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How can you not get a little fired up hearing this guy speak?

He's the best motivational politician I've heard since Reagan

Maybe I'm being unfair here, but this is why I can't be onboard with Vivek. Rogan O'Handley handed him his ass around the 7:00 mark. There's no fence riding here. The 2020 election was a disgrace and a black eye to this country and it will be buried by the powers that be who make up history in their own interpretation. What Vivek fails to mention is that 2024 will be a repeat of 2020 with mail in ballot fraud. If that is not kept in the spotlight and at least attempt to correct it, the whole system is corrupted.



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Maybe I'm being unfair here, but this is why I can't be onboard with Vivek. Rogan O'Handley handed him his ass around the 7:00 mark. There's no fence riding here. The 2020 election was a disgrace and a black eye to this country and it will be buried by the powers that be who make up history in their own interpretation. What Vivek fails to mention is that 2024 will be a repeat of 2020 with mail in ballot fraud. If that is not kept in the spotlight and at least attempt to correct it, the whole system is corrupted.

I have to admit, I have been back and forth about the 2020 election but after reading about what happened in Michigan and how it was covered up I am not convinced voter fraud was massive and widespread, especially in the swing states controlled by Democrats - and Fulton county of course.

Here is what I do know.

First thing, I know there has never been a thorough investigation of voter fraud in any state after any election in America. I know that for a fact. I know the courts would not allow it after the 2020 election.
I know some states enacted mandatory mail-in voting months before the election for the first time. without state legislative approval. Mail in voting is extremely vulnerable to fraud.
I know some states allowed un attended drop boxes for voters to deposit mail-in ballots.
I know some states allowed ballot harvesting despite laws against it.
I know Democrats expanded voter registration to same day.
I know Democrats resisted cleaning up voter registration records before mailing ballots to all registered voters. I know Democrats sued in multiple states to prevent mandatory voter registration purges of dead and ineligible voters.
I know Democrats and left wing media deliberately censored facts about the Bidens claiming it was Russia disinformation knowing this was not true.
I know Democratic DAs launched investigations into Trump and his family to influence the election. One investigation covered Trump, his entire family and their finances going back 18 years. It even included his youngest son Barron!
I know Democrats sued to get Trump's tax returns claiming it was for oversight. They claimed Trump committed crimes and his returns would prove it. They were lying and once they got his returns there was nothing in them.
I know on election day, there were all kinds of anomalies. I know Democrats fought in court to prevent the Trump campaign from getting access to records to investigate most of those anomalies. I know there was few transparent investigations by the states to look into irregularities.
I know that one limited study showed that over 40,000 illegal votes were cast in 8 states by voters who moved and voted in two states.
I know that True the Vote found substantial evidence of some kind of vote dumping scheme. While not proof of fraud, it is definitely smoke that should have been investigated. I know Democrats dismissed it with bogus excuses like coincidence and false claims about geolocation accuracy. I know this was never properly investigated.
And now I know there was a massive voter registration fraud in Michigan, a key state where Trump and Tudor Dixon, a Republican candidate for Governor, lost close races. I know this fraud was covered up until recently. I also know if Dixon had won Michigan, this fraud would have been uncovered immediately.

I know a lot more but won't bore you, except to say I know the 2020 election was not the most secure election in our history. In fact, I know that statement was an outright lie. And I know the election was corrupt.

Did Trump win? I do not know for certain, but I no one does. I do not know that Biden won either.


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Maybe I'm being unfair here, but this is why I can't be onboard with Vivek. Rogan O'Handley handed him his ass around the 7:00 mark. There's no fence riding here. The 2020 election was a disgrace and a black eye to this country and it will be buried by the powers that be who make up history in their own interpretation. What Vivek fails to mention is that 2024 will be a repeat of 2020 with mail in ballot fraud. If that is not kept in the spotlight and at least attempt to correct it, the whole system is corrupted.

its refreshing to watch people talk and not have the host bloviate, interrupt the guest constantly so they cant speak and disguise attacks in the form of a questions

Having said that, I dont see any ass-handing here and dont understand why you need to take that tone in regard to this conversation, this seemed like a good dialogue to me.

One of the things I like about Vivek is he comes across as sincere & I admit he could be a polished psychopath, lying through his teeth but if thats the case, he's a damn good one. So for now, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt he is speaking from the heart and not pandering, playing political games and sincerely trying to follow the data and evidence where it leads him.

Rogan (& you) may be correct that corruption may be more extensive than the current view of Vivek but at this juncture, my view is similar to Viveks in that I do think the biased media and mail-in ballots were enough to swing the election and if its even worse than that, I hope this becomes clear. I havent had time to watch the documentary they mentioned or read the gateway pundit article but hopefully someday soon

On another note and I think I've mentioned this before, I am absolutely positive that election fraud occurred in 2020 (assuming someone using a mail in ballot of an individual to vote without that persons knowledge or because they were so mentally incapacitated, they cant even wipe their ass, much less know who to vote for or who is even running). I know this because I know someone who was in the care of a person almost completely paralyzed, mentally impaired and couldnt even recognize her caretaker (her brother) and she voted (meaning her brother voted on her behalf).

