
Practice Squad
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You are comparing the US to a bunch of shitty countries. The Cleveland Browns could beat Alabama, that doesn't make them a good NFL team. If you look at the wiki list I posted you are 3.2 per 100,000. All the other developed countries are below 1.

That's why I suggested looking at the gun laws in those other countries.

Mexico, for instance, has some of the toughest gun laws on the books, and far more gun-related homicides and violent crime overall than the United States.

Gun laws do not prevent violent crime. They don't even necessarily prevent gun violence. Check out Australia.

The Soviet Union had much tougher laws than the United States, but had a violent crime rate that was four times higher than US.

And as I pointed out earlier in this very thread, violent crime in the US has been on a steady decline over the past 20 years and, over that time, we've seen a widespread liberalization of gun laws.

Violent Crime Rate Statistics US.JPG

And when I say "liberalization", I mean "liberalization" in the classic sense -- as in increasing individual rights -- not the fake-y modern Progressive sense.


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love how noone responded. more LOLs please keep raising the bar faggits.

Fucking hypocrite...

When are you going to answer?


I still have not heard a good explanation regarding Hillary and the President of Mexico holding a press conference decrying gun shops as evil while at the same time forcing those same gun shops to ship weapons to drug lords.


Pro Bowler
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I don't give two shits about either of those people. If I wanted to discuss that I would have. Quit obsessing over getting responses from me it's pathetic.


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I don't give two shits about either of those people. If I wanted to discuss that I would have. Quit obsessing over getting responses from me it's pathetic.

because you know you are incapable. Your little bitch Obama armed drug cartels and blamed gun shop owners. It fits your fucked up world view so you condone it. You do not care how many are murdered as long as your agenda stays intact. You are a fucking joke and everyone knows it.


Pro Bowler
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1. I don't have any strong feeling about gun control either way. But the anti-gun-control people in this thread have done an absolutely terrible job defending their position. I don't know what the answer is, but you guys look like half-wits who just keep shouting bout teh constitution here like some broken record that can barely construct sentences.
2. I don't care about what you're talking about. I'm sure it's some bullshit Rush has you all up in arms about, but I think Hillary is an idiot and Mexico sucks so go bark up some other tree. I told you before you're not my type cutie-pie.
3. dickbutt
4. I'm the best at making lists.


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1. I don't have any strong feeling about gun control either way. But the anti-gun-control people in this thread have done an absolutely terrible job defending their position. I don't know what the answer is, but you guys look like half-wits who just keep shouting bout teh constitution here like some broken record that can barely construct sentences.
2. I don't care about what you're talking about. I'm sure it's some bullshit Rush has you all up in arms about, but I think Hillary is an idiot and Mexico sucks so go bark up some other tree. I told you before you're not my type cutie-pie.
3. dickbutt
4. I'm the best at making lists.

I got it. Being and uniformed idiot is your latest defense. Thanks for sharing.


Pro Bowler
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wheres the graph for number of children massacred because it's pretty easy for a crazy person to get their hands on a gun?


In the Rotation
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To me it comes down to, do you really need to own a weapon that is a primary weapon in Call Of Duty? I'm not saying ban all guns, but why do you really need to own assault weapons? If you want to fire them you should be allowed to go to a gun range and rent them. I also think you shouldn't be allowed to hunt with them.(Moose or smaller)


In the Rotation
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wheres the graph for number of children massacred because it's pretty easy for a crazy person to get their hands on a gun?

It seems the US has more of these then the rest of the world combined.


Pro Bowler
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we've been down that road already. none of them can explain what they might need one for, they just go on rants about big screen tvs and "you don't tell me what I can buy" etc.


In the Rotation
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we've been down that road already. none of them can explain what they might need one for, they just go on rants about big screen tvs and "you don't tell me what I can buy" etc.

1st of all, dez, call of duty uses fully auto guns. so you're already making an improper comparison and simply judging the gun cause it "looks" mean.

the AR-15 is a semi-automatic gun that fires a .223 or a .308. they are used for hunting whether you like it or not. they are also used in competitions and the like. why? people like to fire the rifle is all.

now, how come no one can really tell me what an "assault rifle" is? sp loves to whine and complain that people shouldn't judge the effeminate cause of how they look but he will judge a gun that way.

the only "benefit" you get with an M4 version of an AR-15 is the collapsible stock that make it easier to fire in tight places.

so it's funny you whine on about how no one can tell you why they want one but you can sit there on your fag-ass saying "you just shouldn't".


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This whole argument is bogus. It's not about guns, semi-auto or clips or mags. It's about foundations and a generation of deluded stooges thinking the problem with their inability to co-exist without acting out jerk-off fantasies are 200 + year old foundations.

Those foundations have seen this country grow and prosper and a generation that can't figure out it shouldn't text and drive shouldn't be tinkering with them. I don't even a gun, but it's not about my personal habits; the more we give up the more will be taken. The fact that politicans are gaining brownie points on this tripe should be enough of clue.

We're not in an age of information, we're in an age of communication masquerading as info. We're not better educated, our educational standings have fallen at home and on the world stage and that decline continues. The last thing I want is this generation of dopes tinkerig with things it doesn't understand.
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