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GOP Calls to Invoke 25th Amendment After Special Counsel Casts Doubt on Biden’s Mental Acuity: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Codes’

While highlighting evidence of America’s oldest ever president “willfully” mishandling classified documents, Special Counsel Hur’s report details Biden’s significant cognitive decline — perhaps more politically damning than his handling of classified materials.

The report, released Thursday, concludes that prosecution is unlikely due to the challenges of proving willful intent beyond a reasonable doubt and Biden’s sympathetic public image.

In response, Republican members are urging the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment — which addresses presidential succession and disability procedures — or face impeachment, while questioning how Democrats in “good conscience” can tell Americans he is mentally competent enough to continue being Commander-in-Chief.

“For the safety of our nation, Joe Biden must resign,” declared Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL). “He could not remember basic facts about his life. He is not competent to remain as Commander-in-Chief & every day that he remains, he puts America at risk.”

“If he won’t resign, the Cabinet must invoke the 25th Amendment,” she added.



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This is all part of a master plan. Biden, who is a useful idiot and lackey for Obama, had no intentions of stepping down which is what the left wanted. So the Special Counsel (SC) comes out with this report that's a complete win for the left. It protects Biden from any future prosecution of any kind, as the SC report basically gives biden a free pass on all past, present and future criminal acts. The SC report can be used by his defense in any criminal trial related to Hunter or anything else. It's an umbrella policy.

And it gives the left a chance to call for the 25th Ammedndment to remove him and Republicans are falling right into the trap.

Joe Biden actually hurts himself when he questiosn the SC's findings on his mental capacity and just further proves the sham that the SC investigation was.

DOJ has completely ignored their duty and oath to the constitution (again) and are completely corrupted and politicized.


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It will be hard to sell the fraud count to the masses if Biden stays in office and runs again in 2024. You won't be able to tell the masses that this useful idiot that DOJ has stated is not a mentally functioning individual got 81 million (or whatever) votes.

You can't out think these people. They're treasonous crooks......


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Is Biden completely unfit to be President? 100%, and he was unfit from day one.

Do I want to see them remove him from office? No, and Republicans shouldnt either. The far left REALLY wants Biden out because they know there's a really good chance he will lose. Replacing him with Gruesome Newsome, Big Mike or some other flaming libtard is their dream right now.

Plus, who wants to see the rest of this yr with that cackling cock gobbling crack whore Kamala as #1


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In declining to prosecute Biden, Hur’s office also cited what it said was Biden’s “limited memory” both during his 2017 recorded conversations with the ghostwriter and in an interview with investigators last year.

“Given Mr. Biden’s limited precision and recall during his interviews with his ghostwriter and with our office, jurors may hesitate to place too much evidentiary weight on a single eight-word utterance to his ghostwriter about finding classified documents in Virginia, in the absence of other, more direct evidence.”

First thing I would note about this case is the statute that Trump was charged with violating. It does not mention willfulness, or intent. It simply sates that unauthorized retention of classified documents is a crime. Trump was charged with 31 counts of violating this law.

My personal opinion is that everyone violates this law. I think Biden and Trump are only two out of everyone in congress, the senate and the VP and presidents of the past. Of course all these people should take better care of the country's secrets and steps should be taken to ensure they do. But I do not think Trump or Biden should be prosecuted. At this stage I do not see how they can prosecute Trump and not Biden. At least Trump can argue he has classification authority. Biden cannot make this argument.

At this point, the judge in Trump's case should be asking the DOJ why they are prosecuting Trump but not Biden. Any argument that Biden was not willful in his possession of documents is nonsense. He had them for 15 years or more, and he knew it since he told his ghostwriter he had them.

Selective prosecution is enough grounds for the judge to dismiss the charges against Trump.


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Here's the C-SPAN video of the SCOTUS Hearing, with annotations as to who is speaking.

I listened to about 2/3 of this video and I couldn't take any more of the lawyer representing Anderson. It appears to me this is going to be a 9-0 ruling against Colorado. As Justice Kavanaugh stated,, there is a federal insurrection statute enacted by congress and Trump was not been charged with committing insurrection and he has not been convicted. So how does Colorado make the claim he committed insurrection? Even Kagan grilled him on how a state can basically decide the presidency on its own?

These clowns pushing this argument to take Trump off the ballot are dangerous and risk destroying democracy.


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Even the liberal justices were not buying the BS that the anti-Trump lawyers were selling. This should be a 9-0 decision. The clown lawyer for Colorado kept saying Trump committed insurrection until finally Kavanaugh shut him up by citing the federal statute and saying Trump was never charged with violation of the statute.


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GOP Calls to Invoke 25th Amendment After Special Counsel Casts Doubt on Biden’s Mental Acuity: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Codes’

While highlighting evidence of America’s oldest ever president “willfully” mishandling classified documents, Special Counsel Hur’s report details Biden’s significant cognitive decline — perhaps more politically damning than his handling of classified materials.

The report, released Thursday, concludes that prosecution is unlikely due to the challenges of proving willful intent beyond a reasonable doubt and Biden’s sympathetic public image.

In response, Republican members are urging the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment — which addresses presidential succession and disability procedures — or face impeachment, while questioning how Democrats in “good conscience” can tell Americans he is mentally competent enough to continue being Commander-in-Chief.

“For the safety of our nation, Joe Biden must resign,” declared Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL). “He could not remember basic facts about his life. He is not competent to remain as Commander-in-Chief & every day that he remains, he puts America at risk.”

“If he won’t resign, the Cabinet must invoke the 25th Amendment,” she added.

He still has 40% of the peoples support in recent polls. Think about that. 40% of voters still think he is capable of being president. You want to know what is wrong with America? This is what is wrong with America. 40% of Americans think this senile old liar is doing a good job!


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He still has 40% of the peoples support in recent polls. Think about that. 40% of voters still think he is capable of being president. You want to know what is wrong with America? This is what is wrong with America. 40% of Americans think this senile old liar is doing a good job!
Avg IQ of most of those voters, probably no more than 17


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He still has 40% of the peoples support in recent polls. Think about that. 40% of voters still think he is capable of being president. You want to know what is wrong with America? This is what is wrong with America. 40% of Americans think this senile old liar is doing a good job!

I doubt that, a good chunk of that 40% are voting against Trump aka anyone but Trump


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I doubt that, a good chunk of that 40% are voting against Trump aka anyone but Trump
And that shows those people are as bad as the typical liberal

It should be criminal to be this fucking dumb and rationalize voting FOR Communists by saying "anyone but Trump"


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Trump says he warned NATO allies: Spend more on defense or Russia can ‘do whatever the hell they want’

I understand what Trump is trying to convey, but to say it this way just makes controversy where none has to exist. He need to show his machismo with these silly stories about how he talked tough to world leaders. If only he talked as tough about Democrats. Remember, it was Trump who caved in multiple times when he didn't get border wall funding.

At the end of his rallies, his exit song should be "Big Shot" by Billy Joel.
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