That vote was for Trump

Whether the net effect of the number of times this occurred across the country was significant enough to change the results, I cant say and I dont know how anyone could ever know which is the problem with mail-in ballots, at least not without significant controls to prevent fraud.

I like the election holiday, required ID, voting in person and getting rid of mail-in ballots (except for special cases like the military etc)..Whats wrong with this proposed solution?

I think the democrats tend to be more congregated in areas like section 8 housing, apartments, etc so people campaigning for democrats can go to these locations and manipulate these mail-in votes in a myriad of ways. I think this was a contributor as well

In any case, I see nothing in the interview to completely dismiss Vivek or write him off as a candidate. He's refreshing as hell and seems to have the intellect and critical thinking to find more corruption where it exists and wasnt dismissive of organs claims. I love the dialogue he's having with people and hope it continues and he continues to gain in popularity


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Having said that, I dont see any ass-handing here and dont understand why you need to take that tone in regard to this conversation, this seemed like a good dialogue to me.

One of the things I like about Vivek is he comes across as sincere & I admit he could be a polished psychopath, lying through his teeth but if thats the case, he's a damn good one. So for now, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt he is speaking from the heart and not pandering, playing political games and sincerely trying to follow the data and evidence where it leads him.

Rogan (& you) may be correct that corruption may be more extensive than the current view of Vivek but at this juncture, my view is similar to Viveks in that I do think the biased media and mail-in ballots were enough to swing the election and if its even worse than that, I hope this becomes clear. I havent had time to watch the documentary they mentioned or read the gateway pundit article but hopefully someday soon

It is a good dialogue and, for the record, I like Vivek more than DeSantis; Vivek earned that jump, as far as I'm concerned. I liked his speech on 2A and completely agree with your post that I initially quoted.

I don't mean for my tone to be disrespectful to your point of view and your opinion is welcome. I like seeing these posts regarding other cadidates and I take the time to watch and listen and formulate my opinion. I'm only pointing out what I've been saying for a while and repeated by O'Handley who basically disqualified Vivek for his views on election fraud. Vivek thinks there was "fraud" based on Big Tech suppression of the lap top story. He never mentions that ballots which had a far greater impact. People saying that 20% of Dem voters would have changed their vote had the lap top story not been suppressed is BS and just a talking point for those who want to analyze the election as if it was normal. If you had no idea of the lap top then your head was buried in a single outlet news (MSM) and you'd never vote Republican, especially if Trump was the nominee.

Lastly, I only say this because we need viable alternatives for future Republican leadership. We need fighters. Vivek is smart, although he hasn't been tested by fire where people will air his dirty laundry (yet) because he's not really a threat to the establishment (yet). Over 60% of Americans believe there was election fraud, and that includes Dems. That's a staggering number for America...simply staggering. It should be the #1 issue or at #1a.


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And I'll add this. We can talk about 2A but election fraud needs to be in that discussion. The mid-terms should have been a red wave but it wasn't. The Left's continued attempt to completely take over the country through stuffing the ballot box is almost complete. When this happens and they have total control, 2A will be gone. SCOTUS, as we know if, will be gone. They will implement changes and controls to ensure they stay in power such as permanent mail in ballots and changes to the judiciary who will cover for their treason. To me, the issue is that serious.


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I don't mean for my tone to be disrespectful to your point of view and your opinion is welcome.

I didnt mean your tone toward me, you can say anything you want to me, seriously! My one super power is I can't be offended and dont view myself as someone "deserving respect" or need be handled with kit gloves because of my fragile sensibilities. I'm merely dust on my way back to the recycle bin not some self absorbed yahoo who expects people to address me in some precise manner or language. In fact, I like it when people are brutally honest because I can deal that a hell of a lot better than bullshit and obfuscation, so always let'r rip with me, I love it, free speech at its finest!

I was referring to when you said:

this is why I can't be onboard with Vivek. Rogan O'Handley handed him his ass around the 7:00 mark.

if thats your opinion, fine and dandy but it comes across as prematurely dismissive and a gross exaggeration to say Vivek had his ass handed to him so it seems counter productive to write off Vivek at this point over something that doesnt seem entirely settled by him plus he seems open minded to expand his view upon further research and data. I feel like we should welcome this kind of discourse so we can see the imperfections in ones stance but at the same time, if we have a guy who appears not to be playing political games and speaking from the heart, this should be celebrated and welcomed, hopefully to the point where it becomes contagious among all candidates and all the rest of us as well.


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I didnt mean your tone toward me, you can say anything you want to me, seriously! My one super power is I can't be offended and dont view myself as someone "deserving respect" or need be handled with kit gloves because of my fragile sensibilities. I'm merely dust on my way back to the recycle bin not some self absorbed yahoo who expects people to address me in some precise manner or language. In fact, I like it when people are brutally honest because I can deal that a hell of a lot better than bullshit and obfuscation, so always let'r rip with me, I love it, free speech at its finest!

