I just said I don't see the purpose in those weapons or magazines. Seems like a lot of machismo BS to me.
oh that could well be part of it. they just come standard w/30 round clips. if you wanted to drop it to 10 just to "regulate" it then they can put like 3 coupled together and when one is out just bump it over to the next clip and keep on going. i really don't see a "right" or "wrong" in any of this, just how people feel about it.
i don't have the stats with me, but very few actual crimes are committed with an AR-15. for sandy hook, it's still "cloudy" if he even had the bushmaster with him. if he did, i've also heard it jammed on him (which will happen with cheaper guns and "after market" 30 round clips) but then again, obama said it was "fully automatic" which was news to the world, but hey, it spread fear.
i wish people would educate themselves on what they wish to "police" vs. just go "guns bad, outlaw them!" and keep scaring people who simply don't know enough about guns to do more than take politicians word on it. as we've seen, even some of the politicians are clueless on what they're demanding gets regulated. (see democrat bitch in colorado who thinks high cap mags, once used, are discarded and of no use any more).
as for guns in the schools, that's a double edged sword but i do feel we'd likely spend less $ putting an armed, trained guard in the schools vs. try to ban things that in the end, simply won't be banned. what about double stack pistols that can put 18+ rounds in 1 pistol? are we concerned about how many bullets are in a clip or mag before having to put another one in, or just the AR-15? if just the AR-15, why?
appreciate the civil discussion on this.