Roger Goodell proved why again he's a huge sack of shit for his little letter defending the name.
The fact that the team named was coined by the racist, in order to be racist, pretty much eliminates all opposing arguments.
I can see why tribes would want to keep names like "Fighting Sioux" or "Braves" around, but there's nothing to be proud of over "Redskin" either. Racism aside, it's just a shitty name with zero intimidation factor.
Zero intimidation???? Naked bloodthirsty heathen savages out to scalp and rape, not intimidating?
if you get in the midst of a friendly conversation and just ask them to their face if the term is offensive (like in a poll), they will probably say it's not. But if you use it to refer to them in a derogatory manner, I'm betting they would say it is.Sometimes I have occasion to be in rural Oklahoma where there's a very high Indian/Native American/Redskin population... I've seen a couple of guys who really did have the reddest skin I've ever seen. It's kind of cool, really, because I have some interest in their culture. One day if I strike up a conversation with a couple of them and I can work it in, I'm going to ask them about this.
I really don't know what they'd say. My sense is that they have a lot thicker skin than the lily white PC police who are looking for something to be offended about, and would say they don't care. But I don't know. To me, "Redskin" seems... Impolite and antiquated, but not on its face offensive. What is wrong with mentioning the color of someone's skin... It doesn't necessarily imply anything negative.
The way things are going, and despite what Snyder has said, I bet it gets changed before too many more years pass.
Suck a dick Laz.
“I think that first of all, you have to make a decision whether you consider it offensive or not, and frankly, the members of my tribe, the vast majority, don’t find it offensive,” Green said. “I’ve been a Redskins fan for years and to be honest with you, I would be offended if they did change it.”
'Redskins' mascot acceptable, poll says
More than 90 percent of American Indians not bothered by name
An Associated Press poll conducted form April 11 through 15 of 1,004 adults found that 79 percent didn’t believe the Redskins should change their name.
If a team was called the N-word, I think I would support a change of name as well.
To be clear I'm not out there publicly asking the Redskins to change their name. I think it's pretty sad that probably the most racist NFL franchise historically continues to cling to a racist nickname. I also think it's funny/ironic when the most vocal friend of mine who is a Redskins fan is black.
I also think it would be funny if little Danny Snyder was forced to change the name. I would think it was funny if Jerry Jones were forced to hire a GM. I like it when people who get drunk on their perceived power are shown that they're not as powerful as they think they are.
The only people offended by the term are the bleeding heart liberals.
My question is: why now? The word "redskin" is no more offensive today than it was five years ago, 10 years ago, or 20 years ago. Why the sudden groundswell to get it changed?
Would you all not agree that less discrimination is a good thing?