All of us on the board try to be respectful of one another and more so in these political threads. We all know the issues and want solutions that will benefit the country. We're older and more experienced and also open to dialogue. That's something the younger generation is intolerant of and a main reason why CZ has soured for the older fans. It's like talking to a wall and then the ban hammer comes out. They were Twitter before Twitter ever existed......

if thats your opinion, fine and dandy but it comes across as prematurely dismissive and a gross exaggeration to say Vivek had his ass handed to him so it seems counter productive to write off Vivek at this point over something that doesnt seem entirely settled by him plus he seems open minded to expand his view upon further research and data.

Vivek is a SMART guy. He knows but he's trying to ride the fence. Same with DeSantis. It you're going to promote yourself as someone who fights the establishment, then you have to tackle the #1 issue facing a majority of voters. Voter ID will most probably never hapen in my lifetime and probably won't happen without some type of major revolt by the states. Talking about same day voting and voter ID is just a talking point and empty rhetoric. You can't get there without at least admiting and addressing voter fraud. I mean, he's proposing a solution to a problem he won't even acknowledge. Why would we need voter ID and same day voting if the main issue (according to Vivek) is Big Tech suppressing stories? You can do that by revoking Section 230 protections for these companies and it could be done in Congress. That's why I can't get on board with Vivek or DeSantis or anyone else who won't at least admit that there were some serious issues with 2020 and 2022.


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Vivek is a SMART guy. He knows but he's trying to ride the fence. Same with DeSantis. It you're going to promote yourself as someone who fights the establishment, then you have to tackle the #1 issue facing a majority of voters. Voter ID will most probably never hapen in my lifetime and probably won't happen without some type of major revolt by the states. Talking about same day voting and voter ID is just a talking point and empty rhetoric. You can't get there without at least admiting and addressing voter fraud. I mean, he's proposing a solution to a problem he won't even acknowledge. Why would we need voter ID and same day voting if the main issue (according to Vivek) is Big Tech suppressing stories? You can do that by revoking Section 230 protections for these companies and it could be done in Congress. That's why I can't get on board with Vivek or DeSantis or anyone else who won't at least admit that there were some serious issues with 2020 and 2022.

So what do you think his motivation is for not doing what you suggest?

Is it deliberate or ignorance or perhaps he's not compelled by the evidence he's seen thus far?

Seems like we gave perfection is the enemy of the good situation unless Vivek is being deceptive and trying to con us all while planning to keep the status quo if elected in spite of what he claims he wants to do

Who out there running meets your criteria? Has Trump said what he would do specifically to address your voting issues?


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I want to congratulate Dodger and Yim for their group hug session in this thread.

They are a shining example of how happy the DCU is to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. We don't care what their pronouns are or how many colors you fly on your diversity flag, we support everybody here!


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I want to congratulate Dodger and Yim for their group hug session in this thread.

They are a shining example of how happy the DCU is to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. We don't care what their pronouns are or how many colors you fly on your diversity flag, we support everybody here!

on a similar note, I found my pronoun over the weekend:



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So what do you think his motivation is for not doing what you suggest?

Is it deliberate or ignorance or perhaps he's not compelled by the evidence he's seen thus far?

Seems like we gave perfection is the enemy of the good situation unless Vivek is being deceptive and trying to con us all while planning to keep the status quo if elected in spite of what he claims he wants to do

Who out there running meets your criteria? Has Trump said what he would do specifically to address your voting issues?

His motivation is not to alienate left leaning voters and independents. He doesn't want to be labled as a conspiracy theorist. The Left have become experts at labeling people to discredit them and then the MSM media runs with the smear campaign. Same with DeSantis.

These folks think they can appease the Left and gain some votes but they have no idea of the treachery they are facing. So they (ie: DeSantis) make statments like we should look foreward. There is no looking foreward. Nothing will change. You have to be a leader and a fighter.


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His motivation is not to alienate left leaning voters and independents. He doesn't want to be labled as a conspiracy theorist. The Left have become experts at labeling people to discredit them and then the MSM media runs with the smear campaign. Same with DeSantis.

These folks think they can appease the Left and gain some votes but they have no idea of the treachery they are facing. So they (ie: DeSantis) make statments like we should look foreward. There is no looking foreward. Nothing will change. You have to be a leader and a fighter.
Who out there running meets your criteria? Has Trump said what he would do specifically to address your voting issues?


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Who out there running meets your criteria? Has Trump said what he would do specifically to address your voting issues?

Trump knows it can't be fixed in the current form but he can appeal to Blacks and Hispanics and energize people to vote. That's why he's such a threat to the left. He's gaining momentum in those communities like no other candidate can. The other person that I think has a future in the party is Keri Lake. And Byron Donalds running on a ticket with Trump would be a solid ticket.
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