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two dollars and fourteen cents. Feel free to rebut whatever it was in there that you had a problem with. Do you disagree that gas went from 4 (or nearly 4) dollars a gallon under Bush back to 1.86 when Obama took office and that this was due in large part to the dramatic decrease in demand because of our tanking economy that Obama rescued? If so please explain the drop.

There are all sorts of factors that affect gas prices, just like there are all sorts of prices that affect milk prices. Trying to make it out like the president has some sort of magical control over that is asinine.


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two dollars and fourteen cents. Feel free to rebut whatever it was in there that you had a problem with. Do you disagree that gas went from 4 (or nearly 4) dollars a gallon under Bush back to 1.86 when Obama took office and that this was due in large part to the dramatic decrease in demand because of our tanking economy that Obama rescued? If so please explain the drop.

There are all sorts of factors that affect gas prices, just like there are all sorts of prices that affect milk prices. Trying to make it out like the president has some sort of magical control over that is asinine.

Drill, baby, drill.


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On the day before an election that's supposed to hinge on jobs, taxes and the middle class, Bain Capital, the company Mitt Romney founded, will close the doors of a factory in Freeport, Illinois, and ship 170 good, high-tech jobs to China.

The employees of Sensata Technologies were forced to train their Chinese replacements, and the American flag that long flew over the factory was reportedly removed while the Chinese engineers were visiting the site. A group of workers have set up camp across from the factory -- calling it “Bainport” -- and some supporters have tried to block the trucks hauling equipment out of the plant. According to Dave Johnson, there have been several arrests.

Sensata workers have asked to meet with Mitt Romney and hoped to enlist his help keeping their jobs in the United States, but he has refused, instead remaining on the campaign trail where he speaks often about “getting tough” with China.

He's so adorable.


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Mitt Romney’s debate performance will be remembered for two lowlights. The first is when he forced the moderator to fact-check him on the tragedy at the consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The second was his answer to a question about equal pay for women.

Instead of focusing on pay, he revealed that he couldn’t find enough capable women candidates to balance his administration:

And — and so we — we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet.

I went to a number of women’s groups and said, “Can you help us find folks,” and they brought us whole binders full of women.

This immediately set off a viral sensation on the Internet. The “Binders Full of Women” Facebook page already has over 200,000 likes. The American Bridge Super PAC already has up and running.

Nothing says classy employer like, “Bring me my binders full of women!”

Imagining if Romney’d said ‘we had binders full of blacks’ – or Latinos or Asians or whatever #noOKdude

— Tim Dickinson (@7im) October 17, 2012

A huge irony of this comment is that Romney was basically advocating for and explaining the need for affirmative action. Yet as governor, he rolled back “two decades of affirmative action advances.”

Some men didn’t understand why the phrase “binders full of women” instantly resonated. The Guardian‘s Emma G. Keller explains:

Why did the phrase resonate? Because it was tone deaf, condescending and out of touch with the actual economic issues that women are so bothered about. The phrase objectified and dehumanized women. It played right into the perception that so many women have feared about a Romney administration – that a president Romney would be sexist and set women back.

And here’s the worst part. It’s not even a true story. Mitt didn’t seek out these odd “binders full of women” out. The Boston Phoenix‘s David S. Bernstein explains:

It fucking resonated big time, in a bad way, for Republicans.
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Politics are stupid. The issues in which they discuss is not.

I didn't watch. I can't stand politics.

But I see this women in binders statement has taken off. Saw the collection of them on Yahoo.




I think it's kind of funny how everything a politician says is under a microscope and even the smallest misspoken word is taken to an extreme.

I still don't get why people get so involved with something they know is inherently corrupt.

You have people who on a football forum tell you a head coach needs at least 3 seasons to start to turn things around for that franchise but also expect a single guy to turn around an entire fucking country in just 4 years and then when he doesn't call for someone else like they fully expect that HE CAN turn around an entire country if just one term.

Politics just make me laugh. Both parties are just as delusional as their mindless swarm of indoctrinated, brain dead zombies that constantly votes in opposition of it's best interest.

I honestly can't wait until the election is over. Having to sit through Obama and Romney ads prior to each YouTube video is really cutting into my procrastination time.


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I liked how in his little diatribe about hiring women (which was a complete fabrication) he said something like

"Then they brought me all these male candidates and I was like why are they all men? And they said 'because they are the most qualified'. And I said well gee can't we get some women in there?"

I was like....ooooooohhhh anti-affirmative-action republicans are gonna HATE that so much. Romney saying fuck these qualified men get me some women in here. And some negroes while you're at it.

Turns out none of them care because they're all full of shit.
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It also had nothing to do with the question honestly. So he went out of his way to get a token to make himself look good. How does that address her €72 on the dollar question


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It also had nothing to do with the question honestly. So he went out of his way to get a token to make himself look good. How does that address her €72 on the dollar question

Both of them did the same thing on that though.

Oh Lorena I appreciate that question so much - it transitions perfectly into something completely different that I want to talk about.
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Which is why politics are stupid. "I'm awesome, that guys a dick! Believe me yolonda"

That's an interesting question and they didn't even address it. The answer pretty obviously is just social stereotypes, and the only answer really is to let it ween itself off rather than a pathetic Rooney rule

But then again divorce laws are crazy so gfy ladies


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I've read some things on the 72 cents on the dollar and it may not really be that big of a gap if at all but thats another thing.

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Bain Capital is a company he founded but no longer owns.

How could he have any influence in preventing the company from outsourcing the jobs, when clearly the company is deep in the stages of moving it to China?

Romney is doing the right thing.

The problem is that that company is outsourcing jobs to China in the first place. I commend Romney for continuing to campaign during a close election, so that he can hopefully get into office and make it less beneficial for companies to outsource those kinds of jobs in the future.


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That's what his company, the one he founded, does.

So it's adorable when he starts trying to talk tough on China and peeps sending jobs to China. It's like bitch this is how you made your money stfu.
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Does he still own the company?

Theres a difference between founding it, and still owning it.


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Yes there's a difference.

So it's adorable when he starts trying to talk tough on China and peeps sending jobs to China. It's like bitch this is how you made your money stfu.

made is the past-tense of make fyi

talking tough rings hollow when this is how you made your money - by chopping american companies up and sending them to china. And the company you co-founded is still doing it even as you sit up their and hypocritically rail against the practice.
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The answer to the question is no... he doesn't still own it. Hasn't since 2002.

Nice try though.
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