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I have to ask, is anyone from Arizona or Pennsylvania? Are you embarrassed by your states performance in this election. Pennsylvania elected a guy who died in October, and Fetterman who had a stroke and can't understand what people are saying to him. Do Pennsylvanians really think it is better to elected a dead guy and zombie than a Republican? This is what is wrong with America.

And Arizona! What gives? You are not that big of a state. You don;t have that many votes compared to other states who counted all their votes in hours. Now it is going to take another week to get the vote tallies in?! I mean, come on. Regardless of what party you are you have to be concerned about what is going on there. Is there any wonder why people jump to the conclusion there is funny business going on in Arizona?

And by the way, after reading the story about the machines and printers in Maricopa country I have to tell you, that process is ridiculous, and broken. They need to go find every ballot that could not be scanned and was put into the 3rd box or whatever, and make sure every one of them was accounted for and added to the totals. Since the problems occurred in primarily red areas I would say it looks awfully suspicious. If someone was pulling a fast one, they should go to jail for a long time.


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Nope, same MO for them as two years ago.

Kemp came out yesterday though and said he believes Herschel will win. There will be a massive turnout I think too, and that should bode well for us.

Why would there be a massive turnout when 80,000 plus Republicans stayed home in Georgia for the 2020/21 runoff? It's the same scenario and Kemp can't carry anyone. If he could, Hershel would have followed his coat tails because Kemp beat Abrams very soundly. It's all part of a plan buddy.....


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Here's what people are missing. In states like Kansas and Oregon, the Dems ran a 3rd party candidates that took away votes from the Republican nominee. Amazing that the independent got just enough votes that if those votes went Republican, they would have won. Same with Hershel in GA and Blake Masters in AZ The independent got just enough votes to deny Hershel the win and force a run-off where many Republicans, disenfranchised with the system, will stay home. It's a repeat of 2020/21. In AZ, the independent took just enough votes to possibly deny Blake Masters a victory with a heavy batch of same day voting/drop offs yet to counted that will swing heavily Republican.

This will be the Dem strategy in 2024. Liz Cheney or another RINO will run as a third party candidate to deny the Republican nominee the Presidency, country be damned. It worked in Kansas, Oregon, GA and possibly AZ (Senate) and I'd bet the Dems were looking to see how this strategy played out. Again, the Dems play chess and the idiot Republicans play checkers.

To compound all of this, PA and MI ensured that their mail in ballot fraud included victory at the state level. At the very least, the State Houses in these states are now controlled by the Dems who will solidify mail in voting, thus ensuring fraud in all future elections and solidifying Dem control. The same may hold true for the state Senates. Republican state leaders in these states failed the people in 2020 and failed them miserably. They lacked the courage to protect voting integrity and the Dems just stepped in and ate their lunch. Republicans are weak and have no idea of the enemy they are facing.


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Here's what people are missing. In states like Kansas and Oregon, the Dems ran a 3rd party candidates that took away votes from the Republican nominee. Amazing that the independent got just enough votes that if those votes went Republican, they would have won. Same with Hershel in GA and Blake Masters in AZ The independent got just enough votes to deny Hershel the win and force a run-off where many Republicans, disenfranchised with the system, will stay home. It's a repeat of 2020/21. In AZ, the independent took just enough votes to possibly deny Blake Masters a victory with a heavy batch of same day voting/drop offs yet to counted that will swing heavily Republican.

This will be the Dem strategy in 2024. Liz Cheney or another RINO will run as a third party candidate to deny the Republican nominee the Presidency, country be damned. It worked in Kansas, Oregon, GA and possibly AZ (Senate) and I'd bet the Dems were looking to see how this strategy played out. Again, the Dems play chess and the idiot Republicans play checkers.

To compound all of this, PA and MI ensured that their mail in ballot fraud included victory at the state level. At the very least, the State Houses in these states are now controlled by the Dems who will solidify mail in voting, thus ensuring fraud in all future elections and solidifying Dem control. The same may hold true for the state Senates. Republican state leaders in these states failed the people in 2020 and failed them miserably. They lacked the courage to protect voting integrity and the Dems just stepped in and ate their lunch. Republicans are weak and have no idea of the enemy they are facing.
Technically here in GA the Dems didn't run or throw their support behind an independent, Libertarian is pretty much always on the ticket here and is for multiple offices (not just the Senate or Governors). They have a very small, but fairly loyal group of voters and unfortunately they do from time to time have an impact (ex, 2020 the Lib candidate did pull off enough votes to force run offs and it happened again in 2022 general election. If you know who political commentator/radio man Neil Boortz is, he is a well known Libertarian supporter but he is very conservative himself.

