Jeruh is gonna let Garrett hold out hope that he will be extended just long enough for the NYG to hire someone else
That way he doesn’t have to worry about Garrett beating him twice a year every year
If so it still won't hurt Jerry's bottom line. Let's get back to your now totally debunked original claim:The Cowboys had 5 primetime games this season. If Garrett somehow gets extended? That number is going to go down.
It would not be bad for business. The TV deal stays the same, the networks have to sell adverts to recoup what they paid the league for the rights. The TV money is distributed equally to all teams by the league. It makes exactly zero fucks what teams are on TV, makes exactly zero difference what the ratings are. Only thing it would hurt is Jerruh's pride. It sure wouldn't dent his business at all. Or the league's either.I can't imagine that at this point Garrett gets an extension. It would be bad for business at this point.