You suck at being agnostic then. The whole point of agnosticism is the realization of the unknown.
No you suck.
You suck at being agnostic then. The whole point of agnosticism is the realization of the unknown.
Doesn't take much to impress you. You really need to raise your expectations of DCU posters.This is a really, really, really good thread.
Thank you to all the participants.
I am agnostic. So, for you to say that so definitively offends even me. You are being wildly presumptuous and pompous. There is absolutely no way you can say there isn't a greater power than us. No more than the Christians can say that it's a fact that there is a God. To do so would be just as presumptuous. Nobody knows for sure either way.
Your view is understandable. There is so much that is unexplained in all major religions. The Bible raises as many questions as it answers. I am a Christian with an open mind. My areas of doubt comes from the fact that other men has passed this information down through the ages. There was men that decided what the whole Christian faith would believe. I doubt the people that gathered this info and decided what books went into the Bible. I don't trust these men to be mistake free. Humans don't have a real reliable ability to pass on info without putting their spin on it. I feel like there is a bunch of stuff lost or threw out that could be just as valid as the books of the Bible. I just don't trust other humans is my point, I guess.
They're wrong. There is no magic man.
Define magic. In other words, assuming magic was real, how would I know it if I saw it?
That's OK...
That's what I figured...
Isn't it defined somewhere on that huge collection of Magic cards you have?
I don't play Magic.
For someone so sure that they're right and everyone else is wrong, you sure do your damnedest to avoid discussing the topic.
It would be perfect if someone posted that chat session right now. The one Lons posted where jon88 was talking about being gay or something.