No, it isn't. Your faith is a fairy tale that can't be tested.
Have you tested the big bang theory?
lmfao right the bible is true because the bible says so. This just in, Harry Potter dies. Also, cult members do crazy shit. Like wear nikes and kill themselves. Nothing new there.
lol... Sorry you weren't able to talk to the eye-witnesses yourself. What's funny is you'll believe what you have read from some joe schmo scientist, but won't accept the same type of evidence in the other direction.
Still looking. All perfectly natural.
Color me shocked.
The funny thing is even if you grant some of these natural things as "miracles" Christians are left in the imminently uncomfortable position of explaining why their lord is so selective with his miracles. He helps people find their keys or loose change they needed but he's nowhere to be found when kids are getting blown up by land mines. Lets get some biblical noise up in this bitch. Fill some pits with meat and water and see whose god eats it up with fire. Or is your god too busy taking a shit to consume meat with fire and save children from land mines?
Awww... he got a little defensive here. Cute. You sound like you're trying to convince yourself of something that you don't really believe.
I'm not in an uncomfortable position. I can't explain why God works, I'm not God. Since I know I can't explain it, I don't try, and I don't get in uncomfortable positions.