Whoever said I was white?
I have no problem judging such as yourself especially when you are stupid enough to put Detroit's own Kid Rock as your avatar.
All you are doing is playing semantic games. "I don't bring down minorities; I only raise up my race." It amounts to the same thing: your race being on top.
Everything else being equal you would hire a white man over a mexican. You would award a contract on the same basis etc. You just word it such that you feel like less of an asshole.
I am not worried whether or not youre going to change your ways. You are pretty much the stereotype of of your regional demographic. I just see another 'white pride' prick playing semantics games.
I don't mince words but you do. Perhaps you should consider that when making claims of others being ashamed.
I would change my avatar to Andrea Bocelli, but I don't think this is the place for it. I am a fan of his music as well.
For somebody that doesn't mince words, you do a piss-poor job of understanding mine. I never said anything about my race as being on top. That is your words not mine. I do take pride in my race snd culture. Are you ashamed of yours? If not, the racist label could by applied to you if we are judging by your standards.
Another hint that you don't have a clue is your assumption about who I hire. The last time I checked, they were black as coal. They are racist blacks too. They are proud of their race. I don't have a problem with it. The get the damn job done.
You show your ignorance when you post about my region. You know nothing about it. I can assure you of one thing, we don't give a damn what you think about it. It may hurt your ego, but your opinion is not wanted or needed.