The flow of this debate, unfortunately, is a microcosm of what's wrong with our society. If you disagree with the President or this government's policies, you'll eventually be labeled a racist. Sooner or later, most every debate of this nature will turn in that direction.
The irony is that Fuzzy brought up the racism angle almost immediately on the first page of this thread and then hangs the racist label on another poster. That's pretty lame and it's a shame that liberals view politics in terms of black and white and I had hoped that some of these undertones would have gone out the window after we elected our first black President but I was wrong, it's only been accentuated: disagree with his policies, you're a racist; believe we need to cut entitlement spending, you're a racist; if you're a white liberal from the South, you're a racist.
And another irony is that Fuzz wants to lay it on Jacko for his Anglo-Celtic "pride" but probably has no clue this is "Black History Month" where we celebrate achievements by African-Americans.