GA had a record turnout for the runoff in 2020 and I suspect there will be even more turnout this time. There's also less time between the general election and run off compared to before, giving Dems less time to amass and implement cheating strategies. Kemp seems fairly confident Herschel is going to win, and that wasn't the case in 2020 with the R candidates. Herschel is also killing it on the donation side now and I encourage everyone on this board who wants a conservative majority in the senate to donate something to his campaign. (

As for Liz Cheney, absolutely nobody is going to support her for President. She's fucking awful and is almost assuredly going to have to change parties if she wants to remain in politics. She endorsed several Democrap candidates during this election and that will not bode well for her even with Rino's if she tries to "ruin" the R chances in 2024 by running as an independent.


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Not suspicious at all

The latest updates from Clark and Washoe counties have put Laxalt just 8,988 votes over Cortez Masto, less than 1% of the total vote. Election officials said Wednesday that ballot counting will continue through next week, but the majority of the ballots could be counted by today.

Officials explained that mail-in ballots must be postmarked by Election Day but can arrive as late as Saturday to be counted. Election officials have been flooded with thousands of them since Tuesday as the margins between Cortez Masto and Laxalt remain tight.


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And something in the math here doesn't really add up. Gee what a shock!

More than 12,000 ballots from Clark County were counted Thursday night, helping Cortez Masto gain 3,285 votes on Laxalt. The city of Las Vegas resides within the county, and Democrats have a nearly 10-point advantage over Republicans in voter registration there.

So they claim Dems have about a 10pt advantage over Reps there. So if you assume the Dem would get 55% of those votes, the total would be 6600 for her and 5400 for him. That's a 1200 vote swing, not nearly 3300. So they are claiming that basically despite the relatively large number (12k) that came in, an inadvertently large % of those were actually Dem votes. It would have needed to be 67-70% of those to get that differential.


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Technically here in GA the Dems didn't run or throw their support behind an independent, Libertarian is pretty much always on the ticket here and is for multiple offices (not just the Senate or Governors). They have a very small, but fairly loyal group of voters and unfortunately they do from time to time have an impact (ex, 2020 the Lib candidate did pull off enough votes to force run offs and it happened again in 2022 general election. If you know who political commentator/radio man Neil Boortz is, he is a well known Libertarian supporter but he is very conservative himself.

GA had a record turnout for the runoff in 2020 and I suspect there will be even more turnout this time. There's also less time between the general election and run off compared to before, giving Dems less time to amass and implement cheating strategies. Kemp seems fairly confident Herschel is going to win, and that wasn't the case in 2020 with the R candidates. Herschel is also killing it on the donation side now and I encourage everyone on this board who wants a conservative majority in the senate to donate something to his campaign. (

As for Liz Cheney, absolutely nobody is going to support her for President. She's fucking awful and is almost assuredly going to have to change parties if she wants to remain in politics. She endorsed several Democrap candidates during this election and that will not bode well for her even with Rino's if she tries to "ruin" the R chances in 2024 by running as an independent.

In 2020, in the runoffs both Republican candidates got fewer votes in the runoff than they did in the general election. Had Republicans turned out in the same numbers they did in the general, at least Perdue would have won. I believe when I looked at the numbers in 2021, there were about 150k fewer Republican votes in the runoff than in the general.


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Here's what people are missing. In states like Kansas and Oregon, the Dems ran a 3rd party candidates that took away votes from the Republican nominee. Amazing that the independent got just enough votes that if those votes went Republican, they would have won. Same with Hershel in GA and Blake Masters in AZ The independent got just enough votes to deny Hershel the win and force a run-off where many Republicans, disenfranchised with the system, will stay home. It's a repeat of 2020/21. In AZ, the independent took just enough votes to possibly deny Blake Masters a victory with a heavy batch of same day voting/drop offs yet to counted that will swing heavily Republican.

This will be the Dem strategy in 2024. Liz Cheney or another RINO will run as a third party candidate to deny the Republican nominee the Presidency, country be damned. It worked in Kansas, Oregon, GA and possibly AZ (Senate) and I'd bet the Dems were looking to see how this strategy played out. Again, the Dems play chess and the idiot Republicans play checkers.

