
Super Moderator
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Think about how devious these fuckers are. Patriots camped out at ballot drop boxes to deter ballot stuffing. So these devious fucks thought of a plan to have 1/3 of the tabulators break down and collect the ballots in a black box at the voting station. It's audacious in it's scope. What normal asd logical person would buy that 1/3 of the tabulators all broke down at the same time on game day?


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I've heard the same thing and that's very concerning. I've said well before the mid-terms that the Dems has to stop Keri Lake at all costs. The machines breaking down the day of voting in soooo many places raises serious red flags. At the end of the day, we're dealing with extremely unethical and criminal minded traitors. We're just not wired to do the same so we're left in the dark. It's a complete takeover of the country. And the Dems saw to it on January 6th that any attempt to protest will be met with jail time. We've become Russia.

I Lake wins, she will force investigations of the voting process and that could expose the corrupt criminals who perpetrate the fraud.


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I see a lot of fighting between Republicans about whose fault it is that the red tsunami never materialized. I don't think it is any one person's fault. I think it is much worse and a lot of people are to blame.

I remember when Ronald Reagan made "liberal" a bad word. Democrats ran away from that label as fast as they could. But over the years, Republicans got complacent. Now, the Democrats have turned everything around. They label Republicans as fascist, extreme, threats to Democracy, racist, etc. Do you every hear Republicans push back? When they called Jan 6 an insurrection, many Republicans went along with them, some even claimed Ashlii Babbit deserved to be shot and killed. How does a single 4 hour protest turn an entire party into a danger to democracy? Blame Republicans for not having the foresight and courage to fight these labels. The minute Democrats started this insurrection nonsense, Republicans should have been all over the TV calling Democrats dividers, and comparing the summer of 2020 to Jan 6.

I do think Mitch McConnell gets much of the blame. He is not a "wartime consiglieri". Mitch is a "get along, go along" kind of guy. Notice Democrats made Chuck Schumer, a hyper partisan, lying scumbag their leader.

I have to blame Trump too, even though I am a Trump supporter. Trump made this race about him when the focus should have been on Biden and his policies. Trump is also a polarizing figure. He energizes Democrats to vote against him as much as he energizes his base to vote for him. He is our version of Hillary. He is unelectable now.

I also think Republicans need to accept that the country by and large does believe abortion at some level should be legal. Polls prove this. Of course the vast majority of Americans are against late term abortions. But the extreme views are all abortions should be outlawed and all abortions should be legal even up to the moment of birth. Republicans should seek compromise or at least not take the extreme position before the election. Take this issue off the table for Democrats. This is a controversial position for many Republicans but it is the reality we face today. We can win elections and get limits on abortion or we can fight for total bans, lose, and watch Democrats make all abortions legal.
A majority of "Republicans" are controlled opposition basically the other side of the same coin. They all work to advance the globalist agenda.


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I said it before and I will say it again, the left is not going to let something like an election let them lose control. We will lose the House and Senate and I doubt Lake wins either. The left is stealing local and state elections so they can hide their fraud. TBH, it would not matter anyway if there was a red wave. There is no longer anything left to save other than a straw house. This whole thing will come tumbling down any day now. Even a clean sweep of MAGA candidates can not stop it now. The best thing for anyone to do is prepare for the coming crash and burn and pray for Jesus to return soon.


Pro Bowler
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The Az governor count is starting to feel a like the release the crackin' nonsense that amounted to didly squat

I was rooting for Lake but it appears to be all bravado and no votes to back it up


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The Az governor count is starting to feel a like the release the crackin' nonsense that amounted to didly squat

I was rooting for Lake but it appears to be all bravado and no votes to back it up
The steal is real. Lake would win in a landslide if actual legal votes were counted accurately. Sadly there is a nefarious reason why they are taking so much time.


Super Moderator
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The Az governor count is starting to feel a like the release the crackin' nonsense that amounted to didly squat

I was rooting for Lake but it appears to be all bravado and no votes to back it up
The steal is real. Lake would win in a landslide if actual legal votes were counted accurately. Sadly there is a nefarious reason why they are taking so much time.

They just dropped a bunch of votes from Dem districts and it went 51 (plus) to 48 (plus) for Lake so it wasn't a good drop fr Hobbs. The county is slow walking the Dem votes to promote a narrative. There's still a way to go. The only way Lake doesn't win is if there's a massive steal and we won't know until the day of drops are counted. Those are the people who mostly didn't trust the system so they hand delivered their ballot on election day. Those votes will swing Republican in large numbers and percentages.

Lastly, I alwasy talk about how all this willl affect my kids and the world they'll live in. My kids are pretty conservative and "get it." They worked from when they were young kids, just as I did, and they see the taxes come out of their pay checks. But these Gen Z idiots swing heavy left.....and I mean heavy and well into the 90 percentile. I now only worry about my own. These Gen Z kids can crash and burn by their own decisions.


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And all this is because John Roberts and the SCOTUS couldn't address mail in ballots and election issues before 2020. That coward has left the country in complete chaos.
If there is one thing Republicans must do in the next two years it is to make such a stink about mail-in ballots that they will be removed from the process going forward. We have the perfect excuse with Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and other states slow walking the results. It creates suspicion and, frankly, if does open up the possibility of massive voter fraud.


