Well..... I don't have anything really to say about this but..... Fellas I'm a deadeye shot with a rifle. If I have this shooter's perch and equipment, there's 4-5 slugs in this target before anyone even blinks. Maybe even more. These slugs are going in the chest and the intestines. Not the head. Even though I assume he's flak jacketed I'm still shooting the chest and guts. Better target than the head and movement of these doesn't change the target profile majorly.
Don't know that there's anything to say about the above. I'm not trying to suggest anything.
What I do see is two main camps: One camp hates it that he missed and the other is gleeful that it was tried. And that's a sad indictment of where we are as a country today.
Was this moron a professional sniper? Almost assuredly not.
Did he act by himself, 100% absolutely not.
When they shot JFK, where did they shoot him at and why do you think they did that?
As for the last part of your statement, there is nobody on the Trump side that is "gleeful" this was tried and to suggest that is probably as depraved as the people that tried to make this happen in the first place. Somebodies husband, father and grandfather came within millimeters of being blown away. Two or three innocent onlookers were shot and one of them is a husband and father who lost his life.
This was a disgusting, sick act of depravity by the slime of fucking humanity and many on that side are indeed "disappointed" that their fucking plan didnt work (and even said so publicly). But nobody on the other side says "wow what a great day this was!!!!!"