To compound all of this, PA and MI ensured that their mail in ballot fraud included victory at the state level. At the very least, the State Houses in these states are now controlled by the Dems who will solidify mail in voting, thus ensuring fraud in all future elections and solidifying Dem control. The same may hold true for the state Senates. Republican state leaders in these states failed the people in 2020 and failed them miserably. They lacked the courage to protect voting integrity and the Dems just stepped in and ate their lunch. Republicans are weak and have no idea of the enemy they are facing.

I am convinced that the Dem strategy was to cheat in Pennsylvania and Michigan. In Michigan, Democrats swept everything ensuring they control the voting in 2024. In PA, Republicans still control the state Senate I believe. But I think the Dem plan is to take the state governments so they can change voting laws to favor them.

I looked at the PA numbers by county and found some strange things in the data. For Example, Alleghany county has a population of 1.227 million people. But there were 923k votes cast in Allegheny. That means 75% of the population voted! Only 25% of the population is ineligible (under age, non-citizen, etc.) to vote? and that assumes every eligible citizen is registered and voted. How is this possible? If you look at historical data, voter turnout is at best 75% or so. It is inconceivable that 923k votes were cast in Allegheny. Especially considering there were only about 120k more votes cast in Philly which has a population about 300k larger than Allegheny.


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I am convinced that the Dem strategy was to cheat in Pennsylvania and Michigan. In Michigan, Democrats swept everything ensuring they control the voting in 2024. In PA, Republicans still control the state Senate I believe. But I think the Dem plan is to take the state governments so they can change voting laws to favor them.

I looked at the PA numbers by county and found some strange things in the data. For Example, Alleghany county has a population of 1.227 million people. But there were 923k votes cast in Allegheny. That means 75% of the population voted! Only 25% of the population is ineligible (under age, non-citizen, etc.) to vote? and that assumes every eligible citizen is registered and voted. How is this possible? If you look at historical data, voter turnout is at best 75% or so. It is inconceivable that 923k votes were cast in Allegheny. Especially considering there were only about 120k more votes cast in Philly which has a population about 300k larger than Allegheny.

Spot on. And here's the thing Creeper. The inner city fools that are ballot harvesting and committing this fraud for a few bucks are cutting their own throats...literally. The left wing elite just continue to use these people to maintain control. But the inner cities will continue to be destroyed. I really have very little sympathy for people when they don't vote for better.


Defense Wins Championships
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Arizona Republicans have doubled down on their conviction that the over 500,000 ballots yet to be counted will hand them the governorship and potentially the US Senate seat too.



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Arizona Republicans have doubled down on their conviction that the over 500,000 ballots yet to be counted will hand them the governorship and potentially the US Senate seat too.

I have no idea where they are getting this idea. The two counties with the most outstanding votes, Pima and Maricopa, both went for Biden in 2020. Pima by a wide margin and Maricopa by a narrow margin. But as the votes are counted, the Dems are gaining while the Republicans are falling further behind. Personally, I think there is something wrong with what happened in Maricopa county but if Hobbs wins, we will never find out what they did.

And by the way, Republicans still need 7 more house seats to take the majority in the house. Looking at the 21 outstanding races, I see 3 or 4 that are fairly certain but the rest are toss-ups that could easily fall to Democrats.

It looks like the senate is out of reach now, but if Republicans lose the house too this election will be an unmitigated disaster for Republicans.


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I have no idea where they are getting this idea. The two counties with the most outstanding votes, Pima and Maricopa, both went for Biden in 2020. Pima by a wide margin and Maricopa by a narrow margin. But as the votes are counted, the Dems are gaining while the Republicans are falling further behind. Personally, I think there is something wrong with what happened in Maricopa county but if Hobbs wins, we will never find out what they did.

And by the way, Republicans still need 7 more house seats to take the majority in the house. Looking at the 21 outstanding races, I see 3 or 4 that are fairly certain but the rest are toss-ups that could easily fall to Democrats.

It looks like the senate is out of reach now, but if Republicans lose the house too this election will be an unmitigated disaster for Republicans.

The remaining ballots are the drop offs which should swing heavily Republican. If you believe some of the analysis, Hobbs isn't picking up as many votes as she should in blue counties. Maricopa County is a joke and the fact that we had so many tabulators break down is disgraceful. This fucks have destroyed the country and the voting system.


