Does Midswat constitute as being 'most'?
Let me just reitterate....
Redskins is not a racial slur.
Your poll is inherently biased.And he's got Redskins gear decorating his office.
I also think it's funny/ironic when the most vocal friend of mine who is a Redskins fan is black.
No asswipe, they had the benefit of rightfully calling them by heir tribal names, like Cherokee, Iroqouis, Choctaw, Apache, etc.
And go up and call a Black person "colored", and see what will happen.
One time I was standing in line at the pharmacy and there was this huge 6'6 260 lb. Indian just letting this black guy have it for cutting in line. He was going on and on and on and would not drop it.
I don't feel guilty about anything. I just recognize that discrimination isn't good and I wish it didn't happen.Does any of the folks feeling white guilt believe for any moment in time that if the roles were reversed, that history would be any fucking different? Man kind black, white, yellow, purple, brown... whatever there was. Are a virus upon this planet, killing one another and taking their shit. White people did it for a while, but before them... it was the Spanish, French, Hell every fucking Country in Europe and Asia make the shit we pulled for a couple hundred years look like NOTHING.
Get over it America, before you've PC'd yourself into being nothing but the whiny fucking French.