will not be allowed to serve on an committees convened because they abused their powers when they ran a kangaroo court to get Trump for Jan 6, and when they voted to release Trump's tax returns - which is a violation of federal law. McCarthy should have announced that decision last night when he took the speaker's gavel.


Pro Bowler
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The worst thing about Republicans is they go along with Democrat smears about them, or they do nothing. They should have pushed back on the Jan 6 lie the first time Democrats tried to make more of it than what it was, a protest that got a bit out of hand.

even if they did speak up, the dont have the mouth piece since so much of media & TV leans so heavily democrat, its creepy AF


Defense Wins Championships
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House Democrat Whip Katherine Clark says by debating the legislative processes and institutional rules in public and in full view of the American people, Republicans "endangered our country's national security."



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I am shocked by all the outrage over the Twitter files that show the FBI and some Democrats colluded with Twitter to censor Americans who spoke out against the Democrat agenda. Why is this surprising?

This has been going on for year, even before social media was a big thing. Have people already forgotten the DNC email leaks? In those emails dozens of Democrat operatives were caught colluding with members of the mainstream media to plant stories favorable to Dems, and Hillary in particular. Journalists were running stories by the DNC to make sure the DNC approved of what the articles reported. Some of those journalists are still working for the media. Some got even bigger jobs. All those anonymous sources cited in the Russia collusion story were the same people caught colluding with Twitter. This is why the FBI and others felt so comfortable sending emails and text messages to Twitter officials asking them to censor content - because they have been doing it with the media for so long it is common practice now. It is also why the media is not covering the Twitter files story.


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Yeah, any sane person with a level head knew this was going on from day one

election, Covid, Ukraine...anything they leftist, Marxist agenda was into
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