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To follow up Creeper, even the CSNBC election analyst, who's pretty good BTW, pointed this out the other day so it has some validity if the left leaning networks are saying it. What Maricopa is doing now is counting all the Hobbs vote to establish a narrative. Completely unethical.


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To follow up Creeper, even the CSNBC election analyst, who's pretty good BTW, pointed this out the other day so it has some validity if the left leaning networks are saying it. What Maricopa is doing now is counting all the Hobbs vote to establish a narrative. Completely unethical.

I hear you, but I am not convinced the votes are there. They have already called the senate race and the SoS races for the Democrats. I think it is a matter of time. I read an interesting theory ono how the Democrats rigged Arizona with those 3rd door boxes. The theory is those boxes were pre-loaded with 200 or so fraudulent ballots when they were installed in the voting precincts. There are enough of those boxes to add up to about 50k votes.

The other theory is that those printing errors were in primarily Republican districts. When the 3rd door boxes were full, they loaded the bad ballots into bags. Those bags were supposed to be sent to the county centers to be counted but they were discarded instead, which is why Republican votes are not catching up to the Democrats.

I do think a thorough investigation by an outside party is required. How do printers work when tested the night before, then not work first thing in the morning as the first ballots are printed? But if Hobbs wins, we will never see an investigation of what happened.


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I see a lot of fighting between Republicans about whose fault it is that the red tsunami never materialized. I don't think it is any one person's fault. I think it is much worse and a lot of people are to blame.

I remember when Ronald Reagan made "liberal" a bad word. Democrats ran away from that label as fast as they could. But over the years, Republicans got complacent. Now, the Democrats have turned everything around. They label Republicans as fascist, extreme, threats to Democracy, racist, etc. Do you every hear Republicans push back? When they called Jan 6 an insurrection, many Republicans went along with them, some even claimed Ashlii Babbit deserved to be shot and killed. How does a single 4 hour protest turn an entire party into a danger to democracy? Blame Republicans for not having the foresight and courage to fight these labels. The minute Democrats started this insurrection nonsense, Republicans should have been all over the TV calling Democrats dividers, and comparing the summer of 2020 to Jan 6.

I do think Mitch McConnell gets much of the blame. He is not a "wartime consiglieri". Mitch is a "get along, go along" kind of guy. Notice Democrats made Chuck Schumer, a hyper partisan, lying scumbag their leader.

I have to blame Trump too, even though I am a Trump supporter. Trump made this race about him when the focus should have been on Biden and his policies. Trump is also a polarizing figure. He energizes Democrats to vote against him as much as he energizes his base to vote for him. He is our version of Hillary. He is unelectable now.

I also think Republicans need to accept that the country by and large does believe abortion at some level should be legal. Polls prove this. Of course the vast majority of Americans are against late term abortions. But the extreme views are all abortions should be outlawed and all abortions should be legal even up to the moment of birth. Republicans should seek compromise or at least not take the extreme position before the election. Take this issue off the table for Democrats. This is a controversial position for many Republicans but it is the reality we face today. We can win elections and get limits on abortion or we can fight for total bans, lose, and watch Democrats make all abortions legal.


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I hear you, but I am not convinced the votes are there. They have already called the senate race and the SoS races for the Democrats. I think it is a matter of time. I read an interesting theory ono how the Democrats rigged Arizona with those 3rd door boxes. The theory is those boxes were pre-loaded with 200 or so fraudulent ballots when they were installed in the voting precincts. There are enough of those boxes to add up to about 50k votes.

The other theory is that those printing errors were in primarily Republican districts. When the 3rd door boxes were full, they loaded the bad ballots into bags. Those bags were supposed to be sent to the county centers to be counted but they were discarded instead, which is why Republican votes are not catching up to the Democrats.

I do think a thorough investigation by an outside party is required. How do printers work when tested the night before, then not work first thing in the morning as the first ballots are printed? But if Hobbs wins, we will never see an investigation of what happened.

I've heard the same thing and that's very concerning. I've said well before the mid-terms that the Dems has to stop Keri Lake at all costs. The machines breaking down the day of voting in soooo many places raises serious red flags. At the end of the day, we're dealing with extremely unethical and criminal minded traitors. We're just not wired to do the same so we're left in the dark. It's a complete takeover of the country. And the Dems saw to it on January 6th that any attempt to protest will be met with jail time. We've become Russia.
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