
Reaction score
It would be perfect if someone posted that chat session right now. The one Lons posted where jon88 was talking about being gay or something.

[22:04] guest-5367 changed nickname to lons
[22:18] fire: KMAO\
[22:18] fire: lmao
[22:24] fire: brb
[22:26] guest-5532 entered the room
[22:26] guest-5532 changed nickname to jon88
[22:26] jon88: Hey guys
[22:26] jon88: Huh?
[22:27] jon88: Huh?
[22:27] jon88: My cam doesn't work anymore
[22:28] jon88: Hey Skeety
[22:28] jon88: was it good?
[22:28] jon88: Lons always makes fun of me
[22:29] jon88: fuck u Colt
[22:29] jon88: Can I have a quarter pounder with cheese
[22:29] jon88: So I went swimming today
[22:30] jon88: Im not TO..
[22:30] jon88: It really is me
[22:30] jon88: Lons where did you get that camera that is cool
[22:31] jon88: Ive been working
[22:31] jon88: With my dad
[22:31] guest-5565 entered the room
[22:31] guest-5565 changed nickname to baal
[22:31] jon88: We got over it
[22:32] guest-5570 entered the room
[22:32] jon88: so what is this shit about bonzai?
[22:32] guest-5570 changed nickname to baal
[22:32] jon88: Someone said someone posted pics or something
[22:32] baal: its him
[22:32] jon88: of course its me
[22:33] jon88: did you guys think it was someone else?
[22:33] jon88: no
[22:33] jon88: I like swimming pools
[22:33] jon88: u know its me
[22:34] jon88: Dude, my camera is broken!
[22:34] jon88: I swear
[22:34] jon88: I threw it
[22:34] jon88: I was mad at my brother
[22:35] jon88: He announced at a party that he likes men
[22:35] jon88: No
[22:35] jon88: yes
[22:35] jon88: sort of, He started saying he had a boyfriend this whole time
[22:35] jon88: Then he started saying I was gay and he always knew it
[22:36] jon88: yes
[22:36] jon88: i dont know
[22:36] jon88: It just pissed me off
[22:36] jon88: so I threw my cam
[22:36] jon88: at a family party
[22:37] jon88: he announced to everyone
[22:37] jon88: like a toast
[22:37] jon88: I guess he thought we would all applaud it or something
[22:37] jon88: It is what it is
[22:38] jon88: I always thought it was weird that he always played with dolls
[22:38] jon88: blow up ones
[22:38] jon88: lol
[22:38] jon88: Seriously though, I thought at one time that I was gay when I was a kid
[22:39] jon88: what?
[22:39] jon88: Im serious
[22:39] jon88: ITS ME
[22:39] jon88: I knew I wasnt though
[22:39] jon88: It runs in my family
[22:39] jon88: Im serious
[22:40] jon88: Fuck come on guys.. Seriously its me..
[22:40] jon88: okay
[22:40] jon88: No i sent it to skeety
[22:40] jon88: yes
[22:41] jon88: But im not gay
[22:41] jon88: I jus thought I was
[22:41] jon88: I used to dream of guys when I was a kid
[22:41] jon88: Im not
[22:41] jon88: Im not gay
[22:42] jon88: My brother is gay
[22:42] jon88: apparantly
[22:42] jon88: huh?
[22:42] jon88: older
[22:42] jon88: ewwww
[22:43] jon88: I like shaved asses
[22:43] jon88: no, too cold
[22:43] jon88: it is fucker
[22:43] jon88: yes
[22:43] jon88: I just did
[22:44] jon88: Its me
[22:44] jon88: GUYS
[22:44] jon88: It really is me
[22:44] jon88: Im being serious guys and you are making fun of me
[22:44] jon88: Its always the same here
[22:45] jon88: You guys always do this
[22:45] jon88: I try to open up
[22:45] jon88: And you guys always fuck with me
[22:45] jon88: I was kidding dumbass
[22:45] jon88: its NOT az
[22:45] jon88: Its me
[22:45] jon88: Ask me another question that az wouldnt know
[22:46] jon88: I can answer anything
[22:46] jon88: your drinking? You are always drinking!
[22:46] jon88: So how about those mavericks.. Skeety I know your happy
[22:47] jon88: seriously
[22:47] jon88: I dont play around like that
[22:47] jon88: I got fired
[22:47] jon88: no
[22:47] jon88: I work for my dad again
[22:48] jon88: my brother got fired
[22:48] jon88: for being gay
[22:48] jon88: yes
[22:48] jon88: Dont make fun of my brother
[22:48] jon88: guys come on
[22:49] jon88: I was just telling you a little about my past
[22:49] jon88: its me fuckers
[22:49] jon88: okay...
[22:50] jon88: I will
[22:51] jon88: I just sent it
[22:51] jon88: Told ya
[22:51] jon88: Its me
[22:51] jon88: Lons can verify it
[22:51] jon88: Im not a cowboys fan anymore
[22:52] jon88: fuck you
[22:52] jon88: They pissed me off
[22:52] jon88: no, Im following the pats now
[22:52] jon88: no
[22:52] jon88: Pats are the best team in the NFL
[22:52] jon88: Im sick of Jerry Jones
[22:52] jon88: yes
[22:53] jon88: Fuck the cowboys
[22:53] jon88: Fuck Texas
[22:53] jon88: And fuck the cowboys
[22:53] jon88: partly
[22:54] jon88: thats not right
[22:54] jon88: no its reality
[22:54] jon88: ANd just because I thought of men when I was a kid you have to make fun of me
[22:55] jon88: No because you made fun of my alligator
[22:55] jon88: He wont change it
[22:56] jon88: Okay guys, its not my brother thats gay, its me
[22:56] jon88: seriously
[22:56] jon88: Im gar
[22:56] jon88: gay
[22:57] jon88: And Colt, Ive had a crush on you
[22:57] jon88: since I started here
[22:57] jon88: seriously
[22:57] jon88: I want you to touch my ass
[22:58] jon88: what
[22:58] fire: and yet clot is grinning pretty big...
[22:58] fire: colt
[22:58] jon88: I thought you were gay too colt
[22:58] jon88: check then
[22:58] jon88: Its me
[22:59] jon88: I finally have come out of the closet
[22:59] jon88: I used to sit in here and watch you colt
[22:59] lons: Hi Lons, yes it is me jon88. Josh is a sexy beast.
[22:59] jon88: I told you
[23:00] jon88: excpt the sexy beast part.. Sorry skeety..
[23:00] jon88: your not that great
[23:00] jon88: I used to masturbate on here
[23:00] jon88: especially to Colt
[23:00] jon88: what?
[23:01] jon88: How is it embarresing?
[23:01] jon88: it is what it is
[23:01] jon88: We can fuck
[23:01] jon88: yes
[23:01] jon88: Im very serious
[23:02] jon88: Come on Colt, you know you want me
[23:02] jon88: but cant we be butt buddies?
[23:02] jon88: no im serious
[23:03] jon88: ITS NOT AZ!
[23:03] jon88: damn its really me
[23:03] jon88: Imjust opening up here
[23:03] jon88: I love you colt
[23:03] jon88: Im sorry you are mad at me, but you will cum to love me
[23:04] jon88: its me
[23:04] jon88: no
[23:05] jon88: Lons I hope you dont use this against me
[23:05] jon88: Im just professing my love for Colt
[23:05] jon88: thats not cool
[23:05] jon88: He is just mad now
[23:05] jon88: cuz I professed my love for hm
[23:05] jon88: fuck the Cowboys
[23:06] jon88: Gay jokes are NOT cool
[23:06] jon88: Can I kiss your ass?
[23:06] jon88: I want to lickit


