You say it is FACT that there is no God and that anyone that believes it are mindless ninnies.
No i don't. But people who believe in something without evidence are definitely mindless ninnies.
You say it is FACT that there is no God and that anyone that believes it are mindless ninnies.
i've never seen someone swim in generalities passed as fact more than you, dude.
No i don't. But people who believe in something without evidence are definitely mindless ninnies.
Every religion has its martyrs. whoop dee do. Eventually noone will live by Christian mythology either. To argue otherwise is to show a complete ignorance of history, and the scene of the world today.
Cat urine will glow under a black light.
There is no difference.You aren't comparing religions, you are comparing myths and entertainment to religion.
Did you know cats don't need to blink to keep their eyes lubricated?too scared to just talk to me, huh?
but hey, scream out to be taken seriously. any day now someone new to the board may show up and give you 15 more seconds of credibility.
There is no difference.
You don't really think there is either, otherwise you'd take scientology and islam seriously. But you wisely dismiss them just as easily as i dismiss christianity, perhaps even easier.
Gotta say it was HILARIOUS watching the devout jump all over jon88 for being a truther.
The great thing about believers is they have no sense of introspection. They think its everyone else with the crazy beliefs. Talking snakes and virgin births? Nah man that shit is legit. Lmao
sure buddypunk, you want to go steady?
you mean like kitty talk...
and your sense of "introspection" would delight most dead cats i've come across. wouldn't impress much else.
sure buddy
Cats have a special scent organ located in the roof of their mouth, called the Jacobson's organ. It analyzes smells - and is the reason why you will sometimes see your cat "sneer" (called the flehmen response or flehming) when they encounter a strong odor.
i guess you're used to that sound around cats.
pussies have a pretty strong smell.
Scipio you can either participate in the discussion or fuck off tbh.
I don't know what did to him, but he's pretty nonsensical...
Quote Originally Posted by superpunk
Scipio you can either participate in the discussion or fuck off tbh.