I'm just curious how much the average person actually cares about their gun rights.
I personally live in CA which has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Which have also proven not to do a damn thing to stop gun violence. Same thing in Chicago, they have the strictest gun laws in the country and they also have the worst gun violence statistics.
I own guns, I shoot them recreationally, I hunt with them, and I carry one at work. My 2A (Second Amendment) rights have guided my voting decisions for many years.
With these last mass shootings the Dems (once again) are trying to stuff new gun control measures down our throats like they always do. My questions is what do you guys think about gun control?
Do you own guns? Do you care that there might be an upcoming magazine capacity ban, and a full on assault weapon ban? Do these issues even matter to you? I know some of us here own guns and shoot them, and I know others don't. I'm trying to get a gauge on where normal people (Not the left or libs) stand on your own gun rights.
What are your thoughts on the proposed mag cap ban and assault weapons ban that they are planning to ram through?
I live in NJ and while I never owned a gun until 2020 I always felt strongly about the 2A. I feel it has been severely infringed by the government and there should be no limitations on the ownership of weapons. It may seem radical but my believe is the 2A is not about hunting and self-defense. Those were givens in the time of the founders. To question the need for a gun for protection in those times would sound idiotic to the founders. I mean consider Americans living on a farm in Virginia or Tennessee, an hour or more horse ride from the nearest authorities. Does anyone really believe the founders thought only police should have guns? People were expected to protect themselves.
The 2A is about preserving freedom and liberty. It is about the people having the power to throw off a government corrupted by power, and tyrannical in nature. This is why citizens should be allowed to own the same weapons the government would use to oppress them.
Now before you start on the what about nukes thing, I also believe that we have to consider the threat of certain weapons from accident or misuse to the people around us. So of course nukes, with their radioactive components, should be controlled. We don't want our neighbors irradiating our kids.
But when it comes to real assault weapons, or .50 cal sniper rifles? absolutely we should get to own them and we should be able to buy them freely. The current view of guns is that we cannot own them because we will abuse them, but this is not how American justice works. First you commit a crime, then you are punished. We are never punished because we could commit a crime in the future.