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One of the few things left is a convention of states but as so many governors fall to fraud, that will become more and more unlikely.
Alaska just voted 2-1 against joining the convention of states.


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I said it before and I will say it again, the left is not going to let something like an election let them lose control. We will lose the House and Senate and I doubt Lake wins either. The left is stealing local and state elections so they can hide their fraud. TBH, it would not matter anyway if there was a red wave. There is no longer anything left to save other than a straw house. This whole thing will come tumbling down any day now. Even a clean sweep of MAGA candidates can not stop it now. The best thing for anyone to do is prepare for the coming crash and burn and pray for Jesus to return soon.

Yeah, I looked at the house races that have not been called and I just do not see how Republicans win 7 of them. I think we will see Democrats win the next 16 or so then one or two will go to Republicans once Dems control the house.

This is a total train wreck for Republicans, and that includes Trump. I wish he would stop tweeting on Truth Social about how many endorsements he won. It's like whistling past the graveyard. Good for him but bad for the rest of the country.


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They just dropped a bunch of votes from Dem districts and it went 51 (plus) to 48 (plus) for Lake so it wasn't a good drop fr Hobbs. The county is slow walking the Dem votes to promote a narrative. There's still a way to go. The only way Lake doesn't win is if there's a massive steal and we won't know until the day of drops are counted. Those are the people who mostly didn't trust the system so they hand delivered their ballot on election day. Those votes will swing Republican in large numbers and percentages.

Lastly, I alwasy talk about how all this willl affect my kids and the world they'll live in. My kids are pretty conservative and "get it." They worked from when they were young kids, just as I did, and they see the taxes come out of their pay checks. But these Gen Z idiots swing heavy left.....and I mean heavy and well into the 90 percentile. I now only worry about my own. These Gen Z kids can crash and burn by their own decisions.

There is no big drop coming for Lake. And honestly, it doesn't matter to me. We needed to win the house or senate, preferably both and it looks like we will win neither. It will be good if Lake wins and investigates the mess in Arizona, but I think the Dems there already know Hobbs won. I think they knew that a long time ago which is why Hobbs refused to debate Lake, which to me should have been a disqualifier. Hobbs knew it wouldn't matter.

Every single Republicans needs to do some soul searching after this, including Trump. We lost this races because we got to confident and stopped talking about the issue most important to voters. We were talking about investigations and impeachment when we should have been talking about inflation, parental rights, and gas prices. The gods always punish hubris in mortals.


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There is no big drop coming for Lake. And honestly, it doesn't matter to me. We needed to win the house or senate, preferably both and it looks like we will win neither. It will be good if Lake wins and investigates the mess in Arizona, but I think the Dems there already know Hobbs won. I think they knew that a long time ago which is why Hobbs refused to debate Lake, which to me should have been a disqualifier. Hobbs knew it wouldn't matter.

Every single Republicans needs to do some soul searching after this, including Trump. We lost this races because we got to confident and stopped talking about the issue most important to voters. We were talking about investigations and impeachment when we should have been talking about inflation, parental rights, and gas prices. The gods always punish hubris in mortals.
This loss is not on anyone but the people who stole it. There was no way Republicans could win because they already had control of enough elections to ensure it could not happen. This country is dead now. Republicans will never hold control EVER again. I doubt we even make it to 2024 . This country is going down fast. All we can do now is prepare for the downfall.


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Shame on anyone who ever thought they would let us win. They have been doing this since at least 2012 in a major way for Presidential elections. Trump out performed the fraud they had in place in 2016. After that they worked to ensure it would never happen again and set up built in fraud for congressional elections in areas where they knew they could do it. They do not try it in strong Republican places like Texas and Florida at least not in a major way. In places like Georgia they have Republicans actively complacent with it so they are allowed to win (see Kemp). The GOP will never control any true power in this country ever again.
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Ok. I have heard this argument used over and over and it is wrong. Yes, we live in a representative Republic but our representatives are elected using a Democratic process where the people vote to decide who represents them in government. When the term Democracy is used, it applies to our elections not to the form of government. This argument was more accurate when Senators were appointed by the states and not the people, but today, citizens vote and the person with the most votes wins, except in Alaska.

The argument that voting for election deniers is a threat to democracy is not just dishonest, it is also far more extreme than claiming there was voter fraud based activity that appears to be suspicious. The threat to democracy is cheating on elections, and denying any investigation into suspicious activity, especially when coupled with resistance to any measure to secure the vote. Of course people are suspicious. A reasonable person has reason to be. The fact is, people who express a concern that the elections might be rigged are more concerned about democracy that people who dismiss and deny any and all allegations of fraud, even when witnesses and evidence suggest otherwise.

And by the way, how has it not been noticed that Democrats are never afraid that these prolonged vote counts and other weird behaviors might be Republicans trying to cheat? Democrats act like they know they will win in the end, even when polls showed otherwise before the elections. 4 years ago, Stacy Abrams accused Brian Kemp of rigging the Georgia elections against her. Democrats backer her up and no one claimed her accusations were a "threat to Democracy". Since then, the shady activity has favored Democrats and we never here them question the elections. Either that mean Republicans are completely trustworthy, or Democrats are the ones doing the cheating and they all know it.
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