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Nothing personal, Jon. Just bored at work so figured searching for this would pass the time.



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WTF? That is an hour of pure weirdness.

Congrats to Jon88 for coming out! SP will be very proud of you. Maybe you can tour with that washed up NBA player.
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I would just like to throw my 2 cents in and move on. I didn't know it would anger so many people. I don't feel like getting into a debate about religion. So next time I'll just stay out of it.
You didn't know calling Christians ignorant and misled would anger people? Really?


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Now you guys have done it. Some poor minority is about to get his ass shot if he even so much as looks at Jon. Won't even need to stare this time.


In the Rotation
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Is that true Jon?
If true:
1.I don't give a shit.It's your life,live it as you see fit.None of my business,but,
2.It explains your hostility towards faith as the scriptures deem homosexuality a sin.

Now,leave Christians alone,we mean you no harm....Muslims on the other hand,well you know how the "religion of peace" treats those who offend Allah(Satan...yes,I said it) and his pedophile "prophet" Muhammed.

So...be gay all you want.We don't give a shit.


In the Rotation
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What is more appealing, dying and rotting in the ground or dying and going to heaven to live forever? I just treat religious people like kids that still believe in Santa. It will all come out in the wash.


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What is more appealing, dying and rotting in the ground or dying and going to heaven to live forever? I just treat religious people like kids that still believe in Santa. It will all come out in the wash.

Or if you put it another way, what can be so troubling about simply not existing? Losing out on one more cupcake? What is more troubling: being held accountable for not only your every outward action, but also every miserable utterance and lousy thought?

Who's more inclined to be viewed as a coward, the man who states he's only responsible for himself and is good just as long as he behaves within social constructs so as to avoid punishment, or a man who believes and can accept that he is responsible for how he influences others? And will have to answer for that before a higher power and is ready to do so?

We know for sure being apart from this earth means at the very least apart from the headaches it brings. If going to dust were the only concern, who would give a crap when realizing they can escape every physical and material headache, and the eventual misery of the breakdown of his body simply by getting on with it? If there is no subsequent emotional state, how could that missed cupcake be regrettable? You won't be aware enough to feel it's loss. Who is really afraid of death? Of an un-demanding finality that a fairy tale alternative is required?


Pro Bowler
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The idea that the only reason Christians aren't out there raping everyone is because they think they'll have to answer for it someday is one of the most reprehensible ideas ever. Why not do the right thing because its right - not for hope of reward or fear of reprisal?

In most cases its because believers are emotionally stunted. They've never grown up to the point where we're all accountable for what we do in the here and now, they're still overly concerned with what an imaginary bogeymanthinks. See: typical believers thoughts on climate change. One senator went so far as to say we shouldn't be worried about it because god won't let us destroy the earth. What a joke!!!

This infantile outlook on life stuntsthehuman condition.
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