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Too well for some.

Agreed. I'd widen the gap between unemployment/welfare and minimum wage. Make it worth their while.

You can always crash at someone house if you're dirt poor, so if the welfare + basement combo is up your alley go ahead I guess.

But you can't do shit if you're kids leukemia treatment gets denied

Bob Sacamano

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Agreed. I'd widen the gap between unemployment/welfare and minimum wage. Make it worth their while.

You can always crash at someone house if you're dirt poor, so if the welfare + basement combo is up your alley go ahead I guess.

But you can't do shit if you're kids leukemia treatment gets denied

Yep. Too bad these extreme bi-partisan faggots are so faggedly bipartisan. There is no happy median.

Let's vote for the guy who is going to increase my taxes!!! - says one side

Let's become a socialist utopia!! - says the other.
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Should Obama call Romney a liar?

Could Obama have done more? Maybe a little. But there are really only two ways he could have been substantially more effective. The first would have been to somehow hammer home the math. Color me skeptical that there's any way to do that for your average undecided voter, who can probably balance his checkbook but not much more. They'd zone out almost instantly.

The second way is to just call Romney a liar to his face. But the conventional wisdom says you can't do that. It's too negative and voters don't like it. Personally, of course, I think it would be fascinating to watch Obama buck that conventional wisdom and flatly accuse Romney of lying, followed by a challenge to Romney to prove him wrong by laying out a set of deductions that will cover his 20% rate cuts. Fascinating! But it's also the kind of pipe dream that only bloggers can indulge in. In reality, no matter how satisfying it might feel, the conventional wisdom is probably right. It would hurt Obama, not help him.

Why? Because one of the weird aspects of American politics is that voters, no matter how cynical they claim to be, basically accept politicians at their word when they make concrete promises. Romney says he won't raise middle class taxes? Then he won't. Romney says his plan won't increase the deficit? Then it won't. The fact that it might be mathematically impossible doesn't seem to carry any weight. It's all just confusing numbers, after all. What matters is whether you think Mitt Romney would look you in the eye and tell a bald lie. Most people don't, and unless you've literally got a secret video with smoking gun evidence proving otherwise, they consider accusations of lying to be playground level mudslinging.

Maybe that's weird. Maybe that's unfair. But it's reality, and it's a pretty good deal for Mitt Romney.

William Gale of the Tax Policy Center is the co-author of a report showing that Romney's tax plan is mathematically impossible, and that's made him the target of endless attacks from the Romney campaign.

Romney's "plan" is impossible.

At the same time, it's tough to corner him on it because he won't commit to anything. When asked how what loopholes he is going to close, what deductions he is going to do away with, he will say he could do this, or that, or he'll go into some diatribe about how he's not cutting anyone's exemptions, but his campaign has yet to outline an actual plan and the morons who want to vote for him don't seem to care.

"Romney said he'd lower my taxes by 20%!"

He makes no mention of how to pay for it. He trumps the "Revenue-neutral" line and then when pressed on the math Ryan claims he doesn't have time to explain it. It's nonsense and it's bullshit and I can't believe so many people are falling for it. He doesn't even have a fucking plan that anyone can score/review. It's too goddam vague. And none of you care.
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I fail to see how anyone's tax plan can be "impossible." I mean Romney could pledge to eradicate taxes altogether, and it wouldn't be impossible. It would mean the entire government would be working for free (maybe not a bad idea), sure. But it doesn't make it impossible.


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Becomes impossible when your mantra is fiscal responsibility and balancing the budget, yet you keep declaring no cuts to benefits, no tax increases (in fact there will be tax cuts, hooray!), and won't specify what loopholes you will close, but continue to insist that you'll stick to the mantra all "revenue-neutral" like.

It isn't physically possible to do what they've described. Their strategy appears to be "keep it so vague that the idiots who are voting for us will continue to believe we can actually do it".

After all, if they never fully specify what their plan is, noone can tell them it won't work. Brilliant. :rolleyes


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It's obviously a winning strategy. It worked 4 years ago, and look where we are now.

I disagree, but let's say that's true for a moment -

your best argument in defense of your support for Mitt and his idiotic plan that isn't even a plan is "I'm just as stupid as people who voted for Obama 4 years ago"?
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your best argument in defense of your support for Mitt and his idiotic plan that isn't even a plan is "I'm just as stupid as people who voted for Obama 4 years ago"?
I'm not defending Mitt. I'd look like just as big of an idiot as anyone who tries to defend Obama. I can't stand either one of them.


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I'm not defending Mitt. I'd look like just as big of an idiot as anyone who tries to defend Obama. I can't stand either one of them.

Well they're your choices. And one has an actual plan for our economy. The other has a nonsense revenue-neutral piece of trash.
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Well they're your choices. And one has an actual plan for our economy.
Obama had his chance. He talked mad shit about how he was going to turn it around and didn't do it. Talk about fuzzy math... some of the number crunching that has come out of the Obama camp when it comes to the economy would baffle Einstein.


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Unemployment has been dropping consistently after rising meteorically under Bush and peaking 10 months into Obama's term before he could get it stopped. (Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics i.e. not the Obama Camp) Economy that.
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Becomes impossible when your mantra is fiscal responsibility and balancing the budget, yet you keep declaring no cuts to benefits, no tax increases (in fact there will be tax cuts, hooray!), and won't specify what loopholes you will close, but continue to insist that you'll stick to the mantra all "revenue-neutral" like.

It isn't physically possible to do what they've described. Their strategy appears to be "keep it so vague that the idiots who are voting for us will continue to believe we can actually do it".

After all, if they never fully specify what their plan is, noone can tell them it won't work. Brilliant. :rolleyes
It's common sense that you can't cut taxes and keep benefits the same. Anyone believing that would be a moron. But I don't think Romney is saying no cuts to benefits. He's said he would repeal Obamacare. I think you're just parroting the dems doomsday party line.

I'm also sure there are probably thousands of places where government expenditures can be tightened up and streamlined without cuts to actual benefits.


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He's said he would repeal Obamacare, but then later (in the debate) he says he'd keep the parts of it that he likes. The bottom line is his promises don't match up with reality, and when pressed on that, he changes the subject, claims he doesn't have time to explain, or declares he'll work that out with people after the election.

Shouldn't you want your representative to have something that makes sense, that can be graded by economists, before voting for him? Right now they can't even review his plan because there's nothing useful in it.

Bob Sacamano

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Sheik, did you lay out a similar memo to your employees?

So where am I going with all this? It's quite simple. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.
So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn't? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the "1 percenters" are bad, I'm telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won't be at the hands of the "1%"; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.


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lol that dude is fucking pathetic.

His profits are higher than ever despite cutting back his work force already (so his employees are probably already overworked) and he has the gall to say if Obama is reelected and Obamacare stays put I might just shut down business altogether.


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Unemployment has been dropping consistently after rising meteorically under Bush and peaking 10 months into Obama's term before he could get it stopped. (Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics i.e. not the Obama Camp) Economy that.

It's at the same point it was when Obama was running for President. And that's after using fuzzy math to make it drop .4 from last month when you'd need 40 x the amount of jobs created in one month to make it